Support Resources Mar25

Support Resources

Yardi is closely monitoring recommendations from national and international organizations including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization and taking the following measures to protect and support its clients, employees and communities during the COVID-19 outbreak: Client Support Property managers’ obligations to tenants, residents, employees and communities continue even in this period of extreme disruption. The Yardi team is actively working on tools and training to help clients ensure business continuity, safety and productivity in this new near-term reality of far more remote work and social distancing. The company will offer free online training courses to help its clients continue to work as productively, efficiently and securely as possible. Yardi is following its own business continuity protocols to ensure uninterrupted client services and encourages clients to contact their client services representatives for help during this difficult time. Employee Support Most of the Yardi team has transitioned to a remote work environment. Healthcare and nursing resources are available to all employees, as are counseling and therapy resources. The company has heightened office hygiene and cleaning protocols for those who remain onsite to deliver essential services. In addition, Yardi postponed or canceled all near-term in-person events and ceased travel in favor of online alternatives. The spring Yardi Advanced Solutions Conference (YASC) has transitioned to a free online presentation for Yardi clients. Industry events that the company normally participates in have been postponed or canceled by their sponsoring organizations. Community Support In addition to the time, energy and financial support that Yardi traditionally donates to philanthropic organizations, we have committed $2 million to food banks and other nonprofits on the front lines of their communities’ fight against COVID-19. “Our team is navigating the COVID-19 crisis with the same philosophy that has guided us for more than three decades: take care of our clients, our employees and our communities. We are confident that all of us will unite to subdue COVID-19, and we’ll emerge from this challenge stronger than ever,” said Anant Yardi, the company’s president and founder. Read a letter from Mr. Yardi on our support resources page. ** Everyone should conduct their own planning based on their specific location and circumstances. While we are dedicated to providing general information to our clients, it is not intended to be healthcare or legal advice. Please consult appropriate government agencies and authorities, as well as healthcare and legal...