Exceptional Events Apr24

Exceptional Events

Event and conference season is charged with fresh energy for 2023. With so many conferences to attend and/or host, decisions must be made on which are the most important. Whether attending several or just one, the same rules apply to all. Here are some do’s and don’ts to remember at your next conference. DO: Take many notes. Come prepared with a pen and a journal or smart tablet. Be ready to write anything that you think is important. Repeated information is essential, so write it down. Explore the floor. Many conferences have an exhibition hall with vendors showcasing products or services. Explore the opportunities for products or services you didn’t know existed and won’t know until you see a live demonstration. Network. Conferences are an excellent networking opportunity. Sit with new people when you can. Attend different sessions when possible. It’s best not to repeat the same things if you want the most out of any conference, and yes, that includes hanging out with the same people you see every day. This is your chance to learn from other professionals in your field and gain fresh perspectives. Also, ensure you have plenty of business cards. It leaves a good impression and conveys that you are open to communication once the conference ends. Capture memories. A great way to remember conferences is to take pictures. Pictures are a great way to show appreciation to the conference group by tagging quality photos on social media. However, when attending conferences, pictures can be a tricky task to accomplish. Keep in mind the position of the camera when taking pictures. Keep the camera vertically if you want to post to social media, particularly on live stories. If you are taking a group picture, keep the camera horizontal. You...

Sustainability for All Apr21

Sustainability for All

Green is always good. Every action taken throughout the day has an impact on the planet. Here are some simple tips to be sustainable in everyday life, which are tremendous ways to become more eco-friendly. Eat more greens. Everyone wants healthy longevity, and eating more plants is how to get there. Going vegan overnight is impossible, but gradually incorporating at least two or three days of meatless meals can make a difference. Half of the world’s habitual land is used for agriculture, which only gives the world 18% of global calories. It releases most land use, cattle methane emissions, manure management, and fertilizer use. Reduce your carbon footprint by eating more plant-based foods like tofu, beans, nuts, and foods with the lowest environmental impact, like whole grains, olive oil, fruits, and vegetables. You can now find more sustainable wine and beer using organic farming and zero-waste commitments. Sustainable foods are local, seasonal foods grown without hazardous pesticides and chemicals and support the local economy, which offers jobs and builds stronger communities. Save water. Agriculture also requires much freshwater, which can cause significant environmental pressures in regions with water restrictions. Saving water is another effective way to reduce electricity use, greenhouse gas emissions, and other energy-intensive operations. For example, try at home to only run the dishwasher with a full load and the same with full loads of clothes in the washer. Reuse water by keeping some buckets outside to catch rainwater and use them to water plants in the coming days. Cold showers use less energy, and thanks to Wim Hof Method, so has cold therapy, which gives the body immense health benefits. Recycle. Depending on where you live, recycling options will vary and programs may be more comprehensive in some states or cities than elsewhere. Try to separate trash and follow the local recycling guidelines. Reuse items as often as possible before throwing them out. Sustainable reusables. 50% of all plastic produced is for single-use purposes. As a result, 10 million tons of plastic are dumped in oceans annually. Using so much single-use plastic is entirely unnecessary when there are many sustainable alternatives. Reduce trash by being more conscious of consumption and waste patterns. For example, consider getting reusable water bottles instead of multiple plastic bottles, reusable utensils, and containers. Always remember to bring your reusable tote bags for groceries. Since the spring holiday, Easter, is coming up, skip the plastic grass for the baskets and opt for some Spanish moss or other biodegradable grass or crinkled paper. Plastic grass lasts forever in the environment, not to mention it’s dangerous for pets that might get ahold of a basket. Eco-friendly cleaning. Let’s face it, home cleaning product chemicals are terrible for the environment and your body. By choosing eco-friendly cleaning products, you will reduce the amount of plastic packaging used and the number of chemicals that flow into the oceans. Vinegar is a pantry cleaning staple known to cut grease and dissolve hard water stains. If the smell is too much for some, add some essential oils, such as lavender, pine, or lemon balm. Pine and lemon oils are great alternatives for floor cleaners which is how Pine Sol was created in the early 1900s. Baking soda is an eco-friendly product with many benefits. Sprinkle it directly on hard surfaces that need extra stain removal.  Baking soda can also absorb odors. Use it in the refrigerator, freshen mattresses, pet beds, and shoes, and it can even be added to the wash and rinse cycle to deodorize clothing. Vinegar and baking soda, together, will go a long way when cleaning bathroom tubs, sinks, kitchen appliances, and faucets. Laundry soaps are terrible for the oceans. Tide now has an eco-friendly laundry detergent that contains 75% plant-based ingredients. In addition, the formula is free of dyes, chlorine, and optical brighteners and is produced at a zero-waste-to-landfill manufacturing site using 100% renewable...

Observe Earth Day Apr19

Observe Earth Day

The first Earth Day took place in 1970 when 20 million Americans united to demand greater protections for our planet. Today, Earth Day is recognized across the globe with one billion individuals supporting the mission to maintain and protect our planet’s natural resources. With increased attention on ESG initiatives, this Earth Day is a great time to make a commitment to decrease your organization’s energy use. You can start by reviewing the checklists provided by ENERGY STAR® for low-cost and rapid payback energy-saving measures. Suggestions range from operations and maintenance to occupant behavior and education. And Yardi Pulse has solutions and services to support you along the way: Want to better understand your utility invoices and ensure payments are on time to reduce if not eliminate late fees? Utility Invoice Processing outsources review and payment to Yardi staff familiar with the complexities of these documents.  Ready to save 2-5% on your energy costs? Meter Insights collects and analyzes real-time energy data to identify issues before they show up as anomalies on your invoice. Interested in proactive and predictive maintenance to get a jump on costly equipment repairs? Fault Detection automatically syncs with Yardi Facility Manager to identify faults early so you can replace individual parts, rather than entire pieces of equipment. Need to benchmark or certify your buildings? Yardi is an ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Sustained Excellence award winner and a GRESB Global Partner. Our Energy Benchmarking teams work closely with these organizations to ensure our energy team can streamline these intricate processes on your behalf. Hoping to find energy at a lower cost? If your buildings operate in a deregulated market, our Energy Procurement team can leverage their expertise to conduct market research, negotiate pricing and review legal contracts. Looking to...

Capturing Care Revenue...

How are today’s senior living operators building success and boosting their bottom line? In a recent article, Senior Housing News (SHN) highlights how some operators are getting creative to reach their goals — specifically, using technology to accurately capture care revenue. The article is packed with valuable insights, including those from our own senior director of sales, Richard Nix. Read the summary below then head to SHN to read the full post (requires SHN+ membership). Using technology to properly capture care revenue In today’s landscape, senior living organizations are facing margin compression and an ongoing staffing shortage. That means leaders are tasked with finding innovative ways to meet challenges head-on, with the goal of retaining care staff, boosting resident satisfaction and ultimately, growing their occupancy and increasing revenue. While operators have taken different approaches, one that has been particularly successful is learning to properly capture care revenue — and using technology to do so. Operators featured in the article explain their missteps prior to implementing the right tech solution, such as charging inaccurate rates. As these leaders have now discovered, integrated solutions like Yardi EHR have the power to eliminate those missteps entirely. How Yardi helps operators drive success To illustrate just how helpful technology can be in capturing care revenue, Richard Nix — our senior director of sales in senior living — joined SHN for an interview. His conversations are included in the SHN article, but we’ll summarize the key talking points. Nix shares that integration with an operator’s EHR platform helps reduce gaps in resident assessments, which improves their ability to get a holistic picture of a community’s resident care service lines — and identify where care billing could improve. “One of the biggest challenges to driving care revenue right now is...

Burning Question Apr14

Burning Question

Some potential dangers are close at hand: pandemics, extreme weather, volcanoes and computer viruses, among others. Another one is 93 million miles away: the sun. The life-enabling nuclear fusion ball that Walt Whitman marveled as “O so amazing and broad—up there resplendent, darting and burning!” also holds the power to cause chaos for humanity and its various forms of commerce. The danger comes in the form of solar storms. One such event occurs when the sun releases a blast of plasma called a coronal mass ejection (CME) that arrives at Earth a few days later. Another ejection, known as a solar flare, comprises a burst of radiation traveling at the speed of light. When one of these phenomena hits Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere, it creates a geomagnetic storm that can cause satellites, transformers, relays, sensors and other equipment vital to power grids, navigation, internet service, defense systems, financial transactions, communications and any number of other operations to fail. A large-scale CME or flare, Forbes reported last year, “would knock out power plants, transmission lines, and substations for entire regions or cities. Huge swaths of the world’s population could be without power for weeks at a time, leading to health crises, food shortages, and devastating economic effects.” Anyone tempted to dismiss such a scenario as science fiction should consider the Carrington Event of 1859, the largest solar storm ever recorded. This CME caused telegraph systems around the world to fail catastrophically. Scientists have found evidence of even larger event in A.D. 774, called the Miyake Event. A geomagnetic storm one-third the size of the Carrington Event hit Quebec, Canada, in 1989, causing the electric grid to collapse and putting 5 million people out of power for nine hours. Twelve years later, scientists detected a...

Earth Day Options Apr12

Earth Day Options

Let’s go green! Earth Day is April 22. Earth Day is celebrated with over a billion people worldwide, promoting a clean, green environment. Companies that have developed robust Environmental Social Governance (ESG) standards are seeing better profitability, stronger financial performance, and happier employees. Yardi was recently awarded the ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year for Sustained Excellence Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy for the fifth year. Earth Day is important to us at our offices worldwide, as it is for our clients and their communities. No time is more vital than the present to act and invest in our planet. Here are some ideas to mark Earth Day at your properties and be good guardians of the environment. Host a “lights out” event for your community. Host a happy hour in the clubroom for an hour and encourage residents to turn off their electronics inside their units. Have organic paper-made utensils and plates. Serve up some organic cupcakes, green juices, and organic coffee. Clean-up event at a local park. Host a trash pick-up day if you are close to a park or recreation center. Residents can come out and help clean up the park free of cans, plastics, or any other trash that is on site. Be sure to provide supplies residents need, such as trash bags and gloves. Then, take it a step further and plant a tree with residents. Plant a tree or some flowers around the property. Native plants are the best option for local bees to pollinate. Plants serve as mood boosters and increase productivity and creativity. Your green efforts will give you leverage over the competition to retain or attract new residents. Explore the outdoors. This saves on indoor gym...

Fair Housing Month Apr11

Fair Housing Month

April is Fair Housing Month! 2023 marks the 55th anniversary of the Fair Housing Act, a federal law that protects people from discrimination when renting or buying a home, along with other housing-related activities. Just in time for Fair Housing Month, Yardi Aspire courses have been refreshed with an all-new illustrated design and an interactive narrative style that keeps learners engaged. In Aspire, returning learners will notice a new cast of characters and new scenario-based challenges that shine a spotlight on real-world violation risks by property type (market rate versus affordable) and role (property manager, leasing, marketing and maintenance). Fair Housing Month reminds industry professionals that diversity and inclusion are important in our communities, as are the laws that uphold these principles in housing and housing-related services. It is recommended that companies invest in proactive employee training to ensure compliance, prevent costly fines and avoid punitive damages and legal fees related to violations. While fair housing training is not mandated by the federal government, it is best practice for employers to require all employees in public and resident-facing roles to complete a comprehensive learning plan of two to five hours within the first 30 days of employment — and recertify on a shorter version of the training annually thereafter. With a comprehensive catalog of customizable micro-training modules, clients can remove pages and insert company-specific policies, anecdotes and key messages to achieve greater impact. Aspire courses are routinely updated by certified federal fair housing experts. Aspire gives learners the chance to prepare for situations before they arise. Real-world practice challenges provide a supportive environment for employees to explore appropriate responses to reasonable accommodation requests and fair housing complaints. Enhance supervisor and administrator awareness with a connected system that ensures training compliance. Aspire delivers deep data...

Art of the Covenant  Apr10

Art of the Covenant 

Covenants – agreements between a debtor (borrower) and creditor, or lender, are a staple of commercial real estate loans. Designed to reduce risk for lenders, loan covenants commit the borrower to execute certain behaviors, such as making principal and interest payments when due, and avoid others, such as selling the assets that underpin the loan without first repaying it in full.  Certain economic conditions – falling portfolio values, high operational expenses, rising vacancy rates – increase the risk of violating, or breaching, a loan covenant, by being late on payments or reporting or by failing to meet financial benchmarks.  One example of a covenant breach is a CFO missing a debt service ratio, which measures the cash flow available to pay current debt obligations. That could result in the lender calling the loan, forcing the company to obtain financing to repay the called loan.  Avoiding such a scenario requires transparency in lender requirements, deep understanding of the factors that influence debt such as forecasts and rents. “Covenant tracking is a big trend now. On the borrower side, the emphasis is on transparency and getting insight into debt portfolios,” observes Chris Barbier, senior manager of investment management for Yardi.  How can borrowers minimize risk and maximize efficiency in managing their loan covenants? One of the most reliable ways involves using one technology platform rather than multiple systems for loan, asset management and investment activities.  “If you’ve got an operating property – which is usually the collateral for the loan in a system – and then you’ve got loans being tracked somewhere else, the two processes are not aligned. A tightly integrated solution allows for better transparency and risk management,” Barbier says.  A single technology system that centralizes all loan information and automates processes helps borrowers by:  Ensuring deliverables are sent to lenders.  Monitoring the compliance status of key covenants.  Tracking and accounting for different types of loans  Tracking changes in loan terms over time and their impact on the amortization schedule.  Providing full visibility into asset operational performance such as loss of income and deterioration in asset values, making it easier to anticipate and deal with potential problems.  Reducing manual errors by eliminating spreadsheets.  Providing full visibility and an audit trail into payment history.  Most importantly, such a system “provides a single source of truth. That means transparency from the investment to how the loan and underlying collateral are performing,” Barbier says.  Learn how Yardi Debt Manager enables tracking and accounting for a loan portfolio and provides visibility into debt obligations with the underlying operating...

STAR Power Apr05

STAR Power

Each year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) honors a group of businesses and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to protecting the environment through superior energy efficiency achievements. Since 1992, the EPA’s ENERGY STAR program and its partners helped prevent four billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions from entering our atmosphere. In 2020 alone, the program’s emissions reductions were equivalent to more than five percent of U.S. total greenhouse gas emissions. Highest EPA accolade As a Service and Product Provider, Yardi is proud to receive the 2023 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year Sustained Excellence Award from the EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy after being named Partner of the Year for five consecutive years. The award is the highest EPA honor and celebrates companies that offer energy services and products in the commercial, institutional or industrial markets for successfully assisting their clients in strategic energy management and building design. This includes energy services companies (ESCOs), unregulated energy retailers and marketers, engineers, architects, energy consultants, contractors, distributors, manufacturers, commercial lenders, energy information providers and any other provider of energy efficiency-related products and/or services. “As we accelerate historic efforts to address climate change, public-private partnerships will be essential to realizing the scale of our ambition,” said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. “I applaud this year’s ENERGY STAR award winners for working with EPA to deliver a clean energy future that saves American consumers and businesses money and creates jobs.” Energizing achievements “We applaud our clients’ impressive achievements, and we are proud to receive this honor from the EPA for the fifth consecutive year. Energy efficiency is a core component of our mission as a real estate technology provider. We remain committed to continuing to help the industry and our clients gain the utmost benefits using ENERGY...

Coworking Center Benefits Apr03

Coworking Center Benefits

Coworking centers are becoming a popular solution for many employees in a new, more flexible world of hybrid, remote, and in-office work. Let’s explore the benefits of a coworking center. Desirability: Coworking centers are attractive to workers. They typically incorporate open space, bright light, modern layouts and an artistic environment. Some even have private rooftop terraces that overlook city skylines. Find several cities worldwide that now have coworking centers. Flexibility: As office workers adapt to new normal, flexibility is the most productive and efficient way to respond to change. Flexible office space is an ideal workplace compromise. Use of a coworking center forgoes the need to hot desk or hotel existing traditional office space – sharable space with needed amenities is already provided, as are collaborative meeting spaces. And since coworking centers are shared spaces, employers can pay monthly without committing to a long lease. Ease of use: Coworking centers will keep up with frequent technology changes. Coworking centers will always have high-speed internet and WiFi. In addition, coworking centers offer video and audio-enabled conference rooms, modern computer systems, improved HVAC systems, member mobile apps for easy bookings, and touchless technology. Some centers may have smart windows to block the outside street noise or can adjust for the lighting needed. Other amenities of coworking centers include parking, electric vehicle charging stations, bike storage, espresso bars, wellness rooms, fitness centers, and event spaces. Some coworking centers are even dog-friendly! Pool tables, dartboards, and ping pong tables are also available in coworking centers for enjoyable mental breaks. Collaboration: Coworking centers offer collaboration opportunities for employers and employees. Working in a virtual work environment, some forms of human contact are lost. When the team can unite in-person, collaborative work and creative ideas are cultivated. The saying “two heads are better than one” is still relevant, especially when working on projects, sales pitches and leads, and event planning. Coming together in a positive space gives the team a chance to brainstorm, collaborate, mentor, and build company culture. Community: Being in a coworking center builds a self-nurturing community among startups, freelancers, creative professionals, and corporate employees who need a focused workspace. The community of coworkers makes the workspace engaging and vibrant, elevating mood and performance. Plus, coworking centers are often located in busy metro areas. Many coworking centers will be found by gyms and restaurants, allowing employees to enjoy city life in conjunction with the coworking experience. Modern offices, equipped with high-end technology, customer-oriented amenities and features, and open space design, will be a requirement if companies decide to pursue a full-scale return to the office. Flexible coworking centers are the ideal compromise: they allow employees to work when and where they feel most comfortable, while preserving the critical benefits of in-person collaboration and...

Partner of the Year Mar28

Partner of the Year

Yardi is honored to receive the 2023 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year Sustained Excellence Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy after being named Partner of the Year for five consecutive years. The award celebrates companies that offer energy services and products in the commercial, institutional or industrial markets for successfully assisting clients with strategic energy management and building design. Partner of the Year award winners have made a long-term commitment to fighting climate change and promoting public health through energy efficiency messaging.  In addition to promoting ENERGY STAR, Partner of the Year award recipients work with ENERGY STAR to continuously improve and advance service offerings. The award acknowledges Yardi’s efforts to educate and support clients with benchmarking services and technology solutions across real estate sectors including: Helping clients benchmark energy and water in over 5,500 buildings Promoting the importance of ENERGY STAR scores to clients through education, training and visibility  Including ENERGY STAR in Yardi’s energy management software dashboard Publishing articles and social media posts on the benefits of benchmarking, energy management and conservation Providing digital energy courses for over 7,500 attendees during annual user conferences Sharing ENERGY STAR data to help clients gain access to green financing for buildings Earning ongoing ENERGY STAR certification for Yardi corporate headquarters in Goleta, California “As we accelerate historic efforts to address climate change, public-private partnerships will be essential to realizing the scale of our ambition,” said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. “I applaud this year’s ENERGY STAR award winners for working with EPA to deliver a clean energy future that saves American consumers and businesses money and creates jobs.” “We are proud to receive this honor from the EPA for the fifth consecutive year. Energy efficiency is a core component of our mission as a real estate technology provider, and we applaud our clients’ impressive achievements. We look forward to continuing to help our clients and the industry gain the utmost benefits using ENERGY STAR to meet business and sustainability goals as we all work together toward a clean energy future,” said Joe Consolo, Yardi industry principal for energy. See the complete list of winners...

Enhancing RentCafe Wellness

We’re excited to share all that’s new and improved in RentCafe Wellness, our senior living solution for managing wellness programs. At a glance, RentCafe Wellness helps you create online activity calendars, track resident attendance and so much more. Ready to explore the enhancements — all inspired by client feedback? See below for an overview of how RentCafe Wellness looks today: A glance at RentCafe Wellness RentCafe Wellness (part of the Yardi Senior Living Suite) gives you the tools to effectively manage your community wellness initiatives. With this dynamic solution, you can: Schedule activities Create digital calendars Enable online payments Keep families connected Empower staff How the solution looks today There are several enhancements to cover, but first things first, we’d like to thank our wonderful senior living clients for their thoughtful feedback on RentCafe Wellness. It’s helped us create a refreshed solution packed with new features and improved usability. Here’s a look at the latest functionality in RentCafe Wellness: Starting with digital calendars, which staff can easily create in RentCafe Wellness, there are evolved features like the ability to build reusable design templates. Calendar design templates can be used by a single community or several! Staff can also copy an existing calendar design with a single click to create a new variation. Once your calendar (or multiple calendars) is created, you can easily designate it by care level or zone. Want your calendars printed to disperse across the community? No problem! Staff can quickly print daily, weekly or monthly calendars by downloading them as PDFs or word documents. When it comes to scheduling and marketing activities, we’ve made it easier than ever. Staff can create multiple templates as the starting point for scheduling dozens of activities, whether they’re one-time or recurring. Speaking of those recurring activities, staff can save time by creating a series that auto-populates in any given calendar for upcoming months (setting a single date, a date range or for all future instances). They can transfer the previous month’s resident registrations into an upcoming calendar, too. Additional functionality includes the ability to set activity registration as optional or required, guests allowed or prospective residents welcomed, to name a few. You can also create monthly paid activities, allowing you to expand your organization’s revenue streams. Whether you host something offsite or invite local experts to provide paid services in your community, setting and collecting fees is straightforward. Every enhanced feature for managing activities helps staff reduce their administrative work — leading to more time spent engaging with residents. Benefits of a single connected solution We’ve covered snazzy features like building calendars and setting up activities, but another big differentiator with RentCafe Wellness is that it exists on a single, integrated platform. You’re gaining a complete wellness and activity management solution that connects with key elements of the Yardi Senior Living Suite. Thanks to direct integration with Voyager Senior Housing (which populates resident lists and property records), RentCafe Wellness automatically updates occupancy details when new residents move in, and when former residents move out. This real-time information sharing allows staff to easily manage resident registration, attendance and more. A connection with Yardi Payment Processing simplifies the entire workflow for paid activities. Activity charges are paid just like other community charges with a one-time monthly ACH, debit or credit card payment, or via autopay. Payments you collect — and your payments to vendors — will come through as part of the monthly payer statement. Residents and family members can conveniently submit their online payments via RentCafe Senior Living Portal. In addition to offering the convenience of online payments, RentCafe Senior Living Portal allows family members to see which activities residents are attending, and you have the option to allow family members to register for activities on a resident’s behalf. This helps families stay in the loop regarding their loved one’s health and wellbeing. As an added bonus, residents and families...

2023 Events & Tradeshows

Wanting to fill your calendar with impactful senior living events? We have a roundup of recommendations that span throughout 2023, all of which offer a chance to network with senior living professionals.    Keep reading for the list of events we recommend exploring this year:   OLTCA/ORCA Together We Care Convention & Tradeshow First up is the OLTCA/ORCA Together We Care Convention & Tradeshow, taking place March 27-29 in Toronto. This in-person convention connects long term care and retirement community professionals, sparking conversations that are sure to challenge and inform all attendees. You can visit team Yardi at booth 308 — we’ll be excited to meet you and share more about the Yardi Senior Living Suite. Ready to get something on the books in advance? Schedule time to meet us at OLTCA/ORCA 2023. Texas Assisted Living Association Annual Conference & Tradeshow Save the date for the Texas Assisted Living Association Annual Conference & Tradeshow in Round Rock, Texas, on April 5-7. You’ll connect with assisted living leaders to share ideas, talk about industry updates and bond over lessons learned through recent challenges. Our team will be in attendance at booth 310 if you’d like to schedule time to connect! Argentum Senior Living Executive Conference The Argentum Senior Living Executive Conference is coming up as well, an annual gathering of thousands of senior living professionals, operators, owners, executives and community leaders. Set for May 8-10 in New Orleans, Louisiana, the conference is an empowering and educational experience. Not only are we sponsoring the registration, we’ll also have a presence at booth 3100. Reach out to get a meeting scheduled with team Yardi. Florida Senior Living Association Annual Conference Looking for a summer event? Head to the Florida Senior Living Association Annual Conference on June 25-28 in Boca Raton, Florida, for a chance to network with likeminded leaders. You can meet us at booth 38, but feel free to plan a meeting with us in advance. California Assisted Living Association Spring Conference & Trade Show  We can’t forget the annual California Assisted Living Association Spring Conference & Trade Show, which features engaging, interactive learning sessions. This year’s Spring conference takes place June 5-7 in Sacramento, California. We’re pleased to sponsor the awards luncheon — and connect with attendees at booth 213! Be sure to stop by or contact us to connect prior to the show. California Assisted Living Association Fall Conference & Tradeshow If you plan to attend the CALA Spring Conference, make sure to mark your calendar for the California Assisted Living Association Fall Conference & Tradeshow too, taking place in Palm Springs, California, on November 6-8. We’ll have more details as the event gets closer, but we’re excited to sponsor the awards luncheon for this one. Oregon Healthcare Association Annual Convention & Trade Show Let’s talk about the Oregon Healthcare Association Annual Convention & Trade Show, which is hosted in Portland, Oregon. You can join professionals across the industry for an in-depth learning experience on September 19-20. We’re a proud co-sponsor of the awards program for this event. More details to come! See you at senior living events throughout 2023! Be sure to check our Yardi events page for the full list of events we’re attending this year. If you have questions in the meantime about our senior living management software, or you’re ready to schedule time to connect, don’t hesitate to reach out via the meeting links shared...

Manage Resident Vaccinations...

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenging journey for us all, including senior living providers and those within their communities. From identifying infections to meeting CDC guidelines to managing resident vaccinations — each challenge has required a creative solution to help communities stay safe. So as providers continue to navigate this era — and manage resident health in general — we’re focused on sharing all that our single connected solution does to help. It’s why we’ve put together resources like our vaccination infographic, which shares how Yardi EHR (our electronic health record solution) streamlines vaccine tracking and other key tasks. Ready to ease staff burden, improve resident health and keep your communities safe? Explore the infographic below to see how Yardi EHR does it all, helping you navigate COVID-19 and other infectious diseases: Stay informed with a comprehensive solution Yardi EHR is a full-service electronic health record solution for senior living providers. Built with several features that help you deliver the best care, this integrated solution offers an infection surveillance and immunization dashboard to help caregivers document — and monitor — essential information relating to COVID-19. Manage resident vaccinations Empower care staff Meet CDC guidelines Keep communities safe Learn how Yardi EHR benefits today’s providers With Yardi EHR, you’re equipped to schedule vaccinations, track appointments, record symptoms, chart collectively, monitor reactions and detect diseases — all from a single platform. Learn more about Yardi EHR. Start helping your residents today If you’re an existing Yardi EHR client, adding the infection surveillance and immunization dashboard couldn’t be easier. The implementation process is quick, efficient and seamless once you submit a case via Client Central (or by contacting your account manager). You’ll be set to manage initial vaccinations, track booster shots and more in no time....

Sound Advice Mar19

Sound Advice

Making sure all parties understand and follow the “right to quiet enjoyment” by resolving or preventing complaints about excessive noise can help keep satisfied occupants, a good reputation and filled commercial and residential properties. “Normal” noise includes talking, cooking and cleaning a property. Anything else, such as loud music, shouting, unruly visitors or dogs barking dogs past a certain time (usually 10 p.m.) and decibel threshold, has the potential to “lower the standards of the entire rental property and leave a landlord open to complaints from neighbors off the property, or file small claims for tolerating a nuisance,” along with spurring affected residents to seek court orders allowing them to leave without paying rent, says California legal firm Fast Eviction Service. With regard to commercial buildings, a gym that leases space in an office building, for example, could produce an unpleasant surprise for neighboring workers. “The onus is on the person leasing the space to do their homework before signing,” says Aercoustics, an acoustics, noise reduction and vibration control engineering firm in Mississauga, Canada. With the right preparation, noise issues can be managed. Steps that property managers can take to prevent or resolve unusual, excessive or unnecessary noise on a property include: Researching your city’s noise-related bylaws. Incorporating a noise clause into leases that defines the right to quiet enjoyment (an implied right in all 50 U.S. states), types of noise, noise limits, quiet hours and the consequences of lease violations. Making the subject of noise complaints aware of the problem and offering the opportunity to resolve them. Purchasing a decibel meter, which is inexpensive and provides an objective means to settle noise complaint disputes. Being aware of lightweight floors that enable sound to easily travel among rooms and levels in commercial spaces. Consulting...

Investing in EHRs

It’s no secret that technology use is growing exponentially. Tech solutions are transforming the way various industries operate — including senior living — from EHRs to business intelligence tools. This ties into a recent Ziegler study, which examines 150 senior living organizations to learn how they’re using technology moving into 2023. With input gathered from CFOs, the study shares which solutions these organizations are implementing to meet today’s challenges. Read on for a quick snapshot of the study’s findings: Ziegler study reveals investments in EHRs The study — Ziegler CFO Hotline — gathers survey responses from CFOs across senior living. Ziegler presented various technologies relevant to the industry, and respondents were asked to identify which they’ve invested in over the last 12 months. Interestingly, the responses show a return to priorities of years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the top investments revealed was electronic health records — with 54% of respondents claiming they’ve invested in EHRs in the past year. When asked what they planned to invest in for the next 12 months, 31% of respondents pointed to EHRs as well. It’s no surprise given the major benefits EHRs bring to senior living organizations such as easing staff burden, empowering caregivers, mitigating risk, eliminating manual data-entry and more. Read the Ziegler study to gain further insights. Finding the EHR solution for you We know the world of technology is vast. Senior living organizations are faced with solutions left and right, and it can be challenging to determine how one differs from the next. That’s why we’ve created several resources that delve into our own solution, Yardi EHR, to show what makes it unique. At a glance, Yardi EHR is a full-service electronic health record solution that combines clinical intake processing, assessments, interoperability...

Celebrating Resident Artists

We couldn’t pass up the chance to feature a cool initiative from one of our senior living clients, an initiative focused on bringing residents’ passions to light. Shout out to Maplewood Senior Living for their blog series that highlights how residents are finding purpose and joy — including their recent post spotlighting their art-loving residents. Spotlighting Maplewood’s resident artists As mentioned in their post, Maplewood didn’t have to look far to find resident artists. From participating in daily art activities within their community to sparking creativity on their own, these residents bring some amazing designs to the table. Starting with Maplewood at Weston resident Judith Kohn, a talented individual who claims art rescued her during a difficult season of life. Inviting creations are spread across her apartment with pieces hung on walls, sitting on the furniture and even propped on the floors. With her strong love for art, it’s no surprise Judith has become one of Maplewood at Weston’s most active ambassadors. She’s been spreading her knowledge by teaching a monthly art class for other residents since moving to the community in July of 2022. At Maplewood’s newest community in New Jersey, Maplewood at Princeton, you’ll find resident Rosalyn Mass, who’s held a lifelong passion for the arts. She taught painting and drawing for seventeen years directly out of her home, working with children from different backgrounds and cultures. She later worked with a local library to have her students’ work exhibited, too. Quite impressively, Rosalyn never had any formal training — simply a natural talent and dedication to channeling her inner artist. Head to Maplewood’s blog post to see photos of both Judith and Rosalyn’s art pieces!   Celebrating our senior living clients It’s always fun to share something joyful from our senior living clients and the residents they serve. We applaud Maplewood for celebrating their residents’ creativity — we love featuring initiatives like their blog series here on The Balance Sheet. Have questions about how Yardi works with clients like Maplewood? Get in touch with our senior living team...

EPCS In Senior Living...

“In the midst of a growing drug overdose crisis exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, clinicians’ use of prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) and electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) technology is critical to improving opioid prescribing practices, informing treatment decisions and supporting safe and effective patient care. Recent efforts, such as mandating use of EPCS technology and integrating PDMPs into electronic health record (EHR) systems, aim to improve prescribing practices.” That information comes from a recent post by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC), which covers the importance of EPCS technology and PDMPs in today’s world. With relevance to the senior living industry, we’re highlighting the article’s key points and sharing how our EHR solution fits into the picture. Tracking the progress of PDMPs and EPCS technology Health care providers have historically relied on paper-based processes to prescribe controlled substances. But as shared by the ONC, we’ve made a lot of progress in shifting toward electronic prescribing in recent years. Reports show substantial growth in the use of EPCS systems due to DEA regulations — and state-mandated EPCS laws — with 71% of physician prescribers having used EPCS technology in 2021. Looking at PDMPs, there’s been a significant increase in usage as well. The article relays that one-third of prescribers now access a PDMP through their EHR system, compared to one-fifth in 2019. What are the benefits? So what are the benefits of electronic prescribing workflows? You can read the full article for all the insights, but in summary, the benefits of using EPCS technology and PDMPs is promising. Not only do these digital systems prevent data-entry errors, which in turn enhances resident safety, they also save time, streamline workflows and more. The largest benefit may be how they reduce...

Employee Appreciation Day Feb27

Employee Appreciation Day

Employee Appreciation Day is this Friday, March 3, but you can start the celebration anytime! If you haven’t taken advantage of celebrating Employee Appreciation Day before, now is a great chance to do so. Expressing gratitude and letting employees know that you appreciate them is one of the best ways to keep employees engaged and motivated in the workplace. Here are some creative ideas that will show your employees they are appreciated. Team building day. If the budget allows, take a group outing to a fun team-building activity. Bowling or TopGolf are great outings with teams to have some friendly competition. Have employees vote on a fun activity to do together. This will create excitement and show employees that the company cares about their input. If your team is working from home, plan a virtual escape room. There’s a virtual escape room for every team dynamic with different themes, from art heists to murder mysteries. If spending money is out of the budget, volunteering at a locally supported nonprofit is a great way to get out of the office and doesn’t cost anything. If anything, everyone will feel better when doing better. Bring in a guest speaker. Keep things exciting by bringing in a surprise guest. Find a motivational speaker, hypnotist, or comedian to bring in for a fun break during the workday. Since most of today’s world works from home, you can schedule a virtual Zoom meeting with the guest. Bringing in a guest speaker or entertainer is a great way to boost employees’ moods and improve employee morale. Plus, it will leave employees with something to talk about for years to come! Write a LinkedIn Recommendation. LinkedIn is a modern, public-facing resume. When employees consistently perform well, take some time to write thoughtful recommendations on LinkedIn about the value they bring to the company. Include details about how the employee drove business results and how much you enjoy working with them on various projects. This unique way of showing appreciation demonstrates your investment in employees’ career development now and in the future. Endorsements for skills mastery on LinkedIn can work the same way. Recognition ceremony. When he recognized his employees at the Dundie awards, Michael Scott was onto something. What a great way to show that the company cares and recognizes success. Employee recognition is essential to creating strong office culture. Host a recognition ceremony for your employees to celebrate Employee Appreciation Day. Honor each employee for a contribution that they have made to the team. You might not go as quirky as The Office but have some fun and get creative for awards to keep things lively. Gratitude notes. A little bit of gratitude can go a long way in the workplace. Create thank you notes for each employee that express why you and the company are grateful for having them on the team. Try not to make these cards sound generic—consider how each individual has contributed to the company’s success. If budget allows, include a small personal gift or gift card with the gratitude note. These recognition ideas will communicate to employees and teams that you and the company see and appreciate their hard work. Virtual employees can often feel forgotten or disconnected. By increasing recognition and gratitude, team members will likely feel more engaged and motivated to continue doing their best work daily. With all the benefits and return on investment from appreciation, it’s worth the...

EV Tech Feb26

EV Tech

Electric vehicles – and their charging apparatuses – are a hot topic. With electric vehicles accounting for only about 6% of U.S. new car sales in 2022, the country is one of the world’s largest markets for EVs. The federal government has set a goal of 500,000 EV charging stations at apartment buildings, public parking lots, roadways and other locations by 2030, up from 133,000 in 2020. At that point half of all road vehicles could be electric, if the government’s target is met. Owners of EVs, which use rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, spend 60% less each year on fuel costs compared to drivers of gas-powered cars, according to a Consumer Reports study in 2020. The federal government, most states and the District of Columbia offer tax credits and other incentives to install charging stations. California, for example, has provided $1.2 billion to build the infrastructure for EVs across the state. The state will also adopt regulations requiring EV charging station installation in the parking facilities of buildings, including hotels, multifamily buildings and nonresidential development, by 2025. Other states, including Arkansas and Florida, offer rebates for EV charging station installation and EV purchases. Approaching essential status One outgrowth of these and other trends is that EV charging stations are evolving into an essential asset for property managers. By installing EV charging stations, retail business, offices and workplace property managers gain opportunities to attract customers and tenants by demonstrating “their commitment to new technology and innovation,” says industry resource Property Manager Insider. “For multifamily and commercial properties, … the availability of reliable EV chargers is not just a nice-to-have, but a vital factor for retaining and attracting residents and tenants,” adds CleanTechnica, a clean energy news source. Key steps that property managers can take to stay...