Affordable Housing Compliance
Compliance and Reporting Tools

Navigate all of the required workflows necessary to produce accurate and timely compliance reports for the full spectrum of federal, state and local funding sources. From initial income qualifications, through annual recertifications, Yardi Affordable Housing solutions streamline compliance efforts with powerful reporting tools with drilldown to underlying data.
HOME Units
- Qualification of HOME households with one or multiple subsidies
- Household qualifying based on total or adjusted income as required
- Fixed and floating HOME units
- Rent limit history
- Automatic enforcement of HOME available unit rule
- State-specific tenant income certifications
- HOME unit mapping
- Automatic maximum rent override when combined with project-based subsidies
Section 515 Rural Development Properties
- Automated RD 3560-8 Tenant Certification Form and RD 3560-29
- Notice of Payment Due Report
- Compatible with USDA chart of accounts
- Basic rent and overage tracking
- MINC interface
- General-ledger driven 3560-7 budget worksheet
- General-ledger driven 3560-10 balance sheet worksheet
- Easy rental assistance assignment
HUD 50059 Units
- Multiple subsidy types and contracts per property
- Gross rent change and automatic updates to later certifications
- Automated utility reimbursement payments
- Centralized TRACS processing of tenant and voucher files
- Automated iMAX interface
- One-step receipt processing of HAP voucher payments
- Printing of required compliance documents including 50059s, vouchers, model leases, 9887s, and more
- Customizable reports, forms, letters, and leases
- Flexible waiting lists
- Complete certification history
- Rent, HAP and utility reimbursements
- Supports debit cards for utility reimbursement payments
Section 42 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Properties
- Separate income and rent restrictions
- Automatic enforcement of the Available Unit Rule and Unit Vacancy Rule
- Set-aside layering at project and building levels
- Project mapping for fixed or floating set-asides
- Flexible recertification scheduling for tenant income certifications
- Separate income and rent restrictions
- Automatic enforcement of the Available Unit Rule and Unit Vacancy Rule
- Set-aside layering at project and building levels
- Project mapping for fixed or floating set-asides
- Flexible recertification scheduling for tenant income certifications