For Oak Cliff

By on Sep 18, 2024 in Giving

For Oak Cliff

Oak Cliff has become a popular neighborhood in southwestern Dallas, Texas. Unfortunately, with gentrification, South Oak Cliff has experienced hardship. Fortunately, For Oak Cliff has become the backbone of the community, providing foundational support to empower residents.

Yardi-supported nonprofit For Oak Cliff (FOC) was founded in 2015. It engages and supports residents of the “Superblock” to realize their greatest potential by believing in themselves and their collective power to advance the neighborhood’s desired outcomes. Through the collective movement of organizations, residents and community partners in and beyond the Superblock, FOC brings systemic change and generational impact to the community. FOC’s work is based on four pillars to address systemic disparities:

  1. Education
  2. Advocacy
  3. Community Building
  4. The Arts

These pillars are fulfilled in a two-generation (2Gen) approach, a unique strategy that serves parents and children simultaneously through many interdisciplinary programs. This approach provides comprehensive support to families and fosters a sense of unity and shared growth within the community.

“FOC is focusing on providing culturally relevant programs to families of all ages,” said Xavier Henderson, chief development officer at For Oak Cliff.

FOC provides services directly to clients at the Community Campus, which has improved the neighborhood’s environment and secures partners to fill resident needs on-site. In 2022, FOC made its final payment to acquire the former Moorland YMCA. With this acquisition, FOC increased its space from 4,000 to 20,000 square feet with ten acres of land. This new facility allows for scaling FOC’s existing programming and adding athletics, environmental sciences and civic engagement.

“To date, FOC has recruited over 3,500+ people to our free membership,” Henderson said, highlighting the growing momentum and community support for FOC’s mission.

Funding from Yardi supports FOC in stabilizing the general operations of programs and administration as its leadership, team, and board work to create a formal strategic plan to evaluate its impact better and solidify its long-term vision.

“We are so grateful for the support Yardi has continued to provide,” expressed Henderson. He continued, “We are grateful both for this donation and the continued belief in our mission and vision here in South Oak Cliff. Our team was elated for this year’s gift not only because you all donated again but also because of the dramatic increase! We are thankful for our growing partnership with you all.”

Events at For Oak Cliff

FOC recently held its Back to School Festival in August, celebrating its ten years of service. The festival was a joyous occasion where kids received backpacks stuffed with school supplies and enjoyed music and goodies. FOC is now gearing up to launch a 10-year capital campaign in 2025, which will be unveiled at the 2025 Juneteenth Gala.

“We would love for the Yardi team to know that we will be planning a Juneteenth Gala in 2025, and we will send out an invite as the date gets closer. This gala will celebrate ten years of service and an opportunity to learn more about our strategic plan and our vision for the future,” Henderson explained.

Volunteer Opportunities

FOC has volunteer opportunities throughout the year for its monthly Famers Market, the first Saturday. Those interested can fill out the form here.

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