Senior Living Suite Classes ...

You might have heard about the Yardi Advanced Solutions Conference (YASC). YASC Virtual, a cutting-edge conference where you can explore Yardi solutions with classes and engaging live chat rooms, is happening March 11-12, and it’s free to all Yardi clients. Did you know there are five classes specifically for the Yardi Senior Living Suite this year? Here’s a quick summary of what the senior living classes at YASC Virtual will cover. For more details, see the complete class listings. Spotlight on senior living Join us as we showcase the latest innovations in the Yardi Senior Living Suite and reveal exciting future changes planned this year. We’re always evolving our solutions to help you streamline operations and provide improved services for your community and residents. Learn about new tools and features in the Senior Living Suite that can help you achieve your goals. Increasing productivity with free senior living training resources This class outlines free training resources for senior living and how you can use them to increase productivity and confidence on your team. Maximizing the impact of EHR with interoperability & interfaces Learn how Yardi EHR interfaces connect your communities to the broader healthcare ecosystem so you can optimize care delivery and resident outcomes. Explore how this connection supports value-based care. Voyager 8: Senior CRM overview & migration basics Discover the advantages of our latest Senior CRM update on Voyager 8. This session dives into exciting new features and powerful enhancements so you can explore how upgrading can accelerate progress for your community. Get expert strategies for a seamless and powerful transition. Voyager 8: Housing overview & migration basics The next generation of Voyager Senior Housing is here! This class provides an overview of how this new simplified and intuitive user interface organizes functions...

New At SSA Spring 2025 Mar04

New At SSA Spring 2025...

It’s almost time for the Self Storage Association (SSA) to host SSA Spring 2025, their biggest annual event on the East Coast. This year, Yardi is a sponsor, presenter and exhibitor — and our experts have a lot to show attendees. This is a rare opportunity on a national stage for the self storage industry to network, explore the latest tech and discover new ways to connect with customers. For those who haven’t been to an SSA event in a while, the 2025 Spring Conference & Trade Show is a great year to jump back in. For one, as an Ambassador Sponsor, it’s our job to help make the trip worth the while. We’re going to showcase our innovative facility marketing, management and market research solutions built just for the self storage industry. What Yardi offers Jeff Bailey, regional manager at Yardi, will host a roundtable to guide attendees through the process of streamlining business operations with a single connected solution. Join him on March 13 from 2:45-4 p.m. EDT. Our team will be at SSA Spring 2025 to demo and discuss four solutions attendees need to see: Yardi Storage Manager: Our leading-edge cloud-based platform for institutional self storage operators. A suite of optional add-on modules expands the functionality of the system to include advanced marketing, stored goods protection, procurement, construction, forecasting, investment management and more. Yardi Breeze Premier: Our all-in-one platform that is ideal for small- to mid-sized self storage businesses. Everything one would need for facility marketing, leasing, operations and accounting comes in one highly affordable package. Yardi Matrix: Real estate’s leading marketing intelligence tool for property-level data on over 38,000 facilities nationwide. StorageCafe: The self storage industry’s leading ILS for streamlined lead-to lease marketing tools that help find customers faster. Stop...

HOTMA Voucher Final Rule Feb26

HOTMA Voucher Final Rule...

As you know, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is constantly keeping us on our toes and for good reason. The HOTMA voucher final rule introduces changes as part of a collective effort to enhance housing stability and address rising rents. For Public Housing Agencies (PHAs), keeping up with HUD changes is key to staying compliant and providing the best possible support to families.  Gabrielle Van Horn, senior director at Yardi and an expert in PHA compliance and operations, explains, “Our goal at Yardi is to help PHAs navigate HUD’s evolving requirements. The latest changes reflect greater flexibility and responsiveness in the HCV program.” Let’s take a closer look at these recent changes and how they may impact your agency. Notice PIH 2024-34 HUD recently released Notice PIH 2024-34, which provides guidance for PHAs on Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) payment standards as part of HOTMA voucher final rule. These changes are mandated by the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization (HOTMA) Act of 2016 and are designed to increase flexibility and equity in the HCV program. Relevant changes include how PHAs manage increases and decreases in payment standards, as well as adjustments to family composition and voucher size. Payment standard increase Under the notice, PHAs are now required to implement increases in payment standards during interim reexaminations, rather than waiting until annual reexamination or when moving into a new unit. This adjustment allows families to get help faster when rents go up. If the payment standard increases for households under a Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract, they will get the benefit of the new payment standard at the earliest of: A change in the gross rent or family share An interim or annual reexamination One year after the effective date of the new...

Automate Resident Screening...

Senior living providers, like all property managers, must carefully screen prospective residents to ensure the safety of their communities. To avoid issues and liability risks, it’s important to examine criminal history and verify income when identifying new residents. And while resident screening may sound simple, keeping track of all requirements — for each individual prospect — is challenging. That’s why an automated screening system, one tailored to senior living communities, is essential. Fortunately for Yardi clients using RentCafe Senior CRM, that exact system is integrated into the resident move-in workflow. Meet ScreeningWorks Pro, our tenant background check solution. Why use resident screening? ScreeningWorks Pro provides comprehensive reports and automated recommendations to help senior living providers select low-risk residents, ensuring a safer environment for everyone. You can access critical information in real time, and results are customized to meet your criteria. Best of all, everything is compiled in one centralized system. That’s because ScreeningWorks Pro is integrated with the Voyager leasing workflow in Senior CRM. Both Senior CRM and ScreeningWorks Pro can communicate back and forth to: Submit applicant information for screening Submit changes to existing screenings Communicate application results back into the system’s screening page Benefits of ScreeningWorks Pro What else sets ScreeningWorks Pro apart? Tailored to the needs of senior living providers, this built-in solution helps you: Obtain applicant credit histories that can be evaluated using Vantage 3.0 or your specific credit criteria Conduct comprehensive criminal record checks Examine civil court records for past landlord-tenant disputes including filings, judgements and forcible detainers Enable automatic income verification Review apartment rental payment history from Experian RentBureau Check for possible matches to the Specifically Designated National (SDN) list from the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Customize your screening processes to ensure you comply with Fair Housing laws,...

Get Ready for the Forum Feb20

Get Ready for the Forum...

The Yardi Affordable Housing and PHA Forum will bring together Yardi clients, team members and industry leaders in a group setting for discussion of challenges and technology solutions. If you are not yet signed up to attend, make plans today! The Forum is happening in Nashville on April 10-11. Get additional details and a link to register. What does the Yardi Forum offer? New this year, the Forum will host panel presentations from affordable housing and PHA industry leaders. Panels will cover topical subjects, including the state of the industry with considerations of changes to funding processes and compliance requirements, such as HOTMA. The core of the Forum agenda is in-person classroom learning. When you attend the Forum, you have a prime opportunity to increase the benefits Yardi solutions can deliver to your agency or affordable housing organization. Forum attendees can choose from 60+ classes, each covering specific Yardi products and/or industry topics. Classes are generally small, taught by Yardi employees, and are set up to encourage questions from attendees. Who should attend the Yardi Forum? As an instructional learning event, the Forum is designed for PHA and affordable housing professionals who use Yardi every day. From front office site staff to accountants and housing compliance specialists (and everyone in between), the Forum is a perfect setting to find new ways to leverage Yardi technology. What benefits will Forum attendees get? Opportunities to learn proper use of Yardi solutions at the Forum go beyond what users may get from online classes, user manuals and independent research. The Forum offers focused sessions that cover topics critical to finding efficiency in the workplace with Yardi technology. Many Yardi clients are familiar with our annual Yardi Advanced Solutions Conference (YASC). While YASC is always a big, exciting...

Elite Status Feb18

Elite Status

Last year, Yardi joined a select club of businesses to whom the Better Business Bureau grants membership. The BBB accepted Yardi after completing an accreditation process that certified the company’s rigorous ethical practices in business operations, dispute resolution and data protection. The BBB, founded in 1912 and based in Arlington, Virginia, is a nonprofit organization that partners with leading companies to promote best practices in business ethics, marketplace excellence and effective industry self-regulation. More than 90 BBB chapters are active in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Benefits of BBB membership include positive visibility and credibility among consumers and other businesses. Accredited businesses can leverage online BBB advertising, marketing and media resources, along with a plaque, certificate and window decals. The membership also offers consumers a platform for resolving disputes and posting reviews. “These tools will help you to enhance your reputation and build a better business,” says Rick Copelan, president and CEO of the BBB chapter that encompasses the tri-county area around Yardi’s headquarters in Santa Barbara, California. This chapter approves only 6% of applications for certification. “Earning BBB membership helps us show our clients and the real estate markets we serve that we’re committed to delivering high-quality products and services while upholding the highest standard of ethical conduct,” says Arnold Brier, senior vice president and general counsel for...

Season of Love

Happy February! Our senior living clients shared stories of warmth and love this winter, captured on social media and blogs. Embrace the spirit of love in senior living communities with vibrant flowers, the beauty of art, delightful dining experiences and cherished wedding anniversaries. Nature’s love letters Maplewood Senior Living shared a flower-arranging activity from Maplewood at Darien, an event to encourage the power of creativity to enrich the lives of residents. Maplewood shared that arranging flowers “not only brought out their artistic flair but also fostered a sense of accomplishment and joy.” Celebrating February as HEART month, Maplewood also shared about raising money for the HEART Foundation and highlighted inspiring stories of love in Maplewood communities.    Cooking up memories and sweet treats Special food and cooking events are popular activities at many of our clients’ communities. The Bristal Assisted Living shared a gathering of the Foodie Club at The Bristal at Lake Grove where residents made strawberry shortcake. Brandywine by Monarch shared pictures from Princeton by Monarch, where the community warmed up a cold day by surprising residents who signed up for the “mystery ride” activity with a stop for hot chocolate and sweet treats. The Turning Point restaurant served specialties like the s’mores heavenly hot chocolate. Northbridge shared an intergenerational cooking demonstration at Stroudwater Lodge with students from Acton Academy in Kennebunkport, Maine. Merrill Gardens shared a blog post about Bridges Bistro, a special event where residents at the Murano Senior Living community served meals, in collaboration with the University of Washington’s Memory Hub community center. “Bridges Bistro was more than a dining experience,” wrote the Team at Merril Gardens. “It was a bridge between the dementia community and the wider world. By showcasing the strengths and resilience of individuals living with...

New OneStep Interface...

As senior living communities navigate ways to adopt value-based care approaches that improve resident health outcomes and increase operational returns, proactive technology solutions can make a big difference. What if you could track residents’ mobility and prevent falls using motion analysis from smartphone sensors? OneStep, a leader in AI-powered digital care technology, is now partnering with us to provide an interface with Yardi EHR that generates clinical insights from residents’ everyday movements. Empowering proactive resident monitoring OneStep’s advanced motion analysis and monitoring tools connect with Yardi EHR to add a reliable, data-driven way to enhance resident well-being. How does it work? OneStep uses motion intelligence from smartphones for gait analysis. A resident’s gait is a leading indicator of health, and senior living providers and other clinicians can use data from the smartphone sensors — without any special wearable devices — for remote therapeutic monitoring (RTM). With actionable data to assess, treat and monitor residents, providers can deliver precise and proactive care to improve mobility and enhance resident engagement. This informed care can prevent falls and reduce functional declines. A big step for value-based care Through this collaboration, Yardi EHR clients gain easy access to motion insights from OneStep. These insights equip senior care providers with proactive strategies for resident monitoring, particularly beneficial for communities that are transitioning to value-based care. Robust fall prevention and resident health monitoring are essential to achieving improved outcomes and reduced costs. “We’re excited to partner with Yardi to make our mobility and falls prevention technology accessible to senior living communities,” says Pat Tarnowski, chief commercial officer of OneStep. “Being listed among Yardi’s trusted vendors adds to the accessibility and visibility of OneStep’s technology, allowing more facilities to benefit from innovative, data-driven care solutions that elevate resident safety and quality...

Energy Tech Disruption Feb04

Energy Tech Disruption...

Here’s the latest of our periodic updates on projects sponsored by the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), which calls itself “the disruption wing of the U.S. Department of Energy that funds and directs the discovery of outlier energy technologies that are strategic to America’s energy security.” Recently announced projects include: Enhancing grid resilience Thirty million dollars in ARPA-E grants announced in January will go toward developing technologies designed to enhance the reliability of America’s power grid. The Grid Reliability with Automatic Damping and Inertia for Electrical Networks and Transmission Systems (GRADIENTS) program aims to develop hardware and software technologies, such as power electronics controls, intelligent relays and optimization algorithms, for balancing energy consumption and production. “GRADIENTS technologies will help incorporate a variety of generation sources and stabilize the grid to prevent cascading failures that can lead to dangerous and costly blackouts,” said Evelyn N. Wang, director of ARPA-E, who added that the projects will “enable better grid coordination, protection and real-time control.” Hot new power source Also in January, ARPA-E announced funding to spur geothermal power production. Geothermal baseload production in the U.S. is limited to 4 gigawatts (GW). The Stimulate Utilization of Plentiful Energy in Rocks through High-temperature Original Technologies (SUPERHOT) project aims to provide access to superhot reservoirs deep within the Earth that are capable of producing up to 20 GW of reliable baseload power. Research will center around developing designing systems and materials capable of surviving superhot conditions. “Geothermal is a reliable and secure baseload power source, but today we are only able to access a fraction of the energy it can provide,” Wang said. “SUPERHOT projects can change that and allow access to hotter reservoirs to create more domestic flow of energy onto America’s grid.” Making the most of waste...

BRG Realty Group on Energy Jan30

BRG Realty Group on Energy...

What if you could save thousands of dollars and hours each year while improving your utility management processes? Jessica Stevens, director of business systems and technology at BRG Realty, recently shared how the Yardi Energy Suite has helped the company overcome challenges and achieve tangible results by transforming their processes, improving efficiency and increasing recovery by nearly $650,000. About BRG Realty BRG Realty Group, LLC is a multifamily property management company serving greater Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton and areas of Kentucky and Indiana. Their mission is to foster high-quality communities through innovative management, providing dependable services to residents, associates and business partners. Transforming processes Within the past few years, BRG has grown rapidly. To support their rapid growth, they needed to streamline operations and manage utilities more efficiently. To ease the burden on their accounting team and improve financial recovery from utility costs, BRG chose the Yardi Energy Suite, built into Voyager, as their solution. While the initial transition was “nerve-wracking” for the accounts payable (AP) team, they quickly realized the value. “Now they never want to go back,” Stevens said. Additionally, Yardi Pulse reports provide real-time data and analytics, helping BRG to detect and address issues like leaks or equipment failures promptly. Their team has been able to save 1,500 hours annually with Utility Billing and Utility Invoice Processing. Stevens described the transformation as “huge,” underscoring the substantial positive impact on their business. This investment has raised resident utility billing cost recovery from 70% to over 81% in just two years. With Yardi, BRG has saved countless hours, enabling them to support the company’s rapid expansion. Stevens explains, “From 2021 to 2023, we recovered a little over $650,000, and by 2024, we’re projected to recover 86%. It’s real dollars we can take and put...

Mocha Mousse Mirth Jan29

Mocha Mousse Mirth

Reflect culture through the language of color. Let’s explore how Pantone’s Color of the Year will capture the real estate market with cultural comfort and collective desire. The 2025 Color of the Year is Mocha Mousse (17-1230), described as “A warming, brown hue imbued with richness. It nurtures us with its suggestion of the delectable qualities of chocolate and coffee, answering our desire for comfort.” Aside from the velvety, smooth and mouthwatering dessert, Mocha Mousse is a versatile color that can evoke humbleness and comfort while still on the luxe level. And who couldn’t use some comfort this year? This soft, warming brown hue can be used in various designs across most industries, inspiring creativity and innovation. Elevate curb appeal and interior design with this timeless beauty Mocha Mousse is a warm brown hue, adding a sophisticated and inviting look to the property’s exterior. Shutters and front doors in Mocha Mousse, paired with neutral siding and metallic hardware, offer a welcoming focal point. Shutters in Mocha Mousse can frame windows beautifully. Incorporate subtle contrasts using Mocha Mousse with taupe, beige and blue. Or create more of a relaxed elegance with beige, cream and amber. Landscaping harmony with this earthy shade complements natural stone, wooden accents and vibrant green foliage, enhancing curb appeal. Think of a springtime garden with floral blends using Mocha Mousse. A shaded willow green leading down a pathway of gray cobblestone completes nature’s harmony, creating a cohesive look with nature-inspired design trends. For interior design, some may fear that Mocha Mousse may be what “millennial gray” did in the early 2010s, but when using Mocha Mousse, it adds more warmth to space and leans towards the moody art deco tones in a non-committal way. This warm, earthy neutral feels rich and grounded...

Senior Living Video

Looking for a way to gain insight across your entire portfolio — without losing the ability to get details for a specific community? See how Brightwater Senior Living does it, using business intelligence insights from Yardi Senior IQ. Quintin King, president, CEO and principal at Brightwater, speaks to successes in tracking trends and making informed decisions in our newest testimonial video. It’s just under two and a half minutes but packed with valuable experiences from Quintin. Read the quick snapshot below or watch the video now. How Brightwater saves time with Senior IQ With Senior IQ, it takes hours instead of days for Quintin and Brightwater staff to access relevant data to make business decisions for the entire company or individual communities. “I can even get it down to minutes sometimes,” he shares in the video. “What I love the most about Senior IQ is the immediate access to the dashboard, the graphical views and trending — whether it’s one community or the portfolio as a whole,” Quintin says. See the benefits of Senior IQ and fully integrated software Because Senior IQ integrates with solutions across the Yardi Senior Living Suite, Brightwater also connects with community management, financial accounting and customer relationship management. “I don’t have to worry about different systems and talking back and forth, working with different providers,” Quintin says. Quintin shares more in the video, including details about Brightwater’s success with RentCafe Senior CRM. Connect with us Want to know more about all you can do with the Yardi Senior Living Suite? This integrated solution, built for all sizes of senior living communities, combines resident care, marketing, sales, finance, business intelligence, operations and more on a cloud-hosted, HIPAA and SOX-compliant software platform. Learn more about the Yardi Senior Living Suite — and be sure to contact us for a personalized demo anytime. We have a full library of other client testimonials, too. Watch more senior living leaders speak to the power of...

Carpooling: New Relevance Jan24

Carpooling: New Relevance

Carpooling – two or more people sharing a ride to and from work or another common destination – came to prominence as a fuel rationing measure in World War II and gained renewed urgency during the energy crises of the 1970s. After waning in subsequent years, the practice is undergoing another renaissance today. The percentage of U.S. workers commuting by carpool dropped from 19.7% in 1980 to 7.8% by 2021, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The figure rose to 8.6% in 2022, about what it is today. Can the once-popular practice gain a stronger foothold among today’s workers? Rising costs driving popularity Some observers think so. With the costs of vehicle ownership, maintenance, fuel, insurance and parking all trending upward, workers and business owners are seeking cost-effective transportation alternatives. Carpooling is one of them. Along with a chance to share cost burdens, carpooling offers an effective way to reduce traffic congestion, a major contributor to air pollution. Transport Canada, a government agency that manages transportation policies and programs, notes that carpooling with just one other person can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by hundreds of pounds annually. It can also significantly cut fuel expenses and support businesses’ sustainability initiatives. “Carpooling is gaining popularity once again and a major factor is that people and organizations are getting more and more environmentally conscious,” reports Pima Assn. of Governments, a metropolitan planning organization comprising local, state and tribal leaders in the Tucson, Ariz., area. Other benefits of carpooling include opportunities to establish social connections, access to high-occupancy vehicle lanes and reduced pressure on parking space. Tech opens new avenues Pima and other organizations utilize specialized technology that helps people find carpool partners, organize schedules, track expenses and reimbursements, plan routes and communicate with carpool partners. “Online carpooling platforms and app-based carpooling services have revolutionized the way people commute. These platforms connect riders with drivers, providing a user-friendly interface for scheduling rides, making payments and tracking journeys in real time,” according to Business Research Insights, a market intelligence firm in Pune, India. As the U.S. workforce continues its post-pandemic evolution, modern carpooling’s confluence of new technology, positive social interaction and environmental responsibility presents opportunities to enrich workers, communities and businesses. “The beauty of ridesharing lies in the fact that it taps into an abundant yet underutilized resource: the empty seats in cars [which] represent a huge source of waste in our transportation system – but potentially also a huge opportunity for improvement,” assert Deloitte researchers Peter Viechnicki, Tiffany Fishman and William D....

Senior Living Mutual Aid

As nursing homes and assisted living communities were evacuated during the Los Angeles wildfires, industry members reached out to seek and offer help, matching residents with available space to create stability during a chaotic time. More than 1,500 residents were relocated to other care communities, hotels, vacation rentals and private residences, as reported in the LAist last week. Since the wildfires in L.A. County started on Jan. 7, at least 70 long-term care communities have been evacuated. LeadingAge California sent out a call for mutual aid on social media, stating that they were helping coordinate placements for residents of evacuated member communities in Southern California. LeadingAge also was seeking furniture, food and emergency supplies. Available space for evacuated residents The responses to help others in the industry came quickly, according to McKnight’s Senior Living News. “Within hours of stories of senior living and care communities evacuating residents amid flames and chaos, those unaffected by the tragedy began to broadcast their ability to help their counterparts in need.” Yardi client Cogir Senior Living reached out on social media to offer 60 days of free housing to seniors who were displaced by the fires: “Our goal is to provide a safe, comforting space where they can find stability and support during this challenging time.” LeadingAge disaster relief fund LeadingAge is also accepting donations for a Disaster Relief Fund for its members. As of last week, the organization knew of five communities that had evacuated more than 750 residents. Also, they were aware of 13 staff members who had lost their homes. “To date, we have heard of no deaths,” LeadingAge California President and CEO Jeanee Parker Martin shared on Jan. 8, “but we have heard of major devastation, displaced staff, loss of homes and other horrors created by the fires. We know this is not over, and many member organizations will need support in the days and weeks ahead.” Looking to the future Last week, LeadingAge California posted on social media that the organization continues to advocate for a long-term care mutual aid plan across the state that prioritizes residents of assisted living and skilled nursing care during disaster incidents. “Without a Long-Term Care Mutual Aid Plan across California, we put lives at stake each time there is a major emergency event.” The California Department of Public Health includes currently evacuated skilled nursing facilities on its health facility evacuation list. The California Department of Social Services includes currently evacuated assisted living communities on its Community Care Licensing Division evacuation...

Emerging Trends Jan23

Emerging Trends

The 46th edition of trends and forecast publication Emerging Trends in Real Estate® is out. Compiled by PwC and the Urban Land Institute, this report details trends in real estate investment and development, finance and capital markets, property sectors and other key issues in the U.S. and Canada. The report incorporates contributions from Yardi Matrix and CommercialEdge. building and cranes under construction against blue sky Here are excerpts from the report: Multifamily: Focus on affordability Supply will dominate apartment market conversations in 2025. Some experts remain bullish on the prospect of ongoing strong demand over the next few years due to strong job growth, favorable demographics, immigration, the high cost of homeownership and the lack of single-family inventory. However, a growing number of renters are cost burdened, underscoring the need for more market-rate and affordable supply. Industrial: Demand lags supply When the pandemic prompted a dramatic surge in online shopping, the industrial sector experienced a significant shortage of warehouse and third-party logistics facilities. Developers responded with record construction. More than 1 billion square feet of new product was added in the last two years alone, far exceeding prior records. Net absorption has been positive, but demand has not kept pace with new supply, so the amount of vacant space continues to grow. Retail: In rebound mode Few foresaw the strong rebound in demand for physical retail space that occurred following the 2020 pandemic year and drove retail vacancy rates below levels not seen in more than a decade. The number of distressed chains either liquidating or seeking debtor protection increased more than 50% in 2024. “Thus, while retail sales have remained in positive territory since 2020, the impacts of the recent inflationary wave and resultant money tightening policies have taken a toll,” but “overall...

Acquisition News Jan15

Acquisition News

Leading real estate technology provider Yardi® announced today that it has acquired Deskpass (U.S.) and Hubble (U.K.) to meet the evolving and diverse needs of workspace users. As workspace policies continue to evolve post-pandemic, businesses require flexible access to space that best suits their way of working – whether they are remote-first, hybrid, or fully office-based. The acquisitions mark a significant step forward in aligning commercial buildings with the increasingly agile needs of office users. Yardi, as a service provider to building owners, operators and occupiers for 40 years, welcomes the Deskpass and Hubble teams to meet the evolving needs of professionals and businesses. These acquisitions enhance existing Yardi Commercial and Yardi® Kube solutions as the technology backbone for flexible workspace operators, building owners and occupiers to support a wide variety of use for flexible workspace. Deskpass is a leading booking platform in North America for coworking and flexible workspace. Deskpass’ global network of partner locations enables individuals and enterprise clients to instantly book desks, meeting rooms and private offices on demand. Hubble is the U.K.’s leading online marketplace for coworking and flexible workspace. The platform enables individuals and employers to book on demand or flexibly contract for coworking desks, private offices, managed offices, part-time offices, meeting rooms and event spaces. Hubble customers include forward-thinking SMEs and corporates in the U.K. and worldwide. Yardi platform CoworkingCafe is the most comprehensive global marketplace for listing and booking coworking and flexible workspaces. With over 21,000 locations listed, CoworkingCafe provides operators unparalleled marketing reach for their spaces and seamless integration with Yardi Kube’s space management platform to support contracting, membership management, billing, accounting and reporting. Yardi Kube is the largest global platform for managing coworking and flexible office operations by powering end-to-end contracting, membership management, billing, accounting, reporting and more. The Yardi Kube platform seamlessly integrates with CoworkingCafe to provide unparalleled marketing reach, lead generation and on-demand revenue insights. Bringing together market leaders in Deskpass, Hubble and CoworkingCafe to expand the size, quality and ease of booking across the marketplace is critical to meet the increasing need for flexible space driven by professionals and corporations. Yardi will continue to collaborate with space providers and technology partners to deliver an industry-leading experience. “We are excited to build a global infrastructure to connect office users with space from the best office owners and coworking operators,” said Robert Teel, president of Yardi Global Solutions. “The Deskpass and Hubble teams bring a wealth of customer and industry knowledge about flexible marketplaces to help us service this evolving customer need.” “We’ve spent the last decade building Hubble into the UK’s leading marketplace for flexible workspace. As a business, our vision has always been to enable businesses to find workspace solutions that are accessible and adaptable to their teams’ unique ways of working. We’re incredibly excited to continue to scale this vision as part of Yardi,” said Tushar Agarwal, CEO and co-founder of Hubble. “Joining the Yardi family is a monumental step forward for Deskpass,” said Sam Rosen, CEO and co-founder of Deskpass.“Yardi’s vision for the future of our industry, paired with their global reach and deep relationships within the real estate industry, provides the perfect platform to supercharge our mission of offering businesses and individuals access to high-quality, flexible workspace solutions, anytime and...

Meet Senior CRM

Have you explored RentCafe Senior CRM, our prospect-centric customer relationship management solution for senior living? Senior CRM has fresh and exciting features designed to provide seamless experiences for both sales counselors and prospective residents.  Meet Senior CRM At Yardi, we prioritize listening to client feedback. We’ve taken thoughtful comments on Senior CRM — and gathered insights on what CRM functionality is missing in the industry — to create a fresh, enhanced product. Senior CRM includes an attractive user interface, new features and evolved communication capabilities. Note that we kept well-loved dashboards, but we’ve added a whole new level of functionality and made things more user-friendly. There’s a range of exciting workflows in the product, but as a highlight, Senior CRM clients have access to: A communication hub: Send and manage all communications with prospective residents including calls, texts and emails from one convenient location. Lead stages: Unlock lead stages functionality that guides sales teams through the entire prospect journey. Benefit from seamless automation for common tasks at every stage, from lead all the way to move-in. A prospect overview page: See the prospect overview at the click of a button with a centralized, easy-to-access page that presents impactful data. Intuitive dashboards: Manage your digital forms in one place with a comprehensive dashboard that shows every document and its various stages. Enjoy additional dashboards for managing waitlists, occupancy and more. Campaigns: Benefit from new functionality that makes it easy to send email and text blasts, then track successes such as click and open rates. You have access to premade templates, or you can create campaigns on your own. Electronic leasing: Save time on paperwork and streamline your move-in workflow with electronic leases. Enjoy simplified workflows for every step of the move-in process. Move-in readiness: Review...

Resolutions to Habits    Jan10

Resolutions to Habits   

Every new year starts with a “new year, new me” plan, which typically fades by the Spring. Let’s discuss how to turn resolutions into habits for an energy-efficient and sustainable 2025. Sustainable resolutions for an energy-efficient year begin with making practical resolutions that anyone can adopt to make their home or lifestyle more energy-efficient. Start by decluttering the physical space with an energy-efficient mindset. Get rid of unused electronics, which can reduce phantom load. Phantom loads sometimes referred to as vampire loads, are any electricity an appliance or device consumes, even when turned off. Reduce phantom load by always remembering to turn off lights and electronics when not in use. Printers, gaming devices, computer monitors, TVs or cable systems pull electricity from the grid even when not operating. Always have devices grouped on a power bar or strip. Recycle or donate old appliances and opt for energy-efficient ENERGY STAR®-rated replacements. Wash clothes in cold water and line dry when possible. Washing clothes in warm or hot water risks shrinking them. Install programmable or smart thermostats. Smart thermostats allow owners to control the temperature using settings on their smart devices. “An ENERGY STAR® certified smart thermostat offers more convenience, energy savings, insight, and control than manual or programmable thermostats. Homes with high heating and cooling bills and unoccupied homes for much of the day can save approximately $100 a year with an ENERGY STAR®-certified smart thermostat.” Reorganize spaces to optimize airflow and heating efficiency. Change air filters out regularly and tune HVAC equipment yearly. Seal heating and cooling ducts. “Sealing and insulating ducts can improve the efficiency of heating and cooling system by as much as 20 percent,” according to ENERGY STAR®. Workplace energy goals. Businesses and employees should collaborate on energy-saving resolutions to promote sustainability. To reduce office energy use, encourage hybrid work schedules. Upgrade to energy-efficient office lighting and HVAC systems. Implement office-wide reminders to power down equipment at the end of the day. Margaret Mead, the esteemed environmentalist, once stated, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” This powerful sentiment rings true for social movements and businesses determined to combat climate change. Host a few sustainability challenges to engage employees in green practices. The power of teamwork is key here, as it engages employees in sustainability and involves them in business carbon reduction efforts. For example, create “green teams” responsible for developing and implementing sustainable practices within the team or department. Organize friendly competitions to encourage employees to adopt eco-friendly habits such as reducing paper usage, carpooling or minimizing waste. Recognize and reward participants for contributing to a positive and engaging ecosystem, fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility. Form sustainable energy routines to build new habits. If daily habits do not change, you will never have a new year. Start with setting reminders or automating tasks like adjusting the thermostat when leaving home. Use apps to track electricity consumption and set usage goals. Energy Tracker on Apple IOS or Google Play is a good app to easily add, manage and evaluate meter readings and record electricity, water, gas and heat consumption. Make it fun for the family and create a rewards system for household members who consistently practice energy efficiency. One must better understand the psychology to break old habits. Habit formation is the process where repeated actions become automatic over time. This happens because the brain creates neural pathways that make these behaviors easier to perform without much thought. When a behavior is repeated enough, the brain learns to conserve energy by turning it into a habit. Patience is needed to overcome bad habits since solidifying them takes 18 to 254 days. Focus on consistency and avoid getting discouraged if instant results don’t happen. Keep tracking progress, stay committed and give yourself and others grace and time to let the...

2024 Yardi Highlights

As 2024 comes to a close, let’s take a look and reflect on Yardi’s achievements and accomplishments. Here are a few of the highlights.   A Milestone Anniversary 2024 was a milestone year for Yardi as we celebrated the company’s 40th anniversary. Clients that attended our Yardi Advanced Solutions Conference (YASC) events and employees worldwide received a special anniversary silver coin. These commemorative coins signify the milestone anniversary and mark Yardi’s four decades of real estate industry leadership. We look forward to another 40 years of providing outstanding products, services and support to our valued clients. Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Award Starting 2024 with a bang, Yardi was again named a winner of Glassdoor’s 16th Employees’ Choice Awards, honoring the Best Places to Work 2024. This recognition is evidence of the positive work environment and culture we have collectively built at Yardi, making each of us a part of this success. The Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Award is based solely on the input of employees who voluntarily provide anonymous feedback by completing a review about their job, work environment and employer on Glassdoor, the worldwide leader in insights about jobs, work environments and companies. “We are humbled to be included with so many great organizations and by the consistent, positive support of our global employees, which resulted in this honor,” said Kevin Yardi, vice president at Yardi. “For over 40 years, we have achieved steady growth by taking care of our customers, employees and communities. If you are looking for a great place to grow your career, Yardi is hiring in many offices worldwide.” Find career opportunities at ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year In the spring, Yardi was honored to receive the 2024 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy for the sixth consecutive year since 2019. The Sustained Excellence Award, presented to Yardi for the fourth time this year, is a prestigious acknowledgment of the company’s consistent leadership and ongoing commitment to energy efficiency in real estate. “We are proud to have played a pivotal role in benchmarking and certifying buildings across the industry and worldwide in 2023. As a witness to our clients making progress toward and achieving their efficiency and reporting goals, we continue to advocate for the value of the ENERGY STAR program for building owners and managers,” said Joe Consolo, industry principal at Yardi. Forbes Cloud 100 Streak Continues In the summer, Yardi was named again to the prestigious Forbes Cloud 100 list, the definitive ranking of the top 100 private cloud companies in the world, published by Forbes in partnership with Bessemer Venture Partners and Salesforce Ventures. Yardi was a member of the inaugural Cloud 100 in 2016 and was No. 36 this year, making the list for the ninth straight year. “We’re honored that Yardi continues to rank among the top private cloud companies worldwide,” said Joel Loewen, vice president of cloud services at Yardi. “Since the inaugural list, this inclusion has reflected the continual efforts of our employees to create innovative and impactful solutions for our customers. We take pride in being one of the oldest companies on this prestigious list as well as one of the few that has no external capital.” Hurricane Helene Relief In the Fall, Yardi was there to help hundreds affected by Hurricane Helene, which made landfall in the Big Bend area of Florida, ravaging parts of Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and the Carolinas with flooding, storm surge and dangerous winds. Yardi pledged $250,000 to Direct Relief and World Central Kitchen for post-hurricane relief. These funds enabled both organizations to provide crucial emergency medical supplies, food, and water to those in need, demonstrating Yardi’s dedicated support for the affected communities. Our contribution made a significant difference in the lives of hundreds affected by Hurricane Helene, showcasing our commitment to social responsibility and community support. Sarah Bridich, Yardi’s director of corporate philanthropy,...

Winter Walks Jan01

Winter Walks

What better way to celebrate the holidays than enjoying yourself outdoors? Get out of the winter blues and SAD this winter season and explore how to celebrate a festival of winter walks. Enjoy a sense of freedom and the benefits of being outdoors Take this holiday season to enjoy the wonders of nature and get together with family and friends. Winter walks bring individuals and groups together to enjoy walking and are a great way to be active. Did you know walking is the most popular exercise in the United States? The average walking speed is 3.1 miles per hour. The average distance a person walks is about 75,000 miles during their lifetime. Walking helps boost your mood by increasing blood flow to the brain. Walking ten miles per week, instead of traveling by vehicle, would save 500 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions each year! Winter walk adventures The holidays can be overwhelming and stressful! Walking has immense healing powers and is so great for you. Take this opportunity to walk more. Winter walks offer a break from the hustle and bustle. If you want to be more involved in fitness, create a challenge, such as walking a certain distance or number of days each week and include a downloadable tracker. Most smartwatches include outdoor walking apps that track elevation, speed and distance. If you prefer to walk solo, embrace the silence and have a reflective winter walk for the soul. The unique tranquility of winter walking can inspire introspection. Walking in the quiet stillness of winter reduces anxiety and enhances focus. While walking, do some mindfulness exercises such as deep breathing and connecting with the surroundings, such as focusing on the crunch of snow underfoot. Bring a small notebook and jot down thoughts...