RightSource Metrics

Affordable housing may very well be the most complex component of the multifamily rental housing industry. Its regulations under federal, state and local programs are challenges that require expensive training and years of professional experience to master. Web developers using a computer together in a creative office. Two business people working on a new software developing project in an office. Given the complexity of doing business in affordable housing, it’s no wonder many organizations choose to contract with third-party compliance vendors such as Yardi RightSource. Chris Voss, Yardi vice president of affordable housing, founded RightSource in 2006. His company found its way to the Yardi family in 2020, creating a unique opportunity for Yardi clients to easily add compliance expertise to their team without having to recruit, hire or train new employees. “I’m proud of the team we’ve built and the services we provide. The numbers show RightSource is not only a successful product for Yardi, but is creating tremendous value for our clients. It’s truly a win-win as our client list grows and we deliver on our promise of reducing the cost and complexity of compliance for affordable housing providers,” says Voss. Let’s take a look at some key metrics to learn more about how RightSource creates value for its clients. Note: You’ll see the term “file” come up a lot in these stats. A file, in this case, means all of the documentation that a household must provide to an affordable housing provider to qualify for a unit. Files are the backbone of compliance as they are audited and reported on throughout the residential lifecycle in affordable housing. 24 hours In general, RightSource advises clients that a file submitted for review will be returned within 24 hours. That’s a stark difference from relying on in-office team members who may or may not be up to date with current regulations, or who may lack industry knowledge to make a truly informed decision of completeness within such a short period of time. AAMCI, a Yardi RightSource client since 2020, attests to the timeliness of file reviews. “RightSource delivers fast file reviews within 24-hours or less. That commitment and reliability helps us fill units faster with the confidence of knowing the data used to approve the file matches our records in Yardi Voyager,” said Deedra Burroughs, AAMCI chief financial officer. 220,000 files, annually Affordable housing providers submit approximately 220,000 files for review every year. That’s as of July 2024, and the number continues to grow. 10 minutes On average, RightSource auditors can actually complete a file review in just 10 minutes! Leveraging proprietary technology that sorts files, automates financial calculations and digitizes file data, the RightSource team and its decades of combined experience completes reviews with impressive speed. 1,900 files, monthly RightSource’s most active client submitted nearly 2,000 files in a single month last year. Imagine how many staff resources that would have required if completed by an in-house team of housing specialists instead of contracting with RightSource. Complete files in less than 1 week On average, it takes three RightSource reviews, each returned to the client usually within 24 hours, before an affordable housing file is determined to be complete and compliant with all applicable federal and state program mandates. If an applicant household can resolve file deficiencies quickly, they’re likely to be certified to live in a unit in less than a week. That’s a fraction of the time many affordable housing providers spend qualifying households without RightSource. Nearly 500,000 units RightSource clients own and operate nearly half a million affordable housing units. More than half of those fall under the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program which is overseen and run by housing finance agencies in all 50 states. RightSource keeps forms current for its clients for LIHTC programs and continuously updates them as each state makes programmatic changes. HUD 50059 units total more than 130,000, and...

Simplifying Compliance Sep28

Simplifying Compliance...

How do you reduce the costs of compliance such that affordable housing properties are more attractive to investors, easier for residents to find and qualify for, and less expensive to manage? That’s a question Chris Voss has spent the better part of 20 years answering, and he may just be on to the solution. Chris is Yardi’s vice president of affordable housing and PHA Sales and is the founder or RightSource, the newest addition to the Yardi family. A natural entrepreneur, Chris attended college on the east coast and focused his studies on economics. While there, Chris did some web development work for members of congress, an experience that helped grow his familiarity with emerging online technology. After college, Chris was hired by a consulting firm in Washington, D.C. that supported affordable housing developers and operators. Like many affordable housing professionals, Chris found himself unexpectedly in the industry, but soon realized a passion for its mission and processes. “I joke that growing up I wanted to be a doctor right up to the point that I realized I probably wasn’t patient enough to complete four years of medical school. However, my career does give me some of the experience I was looking for. I’m able to help clients realize their long-term operational goals by diagnosing their challenges and solving them with improvements to technology, processes, and people. So, while I’ve come to terms with not actually becoming a doctor, I have the sense of purpose and fulfilment of helping affordable housing organizations operate with a greater sense of health,” says Voss. The sole focus of the consulting firm Chris worked for in the early 2000’s was support of clients implementing Yardi Voyager. Chris describes his consulting career as a deep dive into affordable housing...

Building on Success Jul16

Building on Success

Impact Management Group, LLC has big plans for the future. The affordable housing property development and management company is set to expand its business strategy, and they have the experience, staff and investment in technology to help set themselves up for success. The new venture for Impact is into the fee management service industry. By this effort, Impact will assume property management and affordable housing program compliance responsibilities for properties owned by other parties, in exchange for a management fee. With the experience of managing approximately 1,400 affordable and market rate units across Wisconsin, Impact has a lot to offer clients. Their extensive industry knowledge not only boosts their credibility, but also serves as a valuable asset that potential clients can leverage to make their own affordable housing compliance programs more effective. Impact’s strategy to begin offering management services is to first focus on prospective clients with HUD 50059 units and properties, and then expand into management of portfolios composed of larger numbers of units, including Low Income Housing Tax Credit properties. Compliance mandates for these programs vary, and Impact’s experience will go a long way in helping its clients reduce the complexity of qualifying residents, calculating rents, managing vacant units, reporting to funding sources and more. A portion of Impact’s compliance expertise has been gained by support from RightSource. It’s expected that prospective clients will see how Impact works closely with RightSource and view the relationship as attractive in selecting a fee manager for their properties. “We couldn’t be where we are today without RightSource,” said Lisa Barkelar, vice president of Impact Management. RightSource, recently acquired by Yardi, offers compliance, consulting and training services, and specializes in serving clients of the affordable housing industry. All of RightSource’s software and services are now fully...