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Step Denver
By Leah Etling on Jun 15, 2022 in Giving
Yardi is committed to supporting the community in every city where our offices are housed. Each year, the company distributes philanthropic aid to organizations selected by its employees.
In 2021, Yardi offices supported more than 350 nonprofits worldwide. For the remainder of the year, we will be bringing you the stories of those organizations and insight into how they aid their communities.
Today, we introduce you to Step Denver, a Colorado nonprofit with a mission to give men with nowhere else to turn the opportunity to overcome addiction through sobriety, work, accountability, and community.
“Like most cities across the United States, homelessness has reached a critical point in Denver. 75 percent of people living on the streets are men and the majority struggle with addiction. Doing our part to address this dire need, Step Denver provides same day admission with no cost to enter, to any man ready and willing to seek help,” explains Meghan Shay, Director of Fund Development & Marketing for Step Denver.

Through a comprehensive long-term residential program, Step Denver participants establish a strong foundation in recovery and work to rebuild every facet of their lives including employment, financial stability, family, and health among others. Step Denver’s unique peer recovery model is led by a staff of Step Alumni, who have returned to help the hundreds of men following in their footsteps each year.
“Above everything, our goal is to help men end their cycle of addiction, take back control of their lives, and transition to a safe and sober living environment where they can become productive, contributing members of their families and community,” says Shay.
“Support from Yardi funds the key Step Denver components that change (and save) lives, ultimately helping to effect a behavioral change in the men served. Specifically, this partnership provides one-on-one peer recovery coaching, individualized career counseling, small groups covering a multitude of recovery and life skills development topics, dental care, family reconciliation therapy, fitness and nutrition classes, and financial literacy/budgeting education for Step Denver residents. Yardi is equipping our men with the tools, knowledge, and experiences they need to make lasting change possible in their lives.”
Yardi is Step Denver’s top Corporate Partner and has set the stage for other businesses to follow suit – truly leading by example.
“Step has been overwhelmed by the generosity exhibited by Yardi and we admire Yardi’s commitment to investing in the communities in which your staff work and live. We are honored to be able to put Yardi’s generosity into action every day to improve the lives of those often cast aside in society. Thank you for believing in the men we serve and being there for them,” Shay commented.
Celebrating milestones small and large
Daily, Step Denver staff have the opportunity to celebrate small and major milestones with men in the program. What many in society take for granted, Step residents – who have overcome devastating circumstances in their lives – consider to be significant accomplishments.
“In addition to stories shared by those we serve, we often hear from families expressing their gratitude for the change they see in their loved one. Here are just a few quotes received,” said Shay.
Program participant Michael said: “I entered the program homeless, and one year later I finished my college degree. I could not have gotten here without the help of Step Denver. Step gave me the space, tools, safety, and knowledge to get and stay sober. They literally saved my life.”
Program participant Micah said: “I was in the Marine Corp for eight years, was deployed to Iraq in ’07, and I went untreated with my PTSD for quite a while. When you mix that with trying to escape reality – for me, alcohol – it’s a (mess). I’ve always known I needed help, but I didn’t know how. You know, people who are healthy and sober, they tend to stay away from people who aren’t. I recently started talking to my sister and my parents again. It’d been over a year. My behavior was just so unpredictable, it broke their hearts. They’re so pumped up and appreciative of what Step Denver has done for me. This place has changed my life.”
Step Denver does not accept government funding and is entirely supported by individuals, private foundations, and corporate partners like Yardi. This allows Step leadership the freedom to make decisions based solely on what’s best for the men served, rather than dictated by state and federal sources.
2022 organizational priorities
This year, Step Denver is committed to expanding capacity. This is being accomplished through the addition of Sober Living Homes (SLH) throughout the community, where residents in Step’s Primary Facility can transition to when reaching Phase III of our four-phase program.
Studies indicate the rate of long-term, sustained sobriety increases by up to 75 percent for those who remain in a structured sober living environment for two years.
“These efforts will give more men the time they need, strengthening their chance of achieving lasting success. Critically, SLH expansion will also free up bed availability in Step’s Primary Facility for more men to have the opportunity to enter the program as new residents,” said Shay.
While expansion efforts are underway and Step Denver continues to serve more men, the need for program support and partnerships like Yardi’s will be evermore critical, she added. “Yardi is helping to ensure that no man is turned away in the critical moment they have the courage to seek help, and that all who are welcomed in are given the best opportunity to recover.”
Opportunities for Colorado employees to volunteeer
Yardi employees in the Denver Metro area are welcome to join the organization for its annual Step Giving Day of Service. This is held a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving and Yardi employees can volunteer alongside Step residents and staff cleaning up the Ballpark Neighborhood around Coors Field.
“It is a great opportunity for Yardi staff to meet the people Yardi is supporting, hear their stories, and understand the impact their company is having in their community,” Shay said.
Email [email protected] if interested in participating.
Learn more about Step Denver at, and find future non-profit profiles at