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American Diabetes Association
By Katrina McDowell on May 2, 2024 in Giving
One hundred thirty-six million Americans are living with diabetes or prediabetes, a disease that’s one of the fastest growing in the world, with a new diagnosis occurring every 26 seconds.

Yardi-supported nonprofit, the American Diabetes Association (ADA), founded in 1940 in Arlington, VA, aims to prevent and cure diabetes and improve the lives of all people affected. Locally, the greater New York and New Jersey markets of ADA host different events throughout the year: Research Dinner, Tour de Cure, and State or Diabetes Events that help educate the community and advocate for those with diabetes. In addition to hosting events, staff attends and speaks at various health fairs and community events to continue its mission, education, and advocacy for those with diabetes.
“In the face of this epidemic, our mission has never been clearer, and our vision of a life free of diabetes and all its burdens is more critical than ever before,” said Joseph Abrams, director of development for ADA in the Greater NY/NJ market.
Through advocacy and education, the ADA aims to improve the quality of life for everyone affected by diabetes. With support from its partners and the diabetes community, ADA is making meaningful progress in spurring new research, putting the most up-to-date information into the hands of health professionals and working to build a more equitable healthcare system. In addition, ADA is making connections through camps and no-cost programs to support people with diabetes.

Yardi funding helps support ADA events and campaigns to prevent and cure diabetes and improve the lives of all people affected by it. Signature campaigns unite everyone to rally around a common cause and the ADA’s vision of a life free of diabetes and all its burdens. These events also serve as an entry point for people to get involved and become “Connected for Life.”
“With your support and other community partners alike, we can continue to help achieve our mission of working to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes,” explained Abrams.
Safe at School
For the past 25 years, James Geraghty, developmental manager for ADA Greater NY/NJ Market, has been living with diabetes. ADA has always been an inspiration for him. Being diagnosed as a child in elementary school, most of the staff didn’t know anything about diabetes, which is why ADA’s program, Safe at School, has always meant the most to him.
Safe at School is a program that supports the training of non-medical school personnel to provide supplementary diabetes care in schools.
“Diabetes care has come a very long way in large part due to the work of the American Diabetes Association, and it is a privilege to say that I work for such an amazing organization,” said Geraghty.
Volunteer Opportunities
The ADA is hosting its annual Tour de Cure event on June 8, 2024, and is looking for volunteers to help. Volunteer roles can range from assisting with check-in and registration, assisting at rest stops and water stations, directing traffic in the parking lot, or any other need throughout the event. See the event flyer for more information.
Life with diabetes and prediabetes requires constant vigilance against highs, lows and long-term complications.
“We are here with resources to meet people where they are—offering nutrition ideas, mental health encouragement, and evidence-based recommendations for diabetes treatments and technologies,” said Abrams.
Explore programs and resources to join the fight to end diabetes.
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