Graham Pierce Sep12

Graham Pierce

Yardi’s global offices make essential contributions to property management and investors worldwide. Today, meet Graham Pierce, from the European PSG team. Pierce is a leading investment management services team member and a UK commercial consultant. Pierce has been working at Yardi for 13 years. He spends his time in the office checking whether people have the information and decisions they need to progress on their tasks and whether anyone is looking for help, mainly if they are in different time zones. His workload includes a mix of consulting, working with sales and solutions consulting teams and longer-term and ad hoc questions and requests for support and escalation. “I get to work with many very intelligent, capable and motivated people from whom I learn from all the time. I feel supported and valued by my boss and superiors, and I can give my team stimulating work, help them where needed, and look after them,” said Pierce. Pierce feels that the work culture at Yardi is meritocratic. People in senior positions have an incredible grasp of detail, and good ideas are adopted. In contrast, the occasional bad ones are challenged logically and respectfully, irrespective of who came up with them. “In the consulting team, we are not focusing on selling time but on getting clients live, which is a much more rewarding way to work. We have a lot of tremendously smart, experienced, and capable people who are friendly and helpful and invested in one another’s success,” Pierce explained. Pierce describes Yardi as a stable company with a strong growth track record and a long-term outlook. It’s a nice place to work with high employee retention, which excites new hires to start work here. “It’s easy to take all of this for granted after 13 years, but when...

Jorge Dominguez Rodriguez Sep05

Jorge Dominguez Rodriguez...

Yardi’s global offices make essential contributions to property management and investors worldwide. Today, meet Jorge Dominguez Rodriguez, senior team lead for Yardi Corom. Meet Jorge Dominguez Rodriguez Jorge Dominguez Rodriguez has worked at Yardi for six and a half years. His primary responsibilities include assisting clients in implementing Yardi Corom software and guiding team members in helping clients reach success with products and services. Yardi Corom is a lease management and lessee accounting solution built specifically for commercial tenants and corporate occupiers. Rodriguez also helps with assisting sales teams with product demos and weekly cross-team meetings with development and service teams while working on challenging implementation projects. “I studied mathematics in college because I enjoy problem-solving. Working on the Corom team, I have been able to put these skills to use in coming up with creative solutions to difficult problems. Our client base is spread across various market sectors in the occupier space, so my team is often presented with new and exciting challenges,” shared Rodriguez, his passion for problem-solving evident in his every word. Yardi’s corporate culture is rooted in the company’s core values: innovation, collaboration and respect. “I have never met anyone in this company that wasn’t willing to lend a hand when I asked for help, which is incredibly motivating,” shared Rodriguez. Uniquely Yardi While Yardi’s origins are the leading provider of real estate software, it has positioned itself as a real estate software conglomerate spanning many vertical and horizontal market sectors with strategic company acquisitions and innovations. “Yardi is uniquely positioned to continue to grow steadily and increase its footprint across new market segments. A good example is the company’s most recent market penetration in the coworking space through acquiring a majority ownership stake in WeWork,” Rodriguez confidently explained. Recently,...

Karen Maehara Aug14

Karen Maehara

Yardi’s global offices make essential contributions to property management and investors worldwide. Today, meet Karen Maehara, senior technical account manager for the commercial Santa Barbara team. Maehara has been working at Yardi for nearly six years. She supports some of Yardi’s largest, most strategic clients daily and supports colleagues throughout her department. Maehara spends most of her time in the office troubleshooting client cases and working on client projects. “I love mentoring colleagues and working on internal or other non-client initiatives. I recently helped put on our second internal Commercial summit for the West Coast,” explained Maehara. Maehara feels collaboration and relationships with colleagues and clients are the best part of working at Yardi. Some of Maehara’s favorite interactions at Yardi are from talking about anime with clients to discussing cool hobbies or activities like escape rooms in team meetings. Even a simple run-in at the office with people she hasn’t worked with or seen in a while is enjoyable. The “let me see if I can help” attitude that everyone has (including herself) is what works for Yardi’s corporate culture. Everyone is always trying to help where they can, even if they don’t have an immediate or direct answer. “Receiving that kind of warm support and being able to give it back to others is a wonderful place to be,” said Maehara. YASC Spokesperson Maehara has accomplished many things over the years at Yardi, but her most cherished project was presenting at YASC San Diego for Yardi Spreadsheet Reporting (YSR). “The guru of YSRs had retired, and other prior YSR presenters had left too, and with only a couple months to go, management asked if Sarvagya Madan (one of the BEST people at Yardi) and I could take on the task,” Maehara stated....

Yardi Canada Oct26

Yardi Canada

Continuing our focus on the leaders of Yardi Canada, meet Dana Samargiu, senior software development engineer, and Kwok-Kin Wong, senior technical project leader. Both are part of the Yardi Canada programming team and joined the company with the acquisition of Newstar in 2003. Since becoming part of the Yardi Canada team 15 years ago, both have worked on a variety of Yardi products. And both have fully embraced the collaborative nature of the Yardi culture, with a focus on supporting clients, employees, and striving to grow. Dana Samargiu “Yardi Canada is my second/extended family,” said Samargiu (pictured, left). “My favorite part about working here is the spirit of camaraderie, the way everybody pitches in to help in need or to have fun together. It makes working here a real treat.” An immigrant to Canada from Romania along with her husband, the family came to North America in 2001 as part of the Skilled Worker Immigration Program in hopes of increased professional opportunities and a better future for their son. Samargiu had a degree in computer science and engineering and had been a developer and software consultant back in Romania, where she and her husband owned their own small firm. But when she arrived in North America, the dot com bubble had burst and opportunities were slim. She took a client support role when she was hired at Newstar, but hoped for more. “My skills were recognized at Yardi. I moved from a customer support position to a tech analyst role, and then to a development position the next year,” she recalled. “Today, my favorite part of my job each day is when I manage to help a client, QA or CSD with any technical issues they have, or when I manage to find solutions...

Amanda Siegel Jun05

Amanda Siegel

Yardi honors exemplary members of the customer service department during the annual CSD Week Awards ceremony. Amanda Siegel received the Directors Award while she worked with the government services team. Josh Cunningham, Director, Specialty Solutions Group at Yardi, reflects on Siegel’s contributions. “Amanda has a calm presence that allows her to de-escalate difficult situations with ease. She worked with some of our largest government clients on upgrades, custom reporting and data conversions. I chose her for the Director’s Award because she was the top performer in her department.” The Balance Sheet sat down with Siegel to learn more about the woman behind the honor. TBS: What does it mean to you to receive the Director’s Award? Siegel: I was honored to be recognized with this award alongside co-workers that I know to be knowledgeable, hard-working and fantastic examples of leadership and integrity on their teams. The respect I have for the other recipients of this award motivates me to emulate their strengths in my own work. I think, for me personally, this award represented a lot of personal growth in learning to approach new challenges with determination and flexibility. Knowing how to use my resources and having the shared knowledge and support of my team has helped me be successful taking on some difficult tasks and new responsibilities this past year. I’m very grateful to have the additional confidence and new skills that came from these experiences. TBS: What do you enjoy most about working at Yardi? Siegel: I enjoy the company culture the most. Having a symbiotic rather than an adversarial relationship with my teammates makes me feel supported and motivated to not let my group down. I also really appreciate the value this company seems to put on integrity and empathy. I see this both in the attitudes of...

Employee Spotlight Dec22

Employee Spotlight

On the outside, Holly Angel leads a normal life: full-time consultant and project manager at Yardi, mother of two girls, PTA mom, and recreational soccer player. But when it comes to the Yardi clients that she works with daily, Angel lives up to her last name on a regular basis. During CSD Appreciation Week, Angel took home two awards, the Directors Award and the MacGyver award. She was nominated by fellow Yardi employees. MacGyver Award Remember the television show “MacGyver?” IMDB describes it as “the adventures of a secret agent armed with almost infinite scientific resourcefulness.” One generation remembers it as hunky Richard Dean Anderson with duct tape and a Swiss army knife. It’s now being rediscovered by a new cohort of viewers on CBS, with Lucas Till in the starring role. In her two years with the company, Angel has proven to be both resourceful and supportive of her peers. Angel was honored to receive the MacGyver award. “Starting from a Technical Account Manager and moving in to the Consultant role, I am constantly given a variety of issues from our clients, challenging me to use my personal knowledge and the resources around me to find the solution that will work for the client,” she says. “This award is given to me by my peers and I am honored to be thought of so highly by those that I work with daily.” Directors Award Angel assists Yardi clients on the West Coast with projects such as software upgrades, ancillary product rollouts, and best practice reviews. With each interaction, Angel has demonstrated Director-quality character. “This is one of the highest awards that can be given as it is given by the Director of our Division,” explains Angel. “I am honored that I was chosen as...