New Interfaces!

By on Sep 3, 2024 in Senior Living

We recently added two brand-new interfaces to the Yardi Pharmacy Network — all thanks to the dedicated work of our senior living team.

New Interfaces: Yardi Pharmacy Network

Read on to learn about the new interfaces, Advanced Rx and Axys, and how they can help our clients drive success. We’ll also share an exciting advancement regarding order verifications we have in the works.

What is the Yardi Pharmacy Network?

The Yardi Pharmacy Network facilitates communication between point-of-care staff and pharmacies, resulting in a higher standard of medication administration. In joining this comprehensive network, pharmacies gain a competitive edge with access to senior living providers who have adopted Yardi EHR and eMAR.

For providers and their communities, the Pharmacy Network helps simplify operations, reduce costs, ensure seamless electronic refill requests and automate medication reconciliation.

There are nearly 800 communities currently using a pharmacy interface with Yardi EHR — and that number continues to grow.

Explore Advanced Rx

Advanced Rx offers comprehensive pharmacy service solutions to save physicians and staff time, allowing them to focus on delivering exceptional care.

Learn more about Advanced Rx.

Explore Axys

Axysis long-term care’s first cloud-based pharmacy management software, providing advantages including fast updates, low-cost scaling, comprehensive security and more.

Learn more about Axys, which is part of RedSail technologies.

See what’s in the works

We’re always evolving the Yardi Pharmacy Network and currently, that includes working with pharmacies to minimize orders for verification. In short, we aim to minimize the number of orders that caregivers need to touch (verify or link). This will improve the experience of caregivers who verify medication orders daily. 

Connect with us

Want to explore more of the Yardi Pharmacy Network? View our brochure then check out our full list of pharmacy partners.

Questions for team Yardi? Don’t hesitate to get in touch.