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Beat the Summer Slump

By on Jun 15, 2024 in News

Summer picnic with peaches, book, wine and seasonal fruits

As the summer heat approaches, many bask in the sun, enjoy longer days, and create lasting memories with loved ones. However, some may find themselves in a summer slump, especially inside the office. Here are some tips to help beat the summer blues and make the most of this season.

Goals: Summer can be busy for some and slow for others, but regardless of what is going on, it is a great time to reorganize and refresh from the whirlwind of spring’s new beginnings.  Set some SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely) and write them down. A goal without a plan is just a wish. Sometimes, writing out the goal will be more motivating and achievable in a world of computers. Make goals a priority. Give them focus, energy, and attention daily.

Create a specific game plan that drives ROI outcomes. Emphasize attainable goals and set consistent goals for employees with similar responsibilities. Refrain from promoting internal rivalries, which can lead to resentment and devalued morale. Focus on the mindset plan to overcome loathing and step outside the status quo. Summer is a great time to manifest what the end of the year will look like. Sow the seeds in the summer and harvest before winter. Set positive goals only!

All well-crafted goals are aligned with more extensive key business strategies. For example, if you want to work on professional development, have employees complete some training courses provided on Yardi Aspire or LinkedIn learning before a performance review at the end of the year. If your company offers upcoming webinars, have employees attend if they are available and then share findings with the team during weekly meetings.

Boost office morale: Keep the office happy with team-building exercises, outdoor picnics and themed dress-up days. Shark week is coming up in July, so maybe have a shark-themed theme for that week, and everyone brings in something shark-themed to eat, drink or have a show-and-tell on the subject.

Peachy-keen feeling: If being in the office kills the vibes, bring summer into the office by adding plants, colorful décor and summer-themed decorations. Easy-to-care plants in the office include succulents, snake plants or peace lilies. All purify the air and can reduce stress. Brighten the office with color and embrace Pantone’s color of the year, Peach Fuzz. Bring that peachy-keen feeling into office accessories like cushions, rugs and wall art. Aromatherapy is another great way to bring summer into the office. Essential oil diffusers with summer scents like citrus, lavender, and seaside shores create a refreshing atmosphere.

Create relaxation zones: Maintain a comfortable office temperature with light snacks and promote a more relaxed summer wardrobe for employees. Set up a dedicated corner with comfortable seating, summer-themed magazines and possibly a small water feature or fan for a cooling effect. Add a lightweight blanket or throw in vibrant summer colors for added comfort during office hours. If the office has an outside area, create a cozy, shaded seating arrangement where employees can take breaks and enjoy the summer fresh air. Leverage flexible work hours or remote work to maximize summer days.

Personal empowerment: Set some personal goals for the summer, such as learning a new skill or reading more books. Set a timeframe and track the goals in a unique and fun way. If there’s a list of growing books to read, get busy reading! Since it stays light outside, enjoy a refreshing beverage and bask in the sun while reading. Bonus: If the books are motivational and professional development, share them with colleagues and form a new book club in the office.