Earthquake Relief Feb15

Earthquake Relief

Yardi has contributed a total of $1 million to four non-profit organizations working in Turkey and Syria to provide humanitarian relief after the catastrophic earthquake last week. The four organizations receiving support are: Direct Relief: Direct Relief is deploying medical supplies from its facilities in the U.S. and Europe for Turkey and Syria. More than 22 tons of medical aid has been staged or is being shipped for Turkey and Syria since the earthquake began. Items include medication to treat people with injuries and pre-existing medical conditions as well as hygiene items for those displaced. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF): MSF teams responded immediately in northwestern Syria because the organization has an ongoing presence in the region. MSF-supported hospitals in the region have seen more than 3,500 injured patients. MSF has also donated emergency kits, trauma kits, medical supplies, and blankets to 30 hospitals and health facilities in Idlib and Aleppo governorates. World Central Kitchen: Alongside regional partners, World Central Kitchen has been distributing meals for survivors and first responders. Its teams were able to reach communities near the epicenter two days after the quake and have been providing sustenance continuously since. Red Crescent/Global Red Cross: Thousands of Red Cross and Red Crescent responders are on the ground providing blood products, millions of hot meals, emergency temporary shelter, medical care, emergency aid supplies and mental and emotional support to people in need. “Disasters of this magnitude require global support and we feel fortunate to be able to assist financially in the recovery efforts,” said Anant Yardi, founder and president of Yardi. “These four organizations are doing incredible work to support the victims of the earthquake in their time of...

Meet Yardi Energy  

Did you know that by 2050, the total number of adults ages 65 and older is projected to rise to 85.7 million, roughly 20% of the U.S. population? Delivered by America’s Health Rankings, this data reveals the growth of the aging population (taking into account that we’re at 54 million seniors in the U.S. today). So how does this relate to senior living operators? Simply put, as the aging population continues to grow, the number of seniors residing in communities will likely increase. This affects more things than one, including energy consumption in these communities. More residents, expanding properties and increased services equals more energy use. And without technology built to monitor that consumption and identify areas for improvement, senior living operators face heightened costs. Fortunately, leading solutions like the Yardi Energy Suite equip you to reduce costs and enhance efficiency all while meeting state, county and local benchmarking regulations. We’re excited to show you around this single connected solution below, but you can view our Yardi Energy guide for even more insights. The rise in energy consumption As we’ve covered, with more seniors living in communities, energy consumption will naturally increase. But monitoring consumption — and strategizing ways to save energy and reduce costs — isn’t easy. That is, without technology to lend a hand. In fact, the average building wastes roughly one-third of the energy it consumes, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency. This could be a result of not having the right solution in place to track consumption and identify savings opportunities. How to save Energy matters in senior living. With the right technology solution, you can save big time and boost efficiency all while meeting state, county and local benchmarking regulations (there are over 40 jurisdictions with mandatory...

New! Yardi Verification Services Feb14

New! Yardi Verification Services

Reimagining core affordable housing processes is a high priority of Yardi’s development, support and services team. Our goal is to make compliance faster, easier, more cost-effective and sustainable. If we achieve that, then we’ll have made it easier for households to find, apply for, and move into affordable housing units. Faster verifications and move-ins mean fewer days vacant, more operating revenue and greater opportunity to serve more households in affordable housing communities. Yet, challenges exist that make it more difficult now for affordable housing providers to carry out their missions. Finding, training and retaining talent capable of navigating the complexities of compliance is a commonly cited barrier that affordable housing providers are trying to overcome. That’s where automated, professional services can help affordable housing providers make compliance faster, easier and more cost-effective. Reimagining Affordable Housing Verifications Qualifying for an affordable housing apartment is almost always based on the income and assets of an applicant household. The process is traditionally completed by housing specialists employed by affordable housing providers. They generate verification forms for employers and banks to complete, then work to ensure the information their applicants have shared about their household finances is verified and accurate. Studies show that process can take more than an hour of combined staff time, and up to a month or more to complete. It’s expensive, time-consuming, and relies on many steps to verify actual income. Now, there’s a new way. Yardi Verification Services is the latest innovative additions to the Yardi Affordable Housing and Yardi PHA suites. The automated solution makes verifying income and assets more affordable, more accurate and much less of a workload for on-site staff. Yardi’s strategic partnerships with several sources of financial data makes it possible for affordable housing operators to receive income and asset verifications much faster than doing the process manually. In most cases, verifications will arrive within minutes. Yardi Verification Services, only available to Yardi clients with a license for RentCafe Affordable Housing or RentCafe PHA, is a digital, paperless and hands-free process. There are no manual forms to fill out, and no waiting around for employers and financial services companies to complete and send back. Once a household begins a certification in RentCafe, they can consent via email or text message to having their income and assets verified by Yardi Verification Services. The housing provider’s on-site team receives the household’s verifications directly into RentCafe and records the verified totals to complete the certification. “I’ve worked for decades creating technology solutions with the ultimate goal of reducing the cost and complexity of affordable housing compliance. Yardi Verification Services is high on my list of products that accomplish that vision,” said Chris Voss, Yardi vice president of affordable housing sales. Affordable housing providers can learn more about Yardi Verification Services by joining an upcoming webinar. Yardi clients can also call (800) 866-1144 to reach their sales representative to schedule a free demonstration. Visit for more information or download a...

Start Your Digital Transformation

Ever heard the term digital transformation? According to a recent white paper by LeadingAge, the concept is critical for senior living operators to understand — as it offers a way to reimagine how they run their communities. There’s a lot covered in the resource, so we put together a quick summary below! Read on to learn what digital transformation means, why it matters in senior living and how you can maximize your potential with this information in mind. Digital transformation defined First things first, what is digital transformation? LeadingAge defines the term as follows: Digital transformation is the process and journey of using digital technologies to create new — or modify existing — organizational processes, culture and resident/staff experiences to meet changing business and market requirements. While technology platforms are a key element, digital transformation is more than installing a single solution. It begins and ends with how you think about, and engage with, residents and staff. In relation to senior living, LeadingAge says that digital transformation is critical to the future sustainability of operators. Why is digital transformation critical?   LeadingAge explains that various factors make digital transformation critical for today’s senior living organizations. One key factor is the industry-wide staffing shortage, which is driving the need to abandon manual processes and opt for digital workflows to ease staff burden. Looking at the big picture, shifting to a digital system helps operators boost productivity, reduce costs, improve resident and staff experiences and so much more. Especially when digital workflows unite on a single platform, like the Yardi Senior Living Suite. How can senior living operators navigate a digital transformation? The white paper — Digital Transformation in Aging Services — outlines how senior living organizations can transition to digital workflows with three key elements in mind. These elements (the three Ps) include people, process and platforms. Starting with people, LeadingAge states that a successful digital transformation is largely dependent on your existing personnel and stakeholders. You need to assess their digital skills and understanding, provide clarity on what role they’ll play in adopting new technology and decide what training is needed. Outside of internal people like staff, the white paper reveals that external people — such as family members and volunteers — also play an important role in digital transformation. Next up is process, more specifically identifying, analyzing and improving existing processes. The white paper shares how taking a closer look at processes helps operators eliminate weak points in their current operations, as well as: Improve productivity, efficiency, utilization and quality Reduce operational budget by effectively using assets and resources Eliminate waste and duplication of tasks Reduce friction in business processes Improve the staff and resident experience Reduce process completion time LeadingAge also shares a few questions operators can ask themselves when looking at processes, such as: How can we employ digital technology to standardize and automate processes that are repetitive and redundant? How can digital technology help us organize data to provide faster, more accurate and more predictive views on our business? How do we leverage digital technology to generate and act on meaningful customer insights that can help improve our services? The last element introduced is platforms, otherwise referred to as technology. Simply put, the platform/technology element provides the actual tools that operators need to go digital.   Yardi senior living solutions When it comes to the third element outlined by LeadingAge, the technology itself, it’s important to find a solution that’s built for the unique needs of senior living. Also, one that offers tools that integrate with one another to ensure you maximize efficiency at the highest level. The Yardi Senior Living Suite does it all, combining everything you need on a cloud-based, centralized platform. It’s built for operators of all types and sizes and includes tools for financials, marketing, care and more. Explore the Yardi Senior Living Suite. Read the white paper If you’re ready...

Pest Defense Feb06

Pest Defense

A feature on bed bugs was one of the most popular postings in the early years of The Balance Sheet. With higher post-pandemic travel volume, resistance to pesticides and other factors increasing the pest’s numbers in the U.S., this seems like a good time to revisit the issue. What are bed bugs? The common bed bug is a crawling, 5-millimeter-long oblong insect that feeds on human blood and causes itchy welts. Documented in the U.S. since Colonial times, bed bugs were largely eradicated by the 1950s but came back in the late 1990s due to rising international travel and a lack of public awareness about pest prevention. Where are they found? Just about everywhere. A National Pest Management Assn. survey in 2018 reported that single family homes, apartments/condominiums and hotels/motels are bed bugs’ most common targets. They can hide in couches, bed frames, luggage, stuffed animals, purses and even lamps. They’re also present in nursing homes, schools, daycare centers, libraries, offices, college dorms, hospital and public transportation. In office buildings, they can lurk in cubicle dividers, underneath raised floors, beneath alcove moldings, in folders and in computers and other equipment. Is there any good news? Yes, sort of. Bed bugs don’t transmit or spread disease, latch onto skin, form colonies or nests (although they do aggregate), fly from host to host, damage building structures or live in human hair. And the presence of bed bugs is no reflection on a property’s cleanliness. They feed on blood, not filth. “They’re not cockroaches. They don’t feed on debris. You could have a pristine environment and they could still get introduced,” says Mike Potter, an entomologist at the University of Kentucky. Best of all, bed bugs’ presence can be curbed with the right measures. Such as? Here...

Watch On-Demand Webinars

We all learn best in different ways, whether it’s by reading a post like this one, exploring visual resources like an infographic or watching a short video. It’s why our senior living team seeks to bring a variety of resources to the table (including all of the above) when demonstrating functionality in the Yardi Senior Living Suite. As such, we’re excited to share our senior living webinars today, which offer the opportunity to explore our solutions via on-demand videos. They’re quick, informative and packed with what operators need to know. And since they’re on-demand, you can watch at your convenience! Simply fill out the short registration form and voila, you’re set to view the webinar when your schedule allows. Ready to start watching? See below to find the Senior Living Suite webinars we’ve worked to bring you: Yardi Voyager Senior Housing Create a foundation for success with an online, mobile-friendly platform for property management and finance. Designed for providers of all types and sizes, Yardi Voyager Senior Housing is a complete accounting system that integrates with solutions for every aspect of senior living. Join our senior living webinar to learn how Voyager helps you: Simplify accounting with a full general ledger system Improve transparency through centralized record keeping Enhance staff productivity with automated tasks and workflows Scale your operations by adding solutions for marketing, care and more Register for the Voyager Senior Housing webinar. Yardi Senior IQ Operational and financial data alone doesn’t cut costs, increase revenue, balance risk or optimize resident care. Actionable insight does, and that’s where Yardi Senior IQ comes in. Join this senior living webinar to learn how our dynamic business intelligence solution drives smarter, faster decisions for single communities or an entire portfolio. We’ll show you how Yardi Senior IQ: Uncovers new insights from internal benchmarks and industry comparisons Satisfies investors, board members and senior leadership with real-time data Helps staff focus on resident care by eliminating spreadsheets, siloed databases and other inefficient operations Empowers teams with role-based, customizable dashboards that display metrics that matter to them Register for the Yardi Senior IQ webinar. Yardi EHR Drive superior resident care with efficient record keeping and medication management. Yardi EHR offers the convenience of mobile, electronic assessments, care planning, incident tracking and more. Watch our senior living webinar to learn how Yardi EHR helps: Simplify charting to increase time for resident care Capture all care costs from assessments Cut medication administration costs and processing times Comply with government reporting regulations Register for the Yardi EHR webinar. Yardi eMAR How can senior living providers and pharmacies work together efficiently? With an effective electronic medication management solution! Yardi eMAR streamlines caregiver tasks by consolidating medication management, health records and finance in one single database. Register for this senior living webinar to see how Yardi eMAR enables you to: Pass medications securely across your communities Build stronger bonds and increase resident satisfaction Reduce paper documentation and cut associated processing time Eliminate risks by digitizing the medication management process Register for the Yardi eMAR webinar. RentCafe Senior Living Set your communities apart by offering residents and their families the ability to stay connected. RentCafe Senior Living is an online portal for managing payments, reviewing health and wellness records, communicating with caregivers and submitting service requests whenever, wherever. Join our senior living webinar to learn how RentCafe Senior Living works to: Increase cash flow with online payment options Enable fast and easy maintenance requests Drive resident engagement through community calendars Collect confidential feedback from residents and families Register for the RentCafe Senior Living webinar. RentCafe Senior CRM Nurture leads and maximize occupancy with a powerful customer relationship management solution for senior living. RentCafe Senior CRM offers instant visibility into sales and marketing activities, with prospect information flowing from sales counselors to caregivers to finance and billing staff. Watch this senior living webinar to discover how RentCafe Senior CRM allows you...

Community Support Jan26

Community Support

In the face of inflation and rising costs of living, some affordable housing residents may struggling this year. Here are some creative ways to provide for families at your properties. Residents could be struggling with rising grocery prices. Local food banks and kitchens are the best options. Create easily available resources, such as a website page or flyer posted in community common areas, letting residents know where they can find assistance with groceries. Many food banks provide healthy foods as well. Find a guide to local food bank locations here. If your location allows, onsite community meals are another idea, which could be prepared with resident help or assistance from a non-profit willing to visit your location. For families with small children, childcare assistance is available in many regions. Become familiar with local resources and regulations in order to best assist residents. Consider a weekly or monthly activity for children living at the community so that parents can have a short break. Refreshments, games, or a movie afternoon are easy ideas for potential entertainment. Affordable healthcare is challenging to access for many, especially seniors who may have limited transportation options. Talk to local public health clinics and consider holding a quarterly mini-health assessment clinic. This can benefit all age groups. Many nonprofits help with health and wellness and are able to provide access assistance. If not onsite, a pickup/dropoff transportation service may be available, and you can share that information with residents. Car services like Uber and Lyft can get very expensive. For residents who do not have a personal car, consider having a “taxi” service available for them for a moderate fee. This can benefit many who need to pick up prescriptions or do quick errands. For residents who need access to technology,...

Your Business Intelligence Guide

You’ve likely heard the term business intelligence (BI) before, but have you explored the capabilities of BI tools for senior living? Our newest ebook guides you through it, offering concrete ways senior living operators can use BI tools to their advantage. We cover the top benefits of BI software and features to look for when selecting a solution, then share how Yardi Senior IQ stands out from the crowd. Be sure to download a free copy of the ebook for all the insights! Why should you use business intelligence? Given the tech-driven world we’re in today, it’s no surprise that 80% of organizations are using BI software, according to a 2022 Gartner survey. But beyond simply being in a technology era, leaders are choosing to implement BI solutions based on the ability to unlock critical data — all at the click of a button. That real-time data enables smarter, faster decision-making. As outlined in the ebook, business intelligence helps senior living operators (and other leaders alike) enable data visualization, streamline decisions and educate staff at all levels. That includes managers across marketing, operations and care, not just C-suite executives. You can read the ebook for more details on what BI tools have to offer. The big takeaway is that business intelligence opens doors that manual data processes can’t — helping operators drive growth in their communities. Selecting the solution for you How does one sort through different business intelligence solutions? It’s important to find a transparent vendor who shares exactly what their solution does to help operators succeed. You should be looking for ease of use, customization options and a wide range of capabilities when vetting BI solutions. Check out the ebook for a list of what to look for beyond those must-haves. Say hello to Yardi Senior IQ We can’t go through the benefits of business intelligence without a solution to demonstrate. With that, say hello to Senior IQ! Senior IQ is a cloud-based, integrated business intelligence solution hosted in the Yardi Senior Living Suite. As a BI solution built for the unique needs of senior living, Senior IQ offers real-time data that’s relevant to you. There’s a range of things that make Senior IQ a differentiator, but to name a few, Senior IQ offers: Attractive, customizable dashboards 640+ pre-configured KPIs Internal benchmarks and NIC industry comparison data Portfolio-wide insights plus drill down capabilities HIPAA and SOX compliant workflows Head over to the ebook for the full list, as well as an inside look at dashboards and KPIs being created in Senior IQ today. See what Yardi clients are saying “Yardi Senior IQ is fantastic because it establishes orderly workflows and creates new reports from existing ones, complete with custom dashboards,” shares Michael Bowles, project coordinator at Dial Senior Living. “Investors can get very specific information on demand without having to wait for us to send it.” You’ll find a few more testimonials like this one in the ebook. Getting started with Senior IQ Curious about the implementation process with Senior IQ? Let’s just say you’re not building charts from the ground up. Data is automatically pulled from tools in the Yardi Senior Living Suite — from financials to marketing to care — and populated in Senior IQ. Implementing Senior IQ can be achieved in just two weeks, much less than the median implementation timeline for BI software (approximately four months, according to BI-Survey). Read the ebook While snapshots like this are great, we encourage you to read the ebook for a closer look at business intelligence tools! If you have any questions about Senior IQ, visit page 14 of the ebook to book a personalized demo with team...

Care Stream App

We’re pleased to share a new round of updates in the Yardi EHR Care Stream App, our on-the-go platform for senior care staff. We’re continuously striving to improve our solutions in the Yardi Senior Living Suite, including the accompanying apps, and hope our clients enjoy the latest functionality Care Stream has to offer. See below for a snapshot of what the update entails: About Care Stream As a brief overview, the Yardi EHR Care Stream app allows nurses and other senior care staff to access resident health records, perform order resolutions, execute point-of-care charting and more from a single, mobile platform. Care Stream is accessible on both smartphones and tablets, allowing more staff members to utilize the app depending what devices their community has available. Taking a step back, Yardi EHR is our full-service electronic health record solution for senior living. Learn more about Yardi EHR. New features and enhancements Focusing on what’s new and improved in Care Stream, the app now includes the following functionality: You can now view, add and edit daily log entries and progress notes in the app. In resident view, tap the new daily log or progress notes button below the resident header to add a new entry or to view previous entries The add observation button (for initiating one-step assessments) has been replaced by an observation button located between the new daily log and progress notes buttons You can now view and record vital signs in the app. In resident view, tap the new vitals button below the resident header to record a new vital or view a filterable list of previously recorded vitals Download the app As always, these updates were developed with client feedback in mind, and to help senior care staff succeed. We hope you...

Benefits of e-Signatures Jan18

Benefits of e-Signatures...

Many of us have changed the way we go about our daily lives since social distancing efforts began in late 2019. Not only have we rolled with the changes, we’ve embraced them, morphed them into something better, and created new ways to work with each other. A major change affecting affordable housing providers and public housing agencies came in a notice from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in 2020 by which HUD authorized use of electronic signatures in place of “wet” (i.e. ink) signatures to execute documents for many of its housing subsidy programs. Examples of affected programs include: Project-based Section 8 Rental Assistance Demonstration Project-based Rental Assistance (RAD/PBRA) Section 202 Senior Preservation Rental Assistance Contracts (SPRAC) Section 202/162 Project Assistance Contract (PAC) Section 202 Project Rental Assistance Contract (PRAC) Section 811 PRAC and Project Rental Assistance (PRA) Rent Supplement Section 236 (including RAP) Section 221(d)(3)/(d)(5) Below-Market Interest Rate (BMIR). Why are e-signatures a game changer for subsidized housing? Eliminating ink signature requirements save time and money for affordable housing providers and public housing agencies. Rather that dealing with paperwork, these organizations can now set up digital workflows that reduce paper usage and storage costs. Those online workflows can save significant staff hours and create more time to serve residents. E-signatures are more convenient for affordable housing and PHA applicants and residents. They can execute documents when they have a free moment, instead of taking time off work or from childcare to visit an office to sign forms. Audits are also faster, easier and safer with the use of e-signatures. Because workflows are paperless, auditors can monitor files without having to come into an office. Instead, they can access affordable housing and PHA files from a remote workstation to...

Glassdoor Honor Jan12

Glassdoor Honor

Yardi has been honored with a Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Award for the third time as one of the Best Places to Work in 2023. The Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Award is based solely on the input of employees, who voluntarily provide anonymous feedback by completing a review about their job, work environment and employer on Glassdoor, the worldwide leader on insights about jobs and companies. “Taking care of our employees and offering opportunities to contribute to our clients’ success are guiding principles at Yardi,” said Anant Yardi, the company’s president and founder. “We are honored to receive this prestigious award again from Glassdoor, and we are grateful for the supportive culture that has been fostered at all levels within our organization.” For 2023, Yardi is No. 76 out of 100 companies on Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work US Large list with a 4.4 rating. The company was previously honored in 2020 and 2018. Here are some of the comments current employees have made recently about Yardi on Glassdoor: “(Yardi is a) wonderful place to work. Flexibility, good pay & benefits, and caring, supportive team and leader. Privileged to work for such a philanthropic company that values both its clients and employees.” “The company has been incredible to work for throughout the pandemic and treats its employees and their families as good as I’ve ever seen.” “Management and team leads meet with you often to check in on how you are doing, career goals, questions, concerns. They do so in an authentic way, not obligatory. Leadership has not only asked these questions but has great follow through. They have helped guide me on a path based on my own career goals and they also encourage “out of the box” ideas and love when you take initiative.” Yardi is currently hiring, and you can find worldwide career opportunities on the Careers page. Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work winners were determined using company reviews shared by U.S.-based employees between October 19, 2021 and October 17, 2022. During the year-long eligibility period, employers considered for the large list must have received at least 75 ratings for each of Glassdoor’s nine workplace attributes (overall company rating, career opportunities, compensation and benefits, culture and values, diversity and inclusion, senior management, work-life balance, recommend to a friend and six-month business outlook). “It’s encouraging to see companies doubling down on employee mental health and wellbeing, diversity and inclusion, competitive benefits and flexible work environments as we head into 2023. I sincerely congratulate all of the Best Places to Work winners,” said Christian Sutherland-Wong, Glassdoor Chief Executive Officer. For the complete list of the Glassdoor Best Places to Work winners in 2023, please visit:...

Happy New Year!  

To ring in the new year among our senior living team, we’re doing one of our favorite posts — one that features our senior living clients! That is, we’re highlighting clients’ positive stories and celebrations from the 2022 holiday season. We hope these bits of magical, holiday wonder help you start the new year off with a smile. Holiday momentum in senior living At various Maplewood Senior Living communities, the holiday season was filled with creative activities for residents. We’re talking classics like wreath-making and Christmas tree decorating, all the way to an educational class on official White House ornaments. Maplewood also shared one community’s participation in a local holiday toy drive in which residents, families and staff donated to gift to children in need. You can find cheerful photos from each holiday event on Maplewood’s LinkedIn page. Benchmark Senior Living partook in quite a few holiday activities, too. You can see for yourself in this carousel of photos on Benchmark’s social media, which features things like community decorating and residents singing around the piano. Our personal favorite might be this compilation of holiday cookie recipes Benchmark shared, featuring their residents’ top picks. We may have to save these for baking year-round! Residents at a Watercrest Senior Living community enjoyed a holiday feast with loved ones this Christmas season, before heading for horse-drawn carriage rides. Did we mention hot cocoa and freshly-baked cookies were involved? There may not be any horses spotted in their social media collage, but you’ll see another surprise visitor (think red suit, white beard) enjoying the evening with residents. The community even did a second round of this event, pictured on LinkedIn as well. Tapping into the magic of Christmas Eve, check out this video shared by Brightview Senior Living,...

EIA Updates Jan04

EIA Updates

This is the latest of our periodic updates on the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the U.S. Department of Energy’s statistical and analytical agency. EIA collects, analyzes, and disseminates energy information for the benefit of energy policymakers, analysts and consumers. Winter costs on the rise The EIA expects higher wholesale electricity prices this winter in every region of the country, with increases ranging from 33% higher in California to more than 60% in the mid-Atlantic and Central regions. Electricity price could peak more than three times higher in New England than elsewhere in the U.S., due to limited pipeline capacity for liquefied natural gas coupled with stronger global demand for LNG. In one encouraging sign for consumers, the EIA does not “expect retail electricity prices to increase as much wholesale prices this winter,” said Administrator Joe DeCarolis. Batteries on growth curve through ‘25 Developers and power plant owners plan to significantly increase utility-scale battery storage capacity in the U.S., reaching 30 gigawatts by the end of 2025. Batteries store extra energy produced by intermittent resources such as wind and solar. Battery storage capacity in the U.S., negligible prior to 2020, grew to 7.8 GW by October 2022, with 1.4 GW more capacity expected by the end of the year and an additional 20.8 GW through 2025, more than 75% of which will be in California and Texas. Developers have scheduled more than 20 large-scale battery projects to be deployed by 2025. The 409 megawatt Manatee Energy Storage in Florida is currently the U.S.’s largest operating battery storage project. Uptick in commercial building efficiency A recently released U.S. commercial buildings energy consumption survey report shows that the average total amount of energy used per square foot in commercial buildings decreased by 12% from 2012 to...

New SL Ebook!

Curious how the right technology can help you optimize staff efficiency, maximize occupancy and boost revenue? In our new ebook, in partnership with McKnight’s Senior Living, you’ll discover how CRM tools thoughtfully designed for senior living drive success. Read the highlight below then read the ebook for all the insights, including a closer look at RentCafe Senior CRM (our single connected solution).   How to choose the right CRM technology Given the life-changing nature of moving into a senior living community, it’s important for sales counselors to connect with prospective residents in a thoughtful, strategic manner. And in today’s day and age, CRM technology is available to aid that process throughout the prospect to resident journey. The right CRM helps sales staff track and nurture leads, build positive relationships and so much more, but not all solutions are built the same. For providers, a CRM solution needs to be designed for the unique needs of senior living in order to maximize success. That’s a key focus of the ebook, which shares the benefits of senior living CRM tools and offers guidance on selecting the solution for you. “A good CRM should do the work for you and allow you to focus on what’s most important: building relationships,” says ebook interviewee Candace Seidle, senior living team leader at Yardi. Discovering RentCafe Senior CRM In an effort to illustrate how the right CRM solution builds success, the ebook spotlights our single connected solution, RentCafe Senior CRM. This all-in-one platform is part of the Yardi Senior Living Suite for senior living providers. Not only does RentCafe Senior CRM help you nurture leads from first contact to move-in, it’s also configurable, mobile-friendly and fully integrated with key elements of your business. The ebook covers top benefits and reasons...

Success With Yardi

When exploring a software solution, you may wish to see testimonials from that vendor’s clients — those who can speak to benefits and results based on their own experience.      At Yardi, we strive to capture these testimonials in various ways. Meeting with our clients to chat through their journey — and see how our solutions are helping them succeed — is our favorite thing. And a recent interview with one of our fantastic senior living clients is no exception. We’re pleased to share pieces from our conversation with Kim Smart, director of systems and support at Anthology Senior Living, in our brand-new case study. The case study covers Anthology’s success with the Yardi Senior Living Suite, featuring Smart’s firsthand experience implementing, customizing and using new tools (plus so much more). We encourage you to read the case study in full, but for now, enjoy the highlight below: Meet Anthology Senior Living Anthology Senior Living, CA Venture’s senior living platform, works to provide their residents with the best hospitality and care. The company develops, acquires and operates senior housing communities across the United States with options for independent living, assisted living and memory care. Anthology has a total of 37 communities in their portfolio, with growth on the horizon. The challenge with antiquated processes Prior to welcoming the Yardi Senior Living Suite, Anthology relied on manual processes. Not only were the processes time consuming, they also increased the risk of errors and led to miscommunication among teams. With a range of communities to serve and rapid expansions underway, the company needed software built to streamline workflows, save time and reduce errors across the board. They searched for a solution that covered every need — software that combined resident care, sales, finance, business intelligence and...

Semper Fido Dec29

Semper Fido

We have reported on pet-friendly policies for multifamily properties, senior living communities and coworking spaces. So how about traditional offices? Are attitudes about pets in the workplace evolving? As recently as 2015, about 8% of U.S. businesses had pet-friendly policies. While only about 15% of employers let employees bring pets to work six years later, according to a survey by Southern California mobile pet groomer Barkbus, more employers are open to the idea. With 23 million U.S. households having adopted pets during the COVID-19 pandemic, “employees are prioritizing pets in their choices of where to work—and this affects employers’ willingness to allow pets onsite,” Forbes asserts. Employers such as Google, Ben & Jerry’s, Tito’s Vodka, Cliff Bar & Company and Atlantic Health System have established onsite pet-friendly policies. Some companies offer insurance, care stipends, onsite dog parks, time off for adoption or bereavement as part of their benefits package. A potential competitive advantage A 2021 study by job-seeker resource LiveCenter found that 94% of people were supportive of having pets in the workplace. Tolerance extends beyond cats and dogs to significant (although somewhat lesser) support for fish, birds, rodents, amphibians and reptiles. As a result, there are “increasing numbers of workplaces where you can take your pet to work and reap the benefits of pet ownership no matter what your work schedule,” Forbes reported in February 2022. And, adds personal finance information resource FinanceBuzz, “pet-friendly companies may even have a leg up over competitors: pets in the workplace can decrease employee stress levels and improve trust and communication between co-workers, which increases productivity.” Feasibility checklist Obviously having pets isn’t possible or desirable in every location, such as construction sites or workplaces restricted by lease and health regulations. But companies considering adopting pet-friendly policies might consider...

Fundraising With Care  

It’s never a bad time to spotlight positivity in the world, whether it be a kind gesture, a fundraising mission or even a community gathering. We always seek to share these moments from our senior living clients, and we have a roundup of recent stories that are positively inspiring.   To our Yardi senior clients mentioned below and all others, thank you for making the world a better place! Pacifica & Brightview raise funds for Alzheimer’s Each year, Pacifica Senior Living partners with the Alzheimer’s Association to host fundraisers, charity events and educational seminars to raise awareness about memory loss conditions. Pacifica communities — including both staff members and residents — participate in these activities. In addition to spreading awareness through their 2022 events, Pacifica raised $67,435 in support of the Alzheimer’s Association. Pacifica also ranked among the top 30 national teams supporting the Alzheimer’s Association, and earned the team longevity award for supporting them for over five years. Pacifica shared the delightful news on their company blog, giving a special shout out to Pacifica Senior Living Paradise Valley for being the top fundraising community. A warm congrats to Pacifica for their efforts. For Brightview Senior Living, another dedicated Yardi client, supporting the mission of the Alzheimer’s Association is second nature. During October and November of this year, Brightview partnered with the association to partake in the walk to end Alzheimer’s, raising funds along the way. “Together, we’ve already raised over $135,000 to #EndAlz…and the year isn’t over yet,” shared Brightview on LinkedIn. $135,000 in raised funds and a dedication to raising awareness? That’s inspiring to say the least. Well done, Brightview! Watercrest hosts annual festival of trees fundraiser Holiday spirit is in full swing for Watercrest Senior Living, especially at their Winter Park community. They kicked off December with their annual festival of trees celebration, a fundraiser that supports the Advent Health Neuroscience Institute Parkinson’s and Movement Disorder Outreach. The festival includes a silent auction in which attendees bid on trees and other holiday items. It’s a lovely gathering that combines festive themes with an important mission, so kudos to all at Watercrest!   Maplewood shares giving Tuesday mission In honor of giving Tuesday, taking place the week after Thanksgiving, Maplewood Senior Living shared their drive to give back. Inspired by their very own Maplewood Senior Living HEART Foundation, they encouraged all to consider the act of giving. “Our mission is to give support and financial help to Maplewood associates and their families who find themselves facing challenging times of unexpected, life-altering circumstance,” noted Maplewood on LinkedIn. This generous fundraising mission calls for recognition! Fantastic work by those at Maplewood. Nevada HAND celebrates employee giving campaign At Nevada HAND, giving back to their communities is of the utmost importance. That’s why they created their employee giving campaign and this year, the organization raised nearly $2,000 to make the campaign flourish. The initiative celebrates Nevada HAND’s incredible staff and the funds help provide life-enriching resources for residents. “We are so grateful for the hardworking, generous employees who make up our organization and truly believe in our mission,” shared Nevada HAND on LinkedIn. We love seeing our clients give back to their employees and residents — nicely done, Nevada HAND! Spreading positivity through the new year   It’s great to see our senior living clients channel positivity and passion in creative ways, often partaking in fundraising efforts that change the world. Once again, a well-deserved congratulations to all for their inspiring efforts! We look forward to sharing more stories like these as we enter the new year. What’s inspiring you...

2022 Highlights Dec27

2022 Highlights

Yardi had an exceptional year in 2022 as we focused on supporting our clients, employees and communities. Here is a look back at some of the highlights: YASC celebrates 40 years: Yardi welcomed 3500 clients to San Diego for three days of learning, networking, exposure to exciting new technologies, and fun. Yardi president and founder Anant Yardi addressed attendees at the San Diego Convention Center, the first time YASC has utilized such a large venue for its general session gatherings. After sharing some of the highlights for other real estate sectors – including rising rents in the multifamily space, an increased focus on built-to-rent single-family developments, and a need for more affordable housing nationwide – Mr. Yardi reflected on the journey Yardi has taken as a company over the last four decades. “It really has been just an incredible journey and an adventure. And for that, I thank all of you, our clients, and our employees,” shared Mr. Yardi. Forbes Cloud 100: Yardi was named to the Forbes 2022 Cloud 100, the definitive ranking of the top 100 private cloud companies in the world, published by Forbes in partnership with Bessemer Venture Partners and Salesforce Ventures. Yardi was a member of the inaugural Cloud 100 in 2016 and is No. 51 this year. The Forbes 2022 Cloud 100 was published online at and appeared in the August/September 2022 issue of Forbes magazine. “We’re honored that Forbes has again recognized Yardi for our cloud technology and services,” said Jay Shobe, senior vice president of cloud services at Yardi. “Congratulations to all the cloud technology leaders that made this year’s list. It reflects the efforts of our employees and the incredible support of our clients worldwide.” HBCU scholarships announced: Yardi continued a longstanding focus on education this year and announced the establishment...

Return to Office Dec24

Return to Office

“When will it happen?” That question often arises in discussions of employees returning to the office when COVID-19 fully subsides. But as the third anniversary of the pandemic’s onset approaches, that question might be superseded by two others: “Do employers want their employees to return?” and “Do employees want to return?” A Gallup survey in June 2022 that indicated 60% of fully remote workers would be “extremely likely” to look for other opportunities if their employer decided not to offer remote work at least some of the time. Meanwhile, some employers have made it clear that they want employees back for the career-building, mentorship and institutional knowledge creation that in-person interaction facilitates. Others want to make use of their investments in campuses and facilities. Also, in the case of the securities industry and others, it’s easier to execute compliance, legal, risk, audit and regulatory obligations onsite rather than remotely. “During these times of the pandemic, sense of belonging has been broken. The workplace enables that sense of belonging,” says Gia Ganesh, vice president of people and culture at Florence Healthcare, a clinical trial software provider in Atlanta. But many employees have grown accustomed to working from home, with family obligations, high gas prices, automobile maintenance and lingering COVID cases all weighing against spending 40 hours weekly in the office, even factoring in the socialization opportunities. “Employees really want flexibility and choice over where, when and how to work. They don’t want to be told: ‘You need to be here on these days.’ They want to be able to choose,” Ryan Luby, associate partner at McKinsey & Company, told CNN. Hybrid work as an alternative Fifty-two percent of respondents to a CBRE survey in June 2022 intend to reduce their office space over the next...

Creative Coworking Dec20

Creative Coworking

As companies embrace hybrid work, flexible workspaces are becoming a popular solution for many employees. But how can owners and managers of coworking space – which is in major growth mode –  raise the bar and make coworking spaces not just attractive, but irresistible? Here are some creative ways to attract workers to coworking spaces. The main advantage of coworking in flexible spaces is typically the open-plan space designs. Gone are the cubicles and assigned desks. Now you can have more room to enable collaboration with team members and other users in the office. But let’s take it up a step further and include a robust coffee and snack bar Include all the fancy fixings for coffee and cold brew, like syrups and creamers. You can include a snack bar with healthy options of various protein bars, fruits, and plant-based snacks. If your budget cannot bring the amenities into the office space, pick a location close to a trendy coffee shop. Think outside the typical Starbucks coffee location and look for a popular local coffee café. Coffee shops that offer a variety of drip coffee, CBD coffee, artisan coffee, and even various teas will be more attractive than just a typical Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts.   Another creative way to attract employees to flexible coworking spaces may be to have the office next to a doggie daycare facility. Since the pandemic started, many people have become very close to their fur babies. Leaving Snoopy at home all day alone is traumatizing for both owner and dog. Some doggie daycare facilities may even offer a discount for businesses nearby. Workers can come and have a focused workday, and Snoopy can have a day of play and exercise. You could even take it a step further...