Cancer Care Inc.

By on Sep 22, 2023 in Giving

Yardi is committed to supporting the community in every city where our offices are housed. Each year, the company distributes philanthropic aid to organizations selected by its employees.

In 2022, Yardi offices supported more than 350 nonprofits worldwide. For the remainder of the year, we will bring you the stories of those organizations and insight into how they aid their communities.

Today, we introduce you to CancerCare Inc., out of New York City, NY, founded in 1944. CancerCare is the leading national organization that provides free, professional support services, including resource navigation, counseling, support groups, educational workshops, publications and financial assistance to anyone affected by cancer.

All CancerCare services are provided by master ’s-prepared oncology social workers and world-leading cancer experts. CancerCare will continue to support those affected by cancer through many supportive programs but plans to broaden its reach by focusing on health equity and addressing health disparities its clients face.

Funding from Yardi enables CancerCare to continue to provide free services to those in need. The Healing Hearts Family Bereavement camp depends on sponsors to support the camp weekend. Without the support, they could not host the weekend for bereaved families.

“CancerCare is grateful for Yardi’s support, which has helped so many patients, caregivers and bereaved,” shares Kathy Nugent, LCSW, senior director of regional programs for CancerCare. (pictured, left)

Yardi has supported CancerCare through the years at its Annual Walk for Hope and, most recently, through the Do Something Campaign.

“Yardi employees have been generous, enabling us to continue supporting the community. Suzann Silverman, a Yardi employee, has a strong connection to CancerCare and has been instrumental in maintaining this strong support from Yardi,” Nugent said.

Silverman (pictured, lower right), editorial director for Yardi-owned publications Commercial Property Executive and Multihousing News, delivered the keynote speech at CancerCare’s largest annual NYC gala fundraising event this past April. She has also been involved with CancerCare’s Healing Hearts Camp, a weekend retreat for families with children who have experienced cancer loss.

“I feel very passionately about this organization and its value and try to spread the word as much as possible, as I don’t think enough people who could benefit from their services (all free of charge) are aware it exists,” Silverman said.

Healing and hope for families

One of the highlights of CancerCare’s work is the annual Healing Hearts Family Bereavement camp, which provides a weekend of hope and healing to families with children who have experienced the death of a loved one from cancer. The children and adults bond with each other and share stories of resilience and hope. The 2023 camp was the 14th camp, and CancerCare looks forward to future years of providing this service.

One family noted, “Having the interactions with other families experiencing loss had a healing effect on my own family. We left the camp feeling hope, not hopeless. Yes, we are broken, but we can heal.”

“I have worked for CancerCare for more than 40 years, and I am honored and blessed to be able to continue to provide support to anyone touched by cancer and to support our team of social workers,” Nugent said.

Volunteer opportunities

CancerCare has opportunities for those interested in volunteering at the Healing Hearts Camp, held yearly in the Poconos. In addition, companies can meet as teams to put together camp bags for the families attending the camp. Supplies such as small packs of tissues, sunscreen, insect repellent, journals, flashlights and other camp items are needed. Each year is a new theme for the camp, and bags can be decorated to match. Next year, the camp will feature a butterfly.

Anyone interested can contact Kathy Nugent directly at [email protected] or (201) 301-6809.

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