Piggyback Marketing Oct09

Piggyback Marketing

In a perfect world, you’d create all of your own content. It would all go viral. You’d burst with success. All the content creation would all be completed in less than an hour per week. Unfortunately, that’s not how life works. You likely excel in real estate, not content creation. Time minimizes how much original content that you create. Sometimes you have difficulty getting readers to engage with your posts. Piggyback marketing may be able to help. Piggyback marketing describes the use of recycled, trending content on your social media feeds and blog. It allows users to borrow and benefit from the popularity of someone else’s content. Sometimes piggybacking is sharing a video, meme, or post. Other times, it’s referring to a trend within your original content. There are advantages and disadvantages to piggyback marketing. When used wisely, it can build engagement and improve the reputation of your brand. When abused, it can erode trust and water-down your brand identity. The dos and don’ts listed below will help you use viral piggybacking to your advantage. DO supplement your content with piggyback marketing.Viral piggybacking of relevant content allows you to tap into what’s already successful. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, which is great when you feel creator’s block or you’re pressed for time. DON’T rely on piggybacking. Limit how often you use others’ content to market your brand. Keep the percent of borrowed content in the single digits compared to your original content. There is no substitute for content that reflects your brand, your objectives, and the unique tastes of your audience. DO stick to content that is relevant to your brand, market, and clients’ interests. Use tools such as Buzzsumo and Scoop.It to identify relevant content. Those tools allow you to...

Facebook Live Jul17

Facebook Live

Video continues to rise to the top of the digital marketing playbook. If you’re skeptical about the power of video, consider that almost 50% of internet users look for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store. And four times as many customers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it. Video content can also improve SEO, increase engagement and boost brand loyalty and awareness. Within the realm of real estate, the industry – from retail to residential to student housing – is finding creative ways to leverage video. What’s clear is video isn’t going anywhere, so it’s time to jump in feet first. Facebook Live offers an interactive, free and highly visible way to engage with an audience. The platform now sees 8 billion average daily video views from 500 million users. With help from social media experts, in-depth tutorials and best practice tips, even the most novice user can become a Facebook Live pro.   Here are five tips to rock Facebook Live: Step 1: Ask permission If you plan to live stream other people, ask for permission before you record them. Keep in mind some conferences and venues may have strict no streaming policies. When in doubt, ask. Step 2: Game plan Some questions to inform your live video strategy: Why do you want to do live video? Who are you hoping to reach? What do you want this audience to do? What will you talk about? How long will you go live for? Facebook recommends 10 to 90 minutes, but even 5 minutes is great. Do what feels right for your organization and your viewers. Where will you go live from? Walk the room and consider reserving a spot in front. Minimal background...

Nudge Marketing Jul15

Nudge Marketing

Have you heard of nudge marketing? If you haven’t yet, you will soon! This type of marketing is making waves as a more effective way to convert prospects. Learn what it is, why you should use it, and how to apply it to property marketing. What is nudge marketing? Nudge marketing is a kind of marketing psychology that leverages behavioral data to personalize marketing messages to an individual target and ‘nudge’ that target into action. By incorporating the anticipated buyer journey into the marketing cycle, it can yield a much higher success rate than traditional marketing alone. Chances are that you have already experienced nudge marketing on a retail website or social media platform. Have you ever looked at a shirt at a major chain store only to see it appear in the sidebar of your Facebook page later in the day? That kind of retargeting is one type of nudge marketing. It’s a subtle nudge tailored to your interests that’s designed to convert you from prospect to sale. Instead of sending an identical blanket message to a large audience at the same time and hoping it resonates with at least a few recipients, nudge marketing means sending a targeted message to an individual at a specific, relevant moment in the sales funnel. “Today’s audience has so many things distracting their attention. The more opportunities you take to put an action item in front of the right customer at the right time, the more likely you are to close that deal.” — Karen Kossow, Vice President of Marketing at Community Realty Company 3 nudge marketing strategies Nudge marketing can help website visitors overcome indecisiveness or passivity. If someone is stuck on one web page or has visited the same page multiple times in the last week, it can indicate that they have a question and don’t know what to do next. A “contact us” or “call us now” pop up window might be just the push they need to take the next step! You can also use it to guide a prospect to an item or result they want, without forcing them to make a purchase. For example, when you add a set of plates to your online shopping cart and the website suggests “items you might also like,” including the matching cups and bowls, that’s nudge marketing. Additionally, you can compel customers to behave in the manner you want by suggesting it to them in small ways throughout the user experience. This article details how supermarkets have been using a range of inexpensive techniques—from arrows to mirrors—to dramatically boost produce sales. Nudge marketing comes to RENTCafé® “The future of marketing is quickly moving to a gentle nudge approach that aligns with the customer’s behavior and actions,” said Esther Bonardi, industry principal of Yardi Marketing Solutions. “With this in mind, we are excited to introduce nudge marketing options within RentCafe, our all-in-one property marketing platform.” With our new nudge marketing update, you can now display strategic messages to visitors on your property marketing sites prompting them to take action based on their behaviors. RentCafe’s new nudge marketing tool will help you: Capture leads more easily Choose pages to display a simple contact form pop up after the visitor has been on the page for a specified amount of time. Tailor your message Create a distinct message for the visitor that’s based on the particular page being viewed. Target interested visitors Display customized messages to prospects who have visited multiple pages of your site. Unlike a traditional advertising campaign that needs to be constantly managed, deployed, and monitored, nudge marketing is a time-saving efficiency tool for property marketers. It works around the clock in tandem with your other marketing activities. Want to learn more about RentCafe’s innovative solutions for property marketing? Get in touch! Email [email protected] or call anytime: 800-866-1144. What are your thoughts on nudge marketing? Convenient, too subtle,...