#YASCLA 2013 Oct09

#YASCLA 2013

Welcome to our first day of sessions at the Fall Yardi Advanced Solutions Conference (YASC) 2013, held this year in Anaheim, Calif. Our staff is thrilled to be here with more than 1,450 representatives of our valued Yardi clients, making this our biggest conference ever. Thank you for your attendance and making that record possible! Our goal for the next three days is to help you learn as much about our Yardi products as possible, and send you home from this great event armed with information that you can share with your on-site and administrative Yardi users. We’re also anxious to hear your feedback about our products, support and development process – it’s listening and responding to insight from our customers that has allowed Yardi Systems to be one of the real estate industry’s technology leaders for over 30 years. This morning, we’ll be beginning the day with a keynote address from Yardi founder and CEO Anant Yardi. He’ll tell us about the direction of the company and identify key industry trends that everyone in real estate management should be  aware of. Many clients have told us that they look to these remarks from Anant as a valuable guide for their business technology needs, so don’t miss the General Session beginning at 8:30 a.m. It will be followed by breakout overview sessions focusing on specific verticals, so you can learn about the hottest new Yardi deliverables for your industry. After that, we’re off to the races with over 200 courses that will be held through Friday midday. You should already be signed up for your selected classes prior to arrival, but if you need any assistance, simply visit the registration desk, where you can get all of your questions answered. In the midst of...

Yardi Voyager 7S

The industry leader in property management software has released a new version of its flagship product that is browser and device agnostic, generating great excitement from clients and prospects industry-wide. Yardi Voyager 7S is here. There are multiple reasons clients are thrilled about the latest version of Voyager. Leasing professionals, property managers and executives can now use their property management software without access to Windows or even a PC. “You can run Voyager 7S on your iPad, you can run it on your Android tablet, you can run it on a MacBook, you can use Safari, and you can use Google Chrome. We’ve opened up the floodgates for all of our clients to be able to use any browser or OS they want,” said Ami Kearns, Product Manager, Voyager 7S. In addition to the exciting new cross-browser and mobile capability, the upgrade process to Voyager 7S is fast, seamless and easy. “Our clients have been shocked at how quickly the upgrade to Voyager 7S can be accomplished,” said Becky Sanvictores, Vice President, Client Services.  “End user training is recommended on the enhanced and modern UI, but the methodology for using Voyager 7S is still the same.” Enhancing the experience are newly designed and highly intuitive transaction screens. Product highlights for the new release, which is now available, include: Mobility. With the device and browser agnostic Voyager 7S, any user will be able to access the software from anywhere. A regional executive could review month-end reports on an iPad at the airport. A leasing agent could summarize current rental pricing and availability for a prospect on an Android tablet at a coffee shop. The possibilities are endless. Streamlined upgrade process. Requiring a simple schema update and end-user training, clients can be live within a week...

Learn and Win Oct07

Learn and Win

The focus of YASC has always been learning: learning about the software, learning from your instructors, and learning from fellow Yardi clients. This year, we’re adding an exciting new subject to the learning line-up: social media. Yardi’s top-notch social media and web marketing specialists have put together a special Social Learning Lounge to help you gain a better understanding of everything social, from platforms to best practices. And how do you celebrate so many successful years of learning at YASC ? With an online contest of course! This week, from October 7 – 11 we’re offering you 3 chances to win each day. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn in order to participate. (Better yet, improve your chances of winning by following us on all three channels – multiple entries are not restricted.) When you see a “TRIVIA” post be the first to comment or reply with the correct answer and win! It’s that simple. Each channel will have a different question and all of the questions will be about informational content that is available online – in other words, you don’t need to be at YASC to play along or win a great prize! Following each question you’ll see a Level 1 – 5. This indicates the level of prize available for that question. Harder questions (Level 5) equal more valuable prizes. Prizes include: Level 5: Eton BoostBloc 6600 & 3-Way USB Charger (Valued at $104.98 each) Level 4: WEMO Home Automation Switch and Motion Sensor Bundle by Belkin (Valued at 79.99 each) Level 3: Yardi Travel Pack (Valued at $57.07 each) Level 2: 6 Camkix Universal 3 in 1 Camera Lens Kit for Smartphones (Valued at $29.98 each) Level 1:  Yardi Fun Pack (Valued at $18.28 each) If you’re joining us in Anaheim – and we hope to see you there – you’ll find that this year, along with the addition of the Social Learning Lounge, our course offerings on the marketing track have grown substantially. In 12 compelling sessions led by Yardi experts and enhanced by client testimonials,you can learn about lead management, content marketing, and even  dive into the evolving world of web analytics. Take one or two or all 12 – you’re sure to come back to work excited and energized about what the social stratosphere can do for your company’s marketing, reputation and visibility. Follow and share in all the action online this week using #YASCLA and #SmartMktg – and remember, all you have to do to play and win is comment or reply to the posted question! Official rules....

Yardi Atlanta’s New Green Home Sep27

Yardi Atlanta’s New Green Home

Mansell Overlook, the new location for Yardi’s Atlanta offices, received LEED Gold for Existing Buildings Operations and Maintenance. The Yardi teams have been in their new green home for two months now, adjusting to the office space, getting to know new coworkers, and generally letting the dust settle. Mansell Overlook was built in 1996, before the modern green movement really took off in the southeast’s commercial sector. When owners considered a green renovation over a decade later, they faced challenges common to retrofits. With tireless dedication, the team exceeded expectations. “We earned LEED Gold when others said we could only get Silver for that LEED budget and schedule,” reports Amanda Madrid, LEED Green Associate and General Manager at Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. In addition to the complex’s Gold certification, the project team included programs for green landscaping, integrated pest management, green cleaning, green TI’s and cooling tower chemical management. Miraculously, the project was completed under budget. Building 500, which holds Yardi’s offices, received an 95/100 Energy Star Score. The site saves 32 percent in water expenses thanks to high-efficiency restroom fixtures. The site also avoids the waste of products used within the office.  65 percent of ongoing consumables (plastic, paper, glass, etc.) are diverted from landfills through the site’s single-stream recycling. 100 percent of office waste, such as furniture and electronics, can also be diverted. Yardi employees reap the benefits of low mercury lighting and improved indoor air quality. Onsite walking trails and gardens provide a beautiful place to relax and unwind during breaks. After hours, Yardi staff can head down to the gym for an invigorating workout before heading home. “We really tried to make the workplace comfortable and enjoyable for our tenants,” says Madrid. The green features did not require Yardi to skimp on space. The additional square footage provides Yardi team members with “breakout rooms,” small meeting areas that are great for impromptu meetings. For larger gatherings, team members drew upon local sports teams to identify their conference rooms. The Falcons, Braves, and Hawks all have designated conference rooms. The largest meetings are held in The Dome, the namesake of Atlanta’s professional football stadium. The new space will also accommodate our growing family. As Yardi’s HOUSINGCafe product takes off, the new support staff will likely join their peers at Mansell Overlook. Employees may take advantage of access to public transit, which is a huge deal in Atlanta where the average commute exceeds an hour each day. Public transit shortens commute times, not to mention that the time could be spent reading, FaceTiming with friends, or anything other than staring at the bumper in front of you. Those who opt to use personal vehicles can take advantage of the property’s six electric vehicle charging stations. Mansell Overlook aims to improve the tenant experience for years to come. “Vendors and tenants participated in the initial certification,” says Madrid. “We will continue to follow best green practices with education and support from property management as well as through tenant satisfaction surveys.” Word on the Street Learn Yardi employees’ favorite features of the new building: “I like the people. It’s a really good group. The security guard is always so friendly and helpful. The facility is beautiful and really well done. The grounds are rather park-like here. It’s not just an office building that you pull up to. There is availability to do a lot of things, like the trails and our public spaces.” —Atlanta Office Administrative Assistant “I like the upgraded office space, the layout of the floor plan, and the combination of our two locations.”– Chastity Cook, HR Generalist/Operator Coordinator “Yardi is a great place to work and this is a great environment. I’ve done the walking trails a few times. I’ve been to the fitness center but I haven’t joined yet! Overall it’s just a nice atmosphere.” —Karen Francis, Utility Auditor My favorite features? Yardi uses...

Tips from the Teachers Sep23

Tips from the Teachers...

If you are joining us for our upcoming Yardi Advanced Solutions Conference in Anaheim, Calif., from Oct. 9-11, you can look forward to an experience that will be packed with value. From the course sessions, which are tailored to your corporate needs, to the chance to troubleshoot Yardi issues one-on-one in the computer lab, to networking and learning from your peers, there’s something for everyone at our bi-annual conference. Held for the first time this year in Anaheim, our entire conference team looks forward to meeting you and engaging productively to help you better use our software and systems. At the conclusion of each conference (events are held annually on the East Coast in the spring and on the West Coast in the fall), attendees are asked to review the speakers and teachers who led their classes. Thanks to their invaluable feedback, we were able to seek out some of the top Yardi experts who you may encounter at YASC. Thanks to their insight and contributions, we’re able to share a quick primer on some of the recommendations they have for you during your time at YASC, and we hope you’ll have a chance to check out their classes!   Dwayne Jordan Class everyone should take: “Tenant Ledgers is probably a good one. Everyone is going to have tenant ledgers, regardless of the market they are in. That’s a good class to help them troubleshoot some of those basic issues that everybody has.” What he’s teaching in October: Advanced recoveries, advanced lease administration, reporting and other features, retail calculations and reporting. (Commercial.) Why he’s a strong teacher: “I interact with clients as much as I can, stay upbeat and keep them on a good pace so they can ask questions and don’t feel uncomfortable...

Pierce-Eislen Acquired Jul03

Pierce-Eislen Acquired...

Yardi has acquired Pierce-Eislen, a real estate research and reporting firm focusing on the multi-family industry. The merger announcement was made July 3. Based in Scottsdale, Ariz., Pierce-Eislen is an online, subscription-based technology company providing up-to-the-minute data to the commercial multifamily housing industry. “This union will help us bring the industry’s most complete and fully bundled information source to a national audience,” said Pierce-Eislen founder Ronald Brock Sr. Read the rest of the press release announcing the acquisition at...

Digie Awards

Realcomm recently announced the winners of the 2013 Commercial Real Estate Digital Innovation Awards (AKA the “Digies”), including an award for Best Real Estate Technology Innovation, which was won by Yardi’s Commercial Leasing Pad. Additionally, numerous Yardi clients using the company’s products to automate and improve their companies’ digital efficiency were honored. This year, one of the main Digie categories was Best Use of Automation, described by Realcomm as “for companies that have significantly automated traditional business processes or impacted their industry segments.” Yardi Commercial Leasing Pad is a trendsetter when it comes to use of mobile solutions for the property management industry. Realcomm singled out the application as an “intuitive mobile tool for managing the lead to lease process,” noting that it “takes advantage of full integration with Orion and the Voyager platform.” Leasing professionals are able to use Commercial Leasing Pad to aid them in the leasing process anywhere, whether touring a building with a prospect or meeting with them over lunch down the street. Real-time data is provided from Yardi Voyager, meaning agents are never without the information they need to answer a question or make a sale. The entire leasing workflow is accessible and the product is intuitive and easy to use. Simply sign in with your Voyager login and get started. This is Yardi’s fifth Digie in eight years, following citations in 2005, 2008, 2009 and 2012. In addition to Leasing Pad’s Digie Award, numerous other Yardi clients, and one consultant were recognized by Realcomm for their automation efforts, digital impact and intelligent building development. Among the projects honored for Best Use of Automation, Commercial Real Estate was Prologis’ consolidation of its entire portfolio of 4,000 properties into single technology platform, using Yardi. The effort was deemed “a real...

NAA Recap Jun26

NAA Recap

Connect, innovate, and inspire were the themes behind the 2013 National Apartment Association Education Conference, and these attributes were obvious throughout the event. Marquee moments included Sir Richard Branson’s discussion of his business philosophies and Bert Jacobs’ reminder that optimism is powerful in the face of challenges. There were hundreds more small “ah ha!” moments just like them happening throughout this exciting event in San Diego. It all started with connecting.  Whether those connections are made through conversation, training, or via the Internet, and whether you are connecting with residents, with staff, or with yourself, they all intersect. The point of intersection often results in great personal growth.  Branson shared that people are the overwhelming reason he and his global businesses (which now reach even beyond the earth with Virgin Galactic) are successful. “Always look for the best in people. Treat them well,” he told his keynote address audience, where a packed house listened with rapt attention. There was no denying that the Thursday night block party in San Diego’s famed Gaslamp Quarter was all about connecting!  With a mouthwatering buffet of food and drink choices, a band rocking everything from ABBA to Usher, and 6,000 people crammed into four square blocks, there was a whole lot of connecting going on. For a first time attendee like me, this took networking to a whole new level. The conversations flowed naturally from the food and wine to what you do, what you’ve learned, and how much you enjoyed all the sessions that day. Inspiration shined brightly on Friday morning as Erik Wahl reminded us that when we were children, we all ambitiously acknowledged our ability to draw, even if today only a handful of us are willing to say the same. As adults, fear often...

Skyreaching Heights Jun04

Skyreaching Heights

Here’s a trivia question for you: Without cheating and looking at your smartphone, can you name the top ten tallest buildings in the world? And for bonus points: do you know that one of the planet’s highest skyscrapers has a Yardi connection? Until not too long ago, the world’s tallest skyscraper, was the Petronas Towers in Malaysia. For six years, between 1998 and 2004, Petronas’ sky-scraping spires were the highest on record. Since then, a number of buildings have surpassed it. Here’s the top ten list of tallest buildings as recorded by Wikipedia: 1 Burj Khalifa Dubai  UAE 828 m 2,717 ft 2010 2 Makkah Royal Clock Tower Hotel Mecca  Saudi Arabia 601 m 1,971 ft 2012 3 One World Trade Center New York City  USA 541 m 1,776 ft 2013 4 Taipei 101 Taipei  Taiwan 509 m 1,670 ft 2004 5 Shanghai World Financial Center Shanghai  China 492 m 1,614 ft 2008 6 International Commerce Centre Hong Kong  Hong Kong 484 m 1,588 ft 2010 7 Petronas Tower 1 Kuala Lumpur  Malaysia 452 m 1,483 ft 1998 7 Petronas Tower 2 Kuala Lumpur  Malaysia 452 m 1,483 ft 1998 9 Zifeng Tower Nanjing  China 450 m 1,476 ft 2010 10 Willis Tower (Formerly Sears Tower) Chicago  USA 442 m 1,450 ft 1973   Its one-time status as the tallest is one of many interesting facts about the Petronas Towers. Here are a few more from PBS.org: The Petronas Towers are constructed of 36,910 tons of steel Even if you have never visited Malaysia, you may have seen the towers featured in the film Entrapment, which came out in 1999, just one year after construction was completed A high-speed elevator takes you from the basement to the top of either tower – 88 stories – in just 90 seconds A full round of window washing of the 16,000 windows on each tower...

YASC DC 2013 Recap May23

YASC DC 2013 Recap

As YASC DC 2013 draws to a close, clients depart with a greater understanding of what Yardi has to offer and much more. Longstanding clients connected with newcomers, providing mentorship opportunities and an unofficial forum for best practices. Clients connected with their Yardi contacts, building friendships and broadening lines of communication.   Perhaps most importantly, though, clients from across the globe were able to give their feedback to Yardi developers, paving the way for products that are a reflection of clients’ needs. As one client participant told us during the conference: “I can’t reiterate how good it was to know that Yardi was listening to our suggestions and making changes to improve products. Does it get any better than making a good product better?” Yardi’s desire to listen and respond promotes better product development, but it also serves a greater purpose. Company receptivity builds client confidence. In turn, that confidence can result in the investments needed to trigger multiple facets of international business growth. This year’s conference experienced a 30 percent increase in attendance from 2012. It’s a glowing sign that businesses are gearing up for positive change and more efficient practices. As the economy recovers, multiple industries are seeing a surge in business, the long-awaited catalyst needed to propel growth. YASC has helped Yardi’s clients prepare for that wave of change and the success that follows in its wake. Across all of our diverse product lines, Yardi software prepares clients to press forward with the confidence that they need to ensure wise investments, adequate planning, and effortless organization across all levels. The fully integrated and highly configurable products take an individualized approach to business growth. This year, managing that growth has become easier than ever. Embracing the mobile age, clients are furnished with the...

YASC DC Day Two May22


Changes and updates are on the horizon for many Yardi verticals. Many of today’s sessions prepared attendees for software updates and industry changes that will affect the way that they do business. Voyager 6 to 7S: A small step forward with many benefits With excitement brewing about the recent release of Yardi Voyager 7S, many YASC attendees were interested in learning the differences between Voyager 7S and its predecessor, Voyager 6. While it will not be a jolting conversion for most clients, there were several key changes that make the user experience more efficient and pleasurable. Project Manager Ami Kerns walked class participants through the highlights. -Users now have a new menu search bar, Favorites and History at their fingertips -Designated users can search the back end of the database, making most objects and columns searchable. -Search results now appear on a tidy pop-up window that doesn’t interfere with information and menus displayed on the page initially views. Users may now navigate through multiple screens at the same time without access to Ctrl+N—which is excellent for on tablets and devices without Control features -Voyager 6 has been rewritten using .NET, creating convenient tabs  and links for features that users utilize most -Designated users may gain access to posted batches and edit their details -PayScan 12.1 is compatible with 7S display type securities -7S allows users to enter multiple tax values for one object, then have those tax values auto-populate according to the specific GL account, expense account, or the payable account -Users can customize how payments are divided -Prepayments can be made on a non-zero receipt and multiple pre-pays can be issued on a single receipt batch -Periodic invoicing available with customizable fields Getting Revved-up for HUD Updates “Does everyone have all of the...

YASC DC 2013 May21

YASC DC 2013

Today marks the kickoff of Yardi’s semiannual Advanced Solutions Conference (YASC) in Washington, D.C. Over 1,200 clients have gathered at the Washington Hilton for three days of intensive classes and labs facilitated by Yardi’s software experts. This morning, founder and president Anant Yardi issued the welcoming address. After more than 30 years in business, Mr. Yardi acknowledged that there are a few things that have not and will not change: Yardi’s focus on customer satisfaction, innovation, integrity, respect, open communication and an atmosphere of camaraderie remain at the heart of company operations. With those strong values as a foundation, Yardi approaches the coming years with a series of new products and mobile advancements. A few highlights include: HOUSINGCafé, a new tool for the affordable housing community that assists clients and housing professionals from start to finish. The software serves as an affordable real estate ILS, connecting potential tenants to available listings with ease. Housing providers can advertise properties and then direct interested parties to apply online. Housing providers also gain access to a customizable system that configures to the unique needs of various levels of compliance. For tenants, the software serves as a step-by-step guide for submitting housing applications and supporting documentation online. As a result of HOUSINGCafé, both clients and housing providers receive the gift of time: fewer meetings, fewer trips to the bank and post office, and much more.  Concord, which collaborated with Yardi on the software’s development, recorded a 50% drop in the time required to complete an income certification. Mobile technology innovation continues to be a major focus for the company. Tablet usage in corporate America is expected to grow 48% in coming years. To meet the demand, Yardi is introducing a line of products that is compatible with tablets and other mobile devices. Voyager, Yardi’s premiere web-based enterprise management system, has gone mobile. Voyager 7S brings the fully integrated real estate software to the complete spectrum of mobile devices worldwide. Clients can operate Voyager 7S on any mobile device with any browser, anywhere. Mobile access to Yardi Leasing Pad and Yardi PopCard via Voyager will continue as well, giving leasing professionals full access to property and tenant information on the go. Maintenance technicians will soon have access to the Mobile Maintenance Manager, an expanded mobile solution for accessing, scheduling and logging maintenance requests. This new tool helps property managers fill tenants needs more efficiently, facilitating a property that is responsive and proactive. Additional new product improvements include updates to RentCafé and Yardi Orion for SharePoint. RENTCafé, Yardi’s web-based leasing marketing solution, has enhanced its offerings to include reputation management capabilities in addition to social media management. Facebook pages can now include lists of property amenities and floor plans in addition to ILS syndication tools, and tenant portals for online rent payments and service request. As the go-to source for business intelligence and collaboration, Yardi Orion for SharePoint now furnishes users with enhanced reporting tools that make accessing, sharing, and reporting management data easier than ever. These product developments come in response to the dynamic housing industry and feedback from Yardi clients across the globe. Yardi strives to create products that meet the changing needs of clients. Mr. Yardi quoted Thomas Edison: “Anything that won’t sell, I don’t want to invent,” noting the innovative technology must be useful to be successful. By equipping clients with practical, helpful resources, Yardi positions clients with the tools needed to be industry leaders, offering software products that promote objective assessment for effective decision marking and goal setting. Additionally, the products allow company leadership and stakeholders to share information, creating a united vision for the future. Moving forward, Yardi has committed to staying abreast of the latest technology trends while paving the way for the future with insightful innovations. Our team in Washington looks forward to sharing more details about those innovations with you today and over the next two...

L&B Realty Advisors May20

L&B Realty Advisors...

L&B Realty Advisors has been named one of Dallas Morning News’ Top 100 Places to Work for the second consecutive year. The company received accolades for its stellar work environment and nurturing relationship with clients. The success of Yardi client L&B starts from within. The company’s culture statement reads, “There is a FORCE that drives L&B. It is the connection of our people, their careers and our clients.” That FORCE—flexible, ownership, relevance, connected, empowered—unites teammates to create an atmosphere that is professional, innovative, effective and fun; the FORCE reference naturally led employees to select Yoda as their mascot. Those who uphold the FORCE host a miniature version of the Star Wars sage on their desk for a few weeks. It’s a simple way to keep the FORCE alive among employees each day. Employees’ balanced approach to business and interpersonal skills has served them well thus far. Since 1965, L&B Realty Advisors has provided real estate and asset management services to institutional and private investors. Services assist clients with the acquisition, management, and disposition of assets as well as pension plans, public and private wealth funds, endowments, and foundations for investors. L&B prides itself on longstanding client relationships, many of which average 17 years with returns that exceed benchmark forecasts. Currently, the company manages more than $5.4 billion on behalf of its clients. One successful project, a series of new developments at Tyson Corner Center in Washington, D.C., is an L&B real estate holding with a promising future. The project consists of mixed-use facilities that furnish the neighborhood with over three million square feet of combined hotel, retail and residential space. The site has been propelled into the spotlight by the adjacent mall, which holds anchor tenants such as Nordstrom, Lord & Taylor, Macy’s, L.L....

Managing a Menagerie May13

Managing a Menagerie

New York City’s Central Park is a place where millions of memories have been made. The iconic mid-city oasis has captured the hearts and imaginations of New Yorkers and visitors from around the world. Whether rowing a boat across The Lake, observing Gus the polar bear at the Zoo, or enjoying a burger at the Ballplayers’ House, the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation creates a visitor experience that is one of a kind. For the most visited park in the United States, just one part of the recreational portfolio of the NYC Parks Department, the property management and accounting side of its daily operations are of utmost importance. Continuing an 18-year business relationship with Yardi, the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation is now using Yardi Voyager for Government as its technology solution for these important records. “We concluded that Voyager is the platform with the versatility to manage the incredible number and variety of assets under our jurisdiction,” said David Cerron, chief accountant of Parks & Recreation’s revenue division. That variety is overwhelming and impressive. Here’s a look at the scope and size of the NYC Department of Parks and Rec and its offerings for visitors. -The department is responsible for 29,000 acres of land within its jurisdiction, which is 14 percent of the total acreage of New York City. That includes 14 miles of beaches. -Those acres are subdivided into 5,000 properties that include parks, recreation centers, community gardens, dog parks, swimming pools and more. -There are 800 athletic fields, 1,000 playgrounds, 550 tennis courts, 66 public pools, 48 rec centers, 17 nature centers, and 13 golf courses under the department’s oversight. There are also myriad fitness paths, boat launches, dog runs and skate parks. -The city’s history is...

YASC DC 2013 May08

YASC DC 2013

Yardi Systems offers multi-day intensive training courses for its clients who use Yardi products to do business every day. Known as the Yardi Advanced Solutions Conference – YASC – this year the gatherings take place in Anaheim, Calif. in the fall and Washington, D.C. in the spring. On May 21, YASC D.C. 2013 kicks off at the Washington Hilton with a welcoming address from Yardi founder and president Anant Yardi. Over 1200 attendees – a conference attendance record – will then  head  into two days of intensive classes that will focus on specific aspects of using Yardi software. The goal is to help our valued clients do their jobs smarter and more efficiently. YASC attendees include day-to-day users of Yardi systems,  corporate management, property owners and institutional investors. Course selections are based on requests from clients and feedback from past events. Click the links below for details on the dynamic Yardi products that will be demonstrated in Washington: Yardi Orion™ for SharePoint® (Multifamily, Commercial, and Investment Management) RentCafe™ (Multifamily) Yardi Leasing Pad™ (Multifamily and Commercial) Mobile Solutions (Multifamily and Commercial) Yardi Commercial CRM™ (Commercial) Yardi Advanced Budgeting & Forecasting™ (Commercial and Investment Management) Yardi Investor CRM™ (Investment Management) According to Bryant Shoemaker, who has been going to YASCs since the conferences began: “People come to YASC to learn how other people use the software, how to use it more efficiently, and to get tips from Yardi staff.  Maybe they have some parts of the software they would like to run smoother so they can get ideas on how to do that. Maybe they’re implementing a new version or module and want to hit the ground running,  The conference provides an opportunity to focus on increasing productivity without the distractions of everyday  office duties.  Networking...

Deloitte Digest Apr19

Deloitte Digest

Richard Gerritsen, European regional sales director of Yardi, was recently featured in an article from Deloitte that focused the rise of the alternative fund industry and the transformation of business operating models. Read the full article by Jovy Therese Otgalon, Senior Manager, Advisory and Consulting, on Embracing Technology. Key to an operational model redesign is technology, and private equity and real estate companies, accustomed to limited automation, manual reporting and processing, are widely outsourcing functions to reliable third-party service providers, Otgalon writes. Gerritsen commented that sweeping regulations have driven industry players to refocus attention on internal controls and processes, automation and systems evaluation and how to quickly adapt to meet compliance and transparency requirements. “Five or six years ago, it was normal to report almost everything in Excel,” he said, “Now, investors require and expect more detailed and automatically generated information, pushing firms to find an appropriate technology platform that would complement their business strategies.” Larger service firms are perceived as essential business partners, supporting investment firms as they cope with changing industry requirements and offering competitive fee structures. Transforming business operating models is vitally important for firms to remain competitive and thrive. “What may happen, in the future, is the consolidation of niche and smaller-sized fund administration, transfer agency, tax and reporting service providers in order to achieve the size, capital and scale that would enable them to compete with their larger and more established competitors,” Gerritsen noted. This article was first published in Performance Magazine – issue 10:  http://bit.ly/15dMhtr Performance is a triannual digest, dedicated to investment management professionals, which brings you the latest articles, news and market developments from Deloitte’s professionals and...

Energy Efficiency Summit Apr04

Energy Efficiency Summit...

Yardi is proud to be a silver sponsor of the 2013 UC Santa Barbara Summit on Energy Efficiency, where U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu will be among the featured speakers. The event will take place May 1-2 at Fess Parker’s Doubletree Resort on the Santa Barbara Waterfront. The emphasis of this year’s summit, the fourth annual event, is “Materials for a Sustainable Energy Future.” Session foci will include: Materials for Energy Technologies: What are the key issues around extracting, processing and using the materials needed for our increasing global energy demands? Innovations in Solid-State Lighting: The latest developments in this growing field. Energy Efficient Information and Communications Technologies: The future of scalability and energy efficiency for next generation ICT core networks. Electrochemical Energy Storage Technologies: What are the latest technologies and materials that will enable more efficient, economical and reliable energy storage? Utilities Discussion: The need for, and implementation of, new technologies for energy efficiency. High Efficiency Power Electronics: Using materials to minimize energy loss and make power electronics more efficient on all levels. Keynote speakers scheduled to appear at the summit include: Dr. Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy, U.S. Department of Energy. Co-winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1997, Dr. Chu is a former Director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and a distinguished professor of physics, molecular, and cellular biology. Michael McQuade, CTO and Senior VP for Science & Technology, United Technologies Corporation, who provides strategic oversight and guidance for research, engineering and development activities at UTC. George Crabtree, Director, Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR), Argonne National Laboratory. Also a Senior Scientist and Distinguished Fellow at Argonne, he has won numerous awards for his research, including the Kammerlingh Onnes Prize for his work on the physics of...

Sniper Capital Mar22

Sniper Capital

Sniper Capital, an investment, development and fund management firm with a focus on assets in Macau and Southern China, has joined the Yardi client roster. Founded in 2004, Sniper Capital manages assets of over $500 million within three specialized funds: The Macau Property Opportunities Fund, Macau Leisure Income Fund, and Macau Sniper Fund. In the last nine years, the company has broadened its geographic reach port beyond Macau’s city limits to include the Western Pearl River Region of Southern China. Development projects include luxury multifamily apartments, retail, warehousing, and entertainment properties, with a focus on undervalued assets in emerging locations. The company will use Yardi Voyager to manage their diverse assets and investments. To learn more about Sniper Capital, visit their website.  Read more about Sniper Capital’s use of Yardi products at...

Sydney Data Center Mar19

Sydney Data Center

Yardi today announced the opening of a new data center in Sydney as the company continues to see rapid adoption of the Yardi Voyager™ platform in Australia and New Zealand. Yardi has a network of data centers across North America, Canada, Europe, Asia Pacific and Australia that form the Yardi Cloud. “We are excited about the expansion of our infrastructure in Australia while increasing the value-added services that we can provide clients.” comments Neal Gemassmer, Vice President of Asia Pacific & Middle East at Yardi. “Yardi Systems continues in our efforts to invest in the region while being committed to supporting the strong demand for our products and services. This is bolstered by strengthening our drive to develop greater value-add services for our client base across the region with investments like our new Sydney data centre.” For the full details of this news, visit...

Maintenance Training Dec11

Maintenance Training

Maintenance technician positions have some of the highest turnover rates in the apartment industry. Augmenting the demand, there’s no established pipeline of trained, qualified candidates to step into apartment maintenance careers. These realities are motivators behind an exciting new grant-funded effort from the National Apartment Association’s Education Institute (NAAEI), which has established a pilot program to train maintenance technicians and English language learners at Montgomery College Rockville Campus in Montgomery County, Maryland. The first round of 19 students have just completed their training, which involves 90 hours of coursework from the NAAEI certificate program Certificate for Apartment Maintenance Technicians (CAMT) and completion of the EPA CFC Certification, over six weeks, but also included instruction of technical skills with applied English lessons for limited language speakers. The language training is part of a program called I-BEST – Integrated Basic English Skills Training. Developed in partnership with the Annie E. Casey Foundation, I-BEST allows low-literate and low-skilled adults to earn college credits and credentials through Adult Basic Education, GED, and English as Second Language courses and career skills instruction. Preparation for the hiring and interview process, resume writing and speaking skills were also emphasized in the NAAEI apartment maintenance course.  A job fair with recruiters from the Washington D.C.-area apartment industry and a graduation ceremony marked completion of the six-week program. “In the Washington D.C. area, we just can’t train enough maintenance technicians,” noted Maureen Lambe, NAAEI Executive Vice President. Students were pre-screened for eligibility to work in the U.S., ability to pass a drug test and criminal background check and if they hold a valid driver’s license and have access to a vehicle. After completing the coursework, they are ready to step immediately into entry-level maintenance tech jobs or take internships with apartment communities to prove...

YASC SB 2012 Oct17

YASC SB 2012

The Yardi Advanced Solutions Conference (YASC), Santa Barbara edition, got off to a great start on October 17,  2012. The sold-out conference is attended by Yardi clients and consultants from around the globe,  from company executives to on-site property management staff. You can also find us over on the new YASCInfo site, along with Tweets and photos from the day. Bookmark it now! As we kick off our coverage, let’s set the scene. Yardi staff and guests are gathered at the Fess Parker Doubletree Resort on the beautiful Santa Barbara waterfront for today’s General Session. Affordable Housing, PHA, Senior Housing and Condo/Co-op/HOA courses are taking place at the Hyatt Santa Barbara just a short walk away. The Doubletree will also be the location for the evening events (networking reception tonight, gala reception and dinner tomorrow), and you can find Yardi sales professionals and expert technical staff ready to assist you at any time in the sales booth area or the Internet lab, located in the Reagan Room. Attendees are here to learn how to best use our Yardi product offerings, get one-on-one technical assistance, learn what new and exciting updates and products are coming in the next year, network with industry colleagues and more.. Spending time with our clients, learning from and sharing knowledge with you is part of our core value set at Yardi Systems. 8:30 a.m. – Good morning! So thrilled to be here with everyone. It’s an absolutely beautiful day here in Santa Barbara. Apparently someone at Yardi ordered up the perfect week of weather for this year’s YASC. Well done! Today’s conference began with the General Session address from Yardi CEO and founder Anant Yardi and vertical updates from Bryant Shoemaker, Rob Teel, John Pendergast, Dan Campbell, and Mark Livanec....

YASC Top 10 List Oct16

YASC Top 10 List

Whether you are a first time Yardi Advanced Solutions Conference (YASC) attendee or have been to the event many times over, there’s much to learn and gain from the next few days.  You’re surely arriving in Santa Barbara with your own business and training needs in mind, and Yardi’s foremost priority over the next few days is to send you home more knowledgeable then you were when you arrived. (We want you to have a good time, too.) But after you’ve gotten your questions answered, there’s still so much more to learn. Here are our best bets for the time you’ll spend with us at the Fess Parker Doubletree Resort. Find the full schedule of conference events here. Have a specific question about what classes you should take? Just ask at the registration desk. No. 1: Company overview and update: general session with Anant Yardi (Wednesday morning). The Yardi Systems Founder and CEO delivers a comprehensive outlook on the real estate software industry, what’s trending right now, and Yardi’s responsive product offerings. Every seat in the room will be filled for this insight. No. 2: Leasing Pad demo: You won’t want to miss this look at the new, now fully available Leasing Pad, which YASC attendees in Washington D.C. got a sneak peek at earlier this year. Users will be able to access Voyager functionality for guest cards and availability through Leasing Pad, giving you pertinent data at your fingertips while working with prospects anytime, anywhere. Yardi PopCard is also integrated, allowing for easy lead tracking. Leasing Pad and Yardi’s other exciting mobile offerings will be front and center at the conference this week, so stay tuned for more mobile news and insight over the next several days. No. 3: Orion for Sharepoint: This all-encompassing...

Yardi Acquires LTS Apr04

Yardi Acquires LTS

Yardi has acquired Lead Tracking Solutions (LTS), a Costa Mesa company that developed an innovative lead tracking and lead management software solution.  Read the full press release. LTS’ PopCard™ is a Follow-the-Lead solution designed for any industry, according to the company’s website. It uses advertising to attract customers and increase foot traffic, and bridge gaps in lead management, marketing campaigns, employee performance, customer care, and service requests. “With its prospect and customer relationship management capabilities, the PopCard represents our latest addition to our end-to-end multifamily platform,” said Terri Dowen, senior vice president of sales for Yardi. “Automating prospect management with the PopCard will further help our clients increase efficiency and marketing productivity.” Yardi Voyager™ clients will have the opportunity to use the PopCard’s lead-to-lease solution to track prospects and maximize marketing...

YASC DC 2012 Feb20

YASC DC 2012

Registration for Yardi’s Advanced Solutions Conference, scheduled for May 22-24 in Washington, D.C., is underway. Yardi clients benefit greatly from the classes and training sessions offered at the biannual YASC events, held in the fall in Santa Barbara and in the spring in Washington. May’s lineup of events includes: showcase of new Voyager and Cloud Services offerings,  extensive interaction with Yardi experts, peer roundtables, the CLASSIC user conference, networking opportunities, a hands-on lab where you can try out new SQL skills, exciting speakers and classes and much, much more. The conference venue is the Washington Hilton, 1919 Connecticut Ave. Book a room at the hotel, and submit your YASC registration. We look forward to seeing you in our nation’s capital. By the way, if you are planning to attend the West Coast YASC in 2012, it’s scheduled for Oct. 17-19 in Santa Barbara,...