Shaping Tomorrow’s PHAs

By on Aug 22, 2024 in Technology

The housing crisis isn’t going away overnight, but with the power of innovation and technology, people can get housed faster and smarter. That’s why public housing authorities (PHAs) are stepping up to the challenge. We had the privilege of sitting down with some visionary authorities to discuss their plans, and to say we were inspired is an understatement.

Shaping tomorrow’s PHAs with Innovation and technology

These agencies understand they need to adapt to meet the changing needs of their community. Leaders in the industry are taking the leap towards implementing technology and transforming their operations — even if it means dipping their feet into an area they aren’t familiar with.

By choosing innovation, they’re setting the bar high for public housing authorities — proving that with the right tools and mindset, we can overcome the most daunting challenges. Their commitment to change is paving the way for a brighter future where all families can find safe and affordable housing.

“We’re striving to be innovative in our use of technology and development of affordable housing units. We must think outside the box. It’s critical for housing authorities to reinvent themselves and become community leaders. And Yardi has been critical in helping us take that leap,” says Carol Jones-Gilbert, CEO of Palm Beach Housing Authority.

In this article, you’ll learn how agencies are using innovation to:

  • Prioritize residents in their operations
  • Navigate the challenges of the PHA world
  • Plan and prepare for the future

Putting residents first

It’s no secret that there are many moving parts in getting applicants approved for public housing. From managing waitlists to ensuring compliance, the process can be daunting and time-consuming.

But agencies are moving forward as technology evolves. Paper processes are a thing of the past, and innovation is the new gold standard. With trusted software, agencies are prioritizing the needs and happiness of their residents. After all, assuring residents receive the support they need is paramount to the goals of public housing agencies.

We caught up with Weneshia Brand, deputy director of the Ann Arbor Housing Commission, and discussed her success with Yardi. She explained how they continually strive for excellence in all aspects of their operations and want to set the bar high for other agencies to follow.

She championed the simplicity of handling all their business in one platform, including their maintenance, reporting and financial activity. “With Yardi, we can manage our maintenance requests, financial records and compliance reports all in one place,” she offered. These integrations have saved her team hours while also reducing the risk of errors and increasing overall efficiency.

But what’s most important is that, with innovation on the rise, agencies can focus on what really matters: the residents. Staff members can now dedicate time to more hands-on tasks, such as maintenance requests, property inspections and personalized support programs.

The innovation doesn’t stop here for the Ann Arbor Housing Commission. Brand disclosed her plans to implement Yardi Case Manager. Their interest stems from the desire to be part of the continuum of care. “The case management system will allow us to process our homeless individuals more quickly, ensuring they receive the support they need,” Brand explained. This progressive approach confirms their commitment to leveraging technology to better serve their community and get more people housed.

Keeping up with the ever-changing PHA world

Public housing agencies are doing incredible work to keep up with the evolving PHA space. They’re navigating a complex web of regulations, adapting to shifting policies and managing staff turnover — all while ensuring their residents are receiving the care they deserve.

Let’s be honest, compliance with HUD regulations can cause headaches for many agencies. Navigating the complexities of changing policies at the federal level, staff turnover and compliance work requires dedication and hours of planning.

Among these dedicated agencies is the Palm Beach Housing Authority, which has leaned on Yardi to stay compliant and expand the areas they serve. In fact, their CEO, Carol Jones-Gilbert, shared a bit about their mission:

“There is an affordable housing crisis across the country, and it’s not going to improve anytime soon. How do we creatively attack the problem? We can’t keep doing the same things and expect different results. So, how do we use innovation and technology to address the needs of our communities?”

Carol’s forward-thinking approach motivates us to rethink how we tackle public housing challenges. Her insights are exactly what the world needs to hear. By leveraging technology, PHAs can overcome persistent issues in the public housing sector.

Carol also praised Yardi workflows for her team when it comes to compliance:

“I really like Yardi’s workflows (the intake, annual, interim and soon RFTA). They ensure compliance, ease of training, and keep us out of hot water with HUD. Everything is consistent, all paperwork is signed, and we stay compliant,” says Carol Jones-Gilbert.

Her team is now getting ready to implement the Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA) workflow, which offers tremendous benefits to PHAs. The RFTA workflow helps private landlords get new voucher-holding residents approved without needing to come into the office with paperwork. Online RFTAs streamline the process, making it faster and eliminating the need for landlords to take time out of their day to meet with PHA staff.

With these innovative workflows, agencies like Palm Beach Housing Authority are prioritizing serving families and focusing less on tedious administrative burdens. Their commitment to embracing technology is truly inspiring and an example of how PHAs are adapting to respond to today’s landscape.

Preparing for the future ahead

Public housing authorities must evolve to meet the changing needs of their communities. From resource allocation to funding and risk management, agencies must have a proper plan in place. It’s the only way forward.

Our PHA team recently met with Wilson Kimball, president and CEO of the Municipal Housing Authority of the City of Yonkers (MHACY). And we’re sure her words will inspire other PHAs to follow suit.

What stood out was how MHACY uses Yardi maintenance reports for RAD and federal funding. The maintenance reports generated by Yardi Voyager were critical for addressing the needs of their high-rise buildings, specifically regarding aging infrastructure. They successfully renovated kitchens, bathrooms and common areas — but the reports revealed more pressing issues in their boilers and leaking pipes.

“These reports are not only crucial for our daily operations, but also for long-term strategic planning,” says Kimball. These detailed insights help them pinpoint specific issues and act accordingly. And with this information at their fingertips, they can accurately scope out what work is needed and the necessary documents required to apply for federal grants.

Yardi has proven to help agencies make data-driven decisions and plan for the future. This kind of structure helps allocate resources effectively, receive federal funding and enhance housing conditions for residents.

By using data-driven insights from Voyager, agencies can more effectively serve their residents, improving satisfaction and living conditions. Prioritizing well-maintained homes means tenants feel valued, knowing their needs are being addressed promptly. So, it’s not just about getting people into homes faster, but it’s also about making sure residents feel heard and cared for.

Final thoughts

There’s no doubt that alleviating the housing crisis requires many moving parts, but with reform and technology, agencies can make a significant impact.

Agencies — it’s never too late to re-evaluate your processes. Technology and new software may seem daunting at first, but with time, your staff and residents will adapt. After all, adopting and embracing innovation is the only way to the finish line.

Have you recently implemented software that improved things for you and your staff? We want to hear from you! Your milestones deserve to be celebrated. Let’s drive innovation together and make a difference in our communities.

To find out more about how we can help you innovate, please visit