Donating Diapers

By on Aug 21, 2024 in Giving

Helping Mamas

Helping Mamas is celebrating its tenth anniversary, and during this timeframe, the organization distributed over 10 million essential supplies back to its community!

Helping Mamas is a Yardi-supported nonprofit established in 2014 in Norcross, Georgia, that works to elevate the well-being and dignity of women by providing diapers, feminine hygiene products and other essential baby supplies. In addition to its Atlanta office, Helping Mamas opened two new offices in Knoxville, Tenn. and Albany, Ga.

“We harness the power of community support so that all families can thrive,” said Stephanie Ungashick, chief advancement officer for Helping Mamas.

Helping Mamas collects many essential baby items for children from birth to age twelve. These include diapers, wipes, car seats, cribs, pack-n-plays, and more. This diversity ensures that every contribution makes a significant impact. Helping Mamas is partnered with over 150 nonprofit organizations, hospitals, government agencies, and others throughout Georgia that help children in need. The organization distributes these essential items directly to families and individuals, and other agencies send social workers to ‘shop’ for the items required for only a few children at a time.

“We work with partners that address many societal challenges, including homelessness, domestic violence, prevention/child abuse/foster care, refugee integration, school systems, food insecurity, addiction/recovery, poverty, healthcare and more,” explained Ungashick.

In addition, Helping Mamas hosts mobile distribution events several times a month to get critical essential need items directly into communities. Its vans are often seen at schools, libraries and churches hosting distribution days. This program realizes that not all people in need are being served by one of its agencies and seeks to get essential items into those communities that lack transportation or are in a resource desert. Thus far, in 2024, Helping Mamas has distributed a whopping 3,241,424 essential items to 95,483 individuals!

As inflation continues to grow, Helping Mamas see the need for basic essentials like diapers and feminine hygiene products continues to grow. If someone is on public assistance (WIC or SNAP), they cannot purchase diapers or feminine hygiene products from that stipend. This is where Helping Mamas comes in. They support families with essential items so they can use the money saved for food and bills.

“40% of low-income families have to choose between diapers and food for their child in the last year,” said Ungashick.

Yardi funding helps Helping Mamas purchase diapers and other needed items. With Yardi’s support, Helping Mamas can continue distributing those diapers to those who need them most.

“We are incredibly grateful for the support of companies like Yardi. We could not provide essential supplies without community and corporate support,” expressed Ungashick.

Agency Success

Helping Mamas

One of Helping Mama’s partner agencies had a client who was eight months pregnant and had absolutely nothing after leaving her domestic violence situation. Thanks to Helping Mamas, the agency could give her clothes, a car set, diapers, wipes, and everything she could need for her new arrival. She was brought to tears by what the agency and Help Mamas were able to provide her and her new baby.

“These are the things that we think are small but are so impactful! Helping Mamas is and has become our rescue. You all have no idea how much your products help these women.”

Volunteer Opportunities

Please get in touch with Helping Mama’s senior manager of community engagement, Eva Cook, at [email protected] for more information about volunteering.

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