More tenants renew on Yardi
Retain tenants with powerful tenant services
Make life easier for tenants and staff with a self-service portal and native mobile app for tenants to make lease payments and enter maintenance requests and retail sales data online.

Improve Tenant Experience
Consider your tenants. Like you, your tenants are busy multi-taskers. Convenience is critical to tenant satisfaction. CommercialCafe provides not only the desired convenience, but also helps to raise retention rates.

Deliver Secure Access
Stay connected with your tenants via secure tenant portals and mobile apps for online payments, retail sales reporting, concierge services, maintenance requests, property and tenant documents, announcements and more.

Increase Convenience
CommercialCafe allows tenants to view lease documents and submit and track maintenance requests from a mobile device. Tenants can make payments online with a convenient, paperless self-service option. Site employees spend less time processing payments, allowing them to focus on higher value tasks.
See how MacKenzie Management Company does it

Reduce Risk
Automate insurance verification and compliance with TenantShield. Custom rules ensure each tenant meets specific requirements identified by you. Three service levels provide the right amount of support for your organization.
Self Service: Yardi provides the necessary software to conduct verifications in-house.
Full Service: All screening, verification and compliance activities are outsourced to Yardi.