Canada’s Future Leaders

By on Sep 4, 2024 in Giving

In the 2023-24 school year, the Yardi Foundation launched a transformative initiative aimed at empowering first-generation college students across North America. Partnering with 20 colleges and universities, Yardi committed over $3 million in scholarships and student support, making higher education more accessible for those who need it most. As the program continues to expand, it will soon include partnerships with 29 schools by the 2025-26 school year, including new initiatives at institutions like the University of Saskatchewan.

USask: Investing in potential

At the University of Saskatchewan (USask), the Yardi Scholars Program is set to make a significant impact. The program will support two recipients per year for four consecutive years, with the first scholars starting in the fall of 2025. By fall 2028, a total of eight students will be enrolled. Each scholar receives $10,000 annually, with up to four years of funding available. These scholarships target first-generation students from low-income families who are interested in business and computer science majors.

In the 2023-24 school year, the Yardi Foundation launched a transformative initiative aimed at empowering first-generation college students across North America.

“On behalf of students, faculty and staff at the Edwards School of Business, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Yardi Scholars program for establishing a transformative bursary that will support first-generation students,” says Steph Bodnar, development office at University of Saskatchewan, Edwards School of Business. “This bursary allows students with financial barriers to attend university and pursue their academic dreams. The Yardi Scholars program will have a lasting impact on these students’ journey through higher education.”

TMU: Expanding horizons

Similarly, at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU), the Yardi Scholars Program began in 2023, offering the same robust support to students. Additionally, Yardi Canada has committed to a three-year support program for two PhD students, further broadening the scope of their philanthropy in Canada.

“We are immensely grateful to Peter Altobelli and Yardi for their support to our students,” says Dean Cynthia Holmes. “Ted Rogers School is considered to have one of the highest percentages of first-generation students in Canada, and Yardi Canada’s gift will improve access to quality post-secondary education and help us support students’ success.”

Building a brighter future

The Yardi Scholars Program is more than just financial aid. It’s about building lasting connections, fostering mentorship and creating opportunities for internships. By providing financial support, Yardi ensures that students can focus on their studies and achieve their academic goals.

Yardi senior management actively engages with the scholars, offering guidance and support throughout their educational journey. This hands-on approach not only benefits the students but also strengthens Yardi’s commitment to community involvement and social responsibility.

Supporting a generation to come

Through its substantial investment in education, the Yardi Foundation is paving the way for future leaders. By supporting first-generation students, Yardi is not only changing individual lives but also contributing to the broader goal of making higher education accessible to all.

For more information on the Yardi Scholars Program and other philanthropic initiatives, please visit