Kolluri Joins Pennrose

By on Jul 14, 2013 in People

Lopa Kolluri headshotPhiladelphia-based development company Pennrose recently hired former HUD Deputy Chief of Staff Lopa Kolluri as their vice president of operations. In this position, Kolluri plans to bridge the relationships between government and private stakeholders, particularly in terms of affordable housing.

According to Kolluri, budgets and resources are being tightened, and because of this there is uncertainty regarding the low income tax credit program. Bridging these affordable housing gaps is a priority for Kolluri, who plans to have Pennrose work to make a positive impact in these affordable communities.

Despite the challenges facing affordable housing development, Kolluri insists that there is innovation and creativity in the federal sector, which is spurring the creation of programs such as the rental assistance demonstration program and the ability for public housing authorities to convert public housing units to a Section 8 platform. Additionally, Kolluri lauds the formation of Choice, a neighborhood-based community development program, which is also focused on the development of affordable housing and other aspects of community development.

Overall, after working in the government and private sectors, Kolluri is excited to bring her talents and expertise to Pennrose.

Read the entire interview at http://www.multihousingnews.com/features/mhn-interview-challenges-and-trends-in-affordable-housing/1004086114.html.