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By Katrina McDowell on Dec 3, 2024 in Giving

Domestic violence, a leading cause of homelessness for women and their children in the United States, often results in severe mental health issues and overall unhealthy well-being. In the face of this, InterAct, a Yardi-supported nonprofit, steps in to save, rebuild, and secure safer futures for its community, inspiring hope and resilience.
InterAct, founded in 1978 as Wake County Child Abuse Prevention Services, has evolved into a comprehensive support system. It supports approximately 7,000 individuals and families annually, focusing on survivors of domestic violence, intimate partner violence, and sexual assault. Its trauma-informed services, available 24/7, 365 days a year, include an accessible crisis hotline, emergency shelter, and the Solace Center—the only expert forensic nursing and advocacy center for sexual assault survivors in Wake County. InterAct’s free and confidential services are open to all, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, race, color, national origin, language, or religion, providing a sense of reassurance and support to the community.
Meeting the demand for services at InterAct is an ongoing challenge. The pandemic led to a significant increase in the need for services, with a dramatic rise in the percentage of crisis callers at high risk for severe injury or death. Even after the pandemic, these alarming numbers persist, underscoring the urgent need for community support and action.
“Although the need for these services is great, InterAct does not turn away anyone who comes to its door seeking assistance and refuge. InterAct continues to offer its critical services at no cost for survivors and victims,” explained Chennelle Miller, communications manager for InterAct.
As Wake County continues to grow, so does the need for InterAct’s critically necessary and comprehensive services. Through support from the community and Yardi, InterAct provides the following robust services:
- Crisis Lines: Individuals can reach help through InterAct’s 24-hour crisis lines. Here, survivors plan for their immediate safety and connect to InterAct’s continuum of care.
- Emergency Shelter: Shelter residents work with counselors to develop safety plans and begin working towards self-sufficiency.
- Court Advocacy: InterAct, court advocates help guide people through complicated civil and criminal legal actions in each of Wake County’s domestic violence courtrooms, whether at the courthouse or via remote access.
- Solace Center: InterAct’s Solace Center is NC’s first community-based sexual assault forensic examination center. Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) provide expert forensic evidence collection away from a busy hospital Emergency Department.
- Individual and Group Counseling: Survivors of abuse can see individual counselors and participate in ongoing specialized support groups. Services are provided for adults and children.
- Housing Services:InterAct housing services include Rapid Re-Housing (RRH), an evidence-based national intervention to end homelessness. InterAct’s RRH program works to provide short-term rental assistance and services for survivors – helping them get housed quickly and stay housed permanently.
- Therapeutic Service Initiative: InterAct addresses its clients’ complex and unique mental health concerns by coordinating specialized therapeutic services with a network of community partners and professionals to empower clients’ healing further.
Currently, in Wake County, over 35 percent of women and 30 percent of men experience domestic violence and stalking in their lifetime. Intimate partner violence was a contributing factor in 59 percent of female homicides in Wake County. These disturbing statistics amplify the critical need for InterAct’s services.
InterAct and #TeamYardi
“We had the distinct privilege of hosting several members of the Yardi team for a tour of InterAct and an interactive conversation,” said Miller. She continued, “Hearing directly from Yardi about their reasons for supporting and continuing to support InterAct further fuels the passion our team members have for helping survivors of domestic violence, intimate partner violence, and sexual assault.”
Rebuilding Life
One mother and her son faced many challenges for a long time. However, once seeking help, InterAct stood by them every step of the way. With their help, the mom was able to get an apartment, a space for her and her son to get a fresh start. InterAct’s support went beyond just finding them a home. They assisted with furnishing and provided transportation to and from work until the mom could manage independently.
InterAct’s services helped the mom build a life where she learned to become independent. She received the tools and encouragement needed to start over and be free from violence. Domestic violence is a harsh reality, but it does not have to be an end game. With the right help and understanding, the cycle can be broken. Today, the mom has never felt more accessible and owes that freedom to InterAct.
“They gave my son and me a new beginning, a chance to live without fear and build a future of hope and possibilities. If you’re ready to start your life over, InterAct is a great place to begin. They can help you reclaim your life, just like they did for me.”
Volunteer Opportunities
InterAct relies on community volunteers to spread awareness and support the services it offers survivors. Community volunteer groups may host donation drives to fill their pantry shelves, distribute awareness posters and cards to local businesses, or sponsor a room in their shelter. Group volunteer events can be set up by emailing [email protected].
Individuals who commit more time to training can consider becoming program volunteers in a role that works directly with survivors.
“Yardi and its team members exemplify the company’s values and mission through their unwavering support. As an organization, this is something to be proud of. Their commitment goes beyond their work at Yardi—they actively engage in improving their community, whether through InterAct or other service-oriented groups. It’s clear that people matter to them,” expressed Miller.
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