Client Success

Bayshore HealthCare

Bayshore HealthCare

  • Yardi has enhanced our interprofessional communication by providing us with a single platform to document, monitor and coordinate our interventions and care plans.

    Michael Peng, Director of Data, Digital Health and Projects
  • Yardi really helps staff feel part of the care team.

    Joshua Kirubanandan, Project Manager, EMR

    The Company

    Bayshore HealthCare, a Canadian-owned company, is a leading provider of home and community health care services. Bayshore Integrated Care Solutions (ICS) provides service in southern Ontario and offers an Alternative Level of Care (ALC) Transitional Program, which supports over 500 clients a year as they transition from a hospital to an interim short-stay facility (Transitional Care Unit/TCU).

    The Challenge

    Inefficient Paper Processes

    Bayshore ICS previously used paper processes that were time consuming, susceptible to errors and difficult to maintain. Paper workflows also meant information was scattered across locations — and wasn’t easily retrievable — risking inconsistencies that could affect resident safety. Bayshore ICS sought a single connected solution that would centralize everything needed in one secure place.

    The Solution

    Yardi EHR

    Yardi EHR is an integrated, interoperable electronic health record solution designed for senior living. This single connected solution combines the clinical intake process, medication management, charting, behavior management and more on a browser-based platform.

    The Story

    Operating Without Technology

    Before Yardi, Bayshore ICS relied on paper for charting, assessments, medication management and more, which brought an array of challenges.

    Not only was there a lack of standardized practices across TCU locations, but paper also made it difficult to store and retrieve information, evaluate the clinical effectiveness and complete audits. Not to mention, paper workflows posed challenges for supporting care remotely.

    The obstacles paper workflows created didn’t stop there. Communicating information across teams wasn’t optimal, causing staff members to feel siloed. Communication during emergency transfers was particularly inefficient since caregivers had to manually transcribe data or photocopy charts.

    Since making the switch to Yardi EHR — a single connected solution that simplifies record keeping and streamlines caregiver workflows — Bayshore ICS is driving success in new ways. To help make that success possible, leaders focused on engaging stakeholders, prioritizing clear communication and supporting staff during implementation.

    Centralizing Data, Workflows and Reports

    With Yardi EHR centralizing resident records, standardized care workflows and clinical reporting in one place, the TCU teams no longer need to dig for information. The secure, intuitive platform makes it easy to retrieve important documentation — without searching across various locations.

    “In Yardi, there are specific tabs for each document where it can easily be located, and we can easily navigate from one client to another — which is great,” shared one caregiver.

    Yardi EHR also offers the power of integration, helping Bayshore ICS further centralize workflows and boost efficiency. Integration with Voyager Senior Housing organizes census and billing and integration with Senior IQ offers real-time, insightful data that informs decision-making. Working from one integrated platform ultimately helps Bayshore ICS gain enhanced oversight of clinical operations — across every single location.

    Bayshore ICS also utilizes Yardi eMAR, which simplifies medication management by offering a centralized, efficient view of medications, as well as convenient reminders.

    Saving Time

    Saying goodbye to paper processes offers additional benefits for Bayshore ICS, including time savings. With Yardi EHR uniting on a single digital platform — which houses everything staff needs — teams complete tasks quicker and more efficiently. This includes performing assessments, managing shift-to-shift handovers and pulling information from charts.  

    “Freeing more time is a big factor,” shared a member of the care staff. “We no longer need to get each client’s chart one by one, and search for a client’s particular documents, which is time-consuming.”

    Empowering Staff

    Yardi EHR created another success for Bayshore ICS: empowered staff. Across teams and locations, 80% of staff members have provided positive feedback on Yardi EHR.

    One attribute teams love is the easy-to-use interface. “Yardi is easy to learn and to navigate,” shared a Bayshore ICS caregiver.

    Teams also appreciate specific features, such as the ability to filter progress notes, auto-populate resident information and track vital-sign trends, as well as things like automated reminders and single sign-on. “I like the triggers that remind me what’s next to complete,” shared another Bayshore ICS caregiver.