Jorge Dominguez Rodriguez

By on Sep 5, 2024 in People

Jorge Dominguez Rodriguez

Yardi’s global offices make essential contributions to property management and investors worldwide. Today, meet Jorge Dominguez Rodriguez, senior team lead for Yardi Corom.

Meet Jorge Dominguez Rodriguez

Jorge Dominguez Rodriguez has worked at Yardi for six and a half years. His primary responsibilities include assisting clients in implementing Yardi Corom software and guiding team members in helping clients reach success with products and services. Yardi Corom is a lease management and lessee accounting solution built specifically for commercial tenants and corporate occupiers.

Rodriguez also helps with assisting sales teams with product demos and weekly cross-team meetings with development and service teams while working on challenging implementation projects.

“I studied mathematics in college because I enjoy problem-solving. Working on the Corom team, I have been able to put these skills to use in coming up with creative solutions to difficult problems. Our client base is spread across various market sectors in the occupier space, so my team is often presented with new and exciting challenges,” shared Rodriguez, his passion for problem-solving evident in his every word.

Yardi’s corporate culture is rooted in the company’s core values: innovation, collaboration and respect.

“I have never met anyone in this company that wasn’t willing to lend a hand when I asked for help, which is incredibly motivating,” shared Rodriguez.

Uniquely Yardi

While Yardi’s origins are the leading provider of real estate software, it has positioned itself as a real estate software conglomerate spanning many vertical and horizontal market sectors with strategic company acquisitions and innovations.

“Yardi is uniquely positioned to continue to grow steadily and increase its footprint across new market segments. A good example is the company’s most recent market penetration in the coworking space through acquiring a majority ownership stake in WeWork,” Rodriguez confidently explained.

Recently, Rodriquez has been working with his sales team to secure two new clients, which has helped his team reach a key revenue milestone this year, “It’s incredible how far our team has grown since implementing our first client a few years ago.”

Though Rodriquez is a math and economics whiz, he would enjoy switching roles with human resources for the day to implement guidelines.

“I’ve always been intrigued by the psychology behind employee retention policies, compensation planning, etc. I think it would make me a better leader,” said Rodriguez.

Yardi is hiring globally! Interested prospective employees can explore opportunities on the Careers site.

Live within your means

Jorge Dominguez Rodriguez

Outside the office, Jorge Dominguez Rodriguez enjoys spending time with his family, exercising outdoors, reading, watching standup comedy, and keeping up with the latest news in economics and politics.

“My biggest passion outside of work is economics. I enjoy keeping up with market trends and current affairs. During my undergraduate career, I had the opportunity to conduct academic research in behavioral economics at the graduate level. Before graduating, I even had the privilege of presenting my work at the Western Economic Association International Conference. This earned me distinction in the major of economics and mathematical sciences and secured my acceptance to a top 10 graduate program in economics. I continue to immerse myself in economic news daily,” explained Rodriguez.

Being a wildlife and nature enthusiast, Rodriguez said he would love to visit Yasuní National Park in the Amazon rainforest of Ecuador, which has the world’s highest biodiversity (most wildlife species per square kilometer).

Learn more about the dynamic members of #TeamYardi on the People page.