Yardi Inspection Mobile™ for the Android, BlackBerry and Apple platforms is available at the platforms' respective application marketplaces."> Yardi Inspection Mobile™ for the Android, BlackBerry and Apple platforms is available at the platforms' respective application marketplaces."> Yardi Inspection Mobile Released to Android, BlackBerry and Apple Platforms - Yardi

Yardi Inspection Mobile Released to Android, BlackBerry and Apple Platforms


Inspection data accessible from 90% of U.S. smartphones

SANTA BARBARA, CALIF., Nov. 28, 2011 – Yardi announced today that Yardi Inspection Mobile™ for the Android, BlackBerry and Apple platforms is available at the platforms’ respective application marketplaces.

Yardi Inspection Mobile offers inspectors in the field the convenience of entering inspection data into Yardi Voyager from smartphones or tablets. The release on Android, BlackBerry and Apple makes Yardi Inspection Mobile available on platforms that account for approximately 90% of the U.S. smartphone market.

Inspectors can benefit from Yardi Inspection Mobile by:

  • Instantly viewing assigned inspections on their devices
  • Automatically recording inspection results in Yardi Voyager
  • Using Yardi Inspection Mobile in areas without cellular or wireless connections
  • Attaching pictures and voice notes on devices that support camera and voice recording functionality

“Yardi Inspection Mobile allows clients to perform a variety of inspections in the field. That information is immediately available to management for action, reducing turnaround time and paperwork,” said Terri Dowen, senior vice president of sales for Yardi.

For information about Yardi Inspection Mobile on Android, visit

For information about Yardi Inspection Mobile on Apple iOS, visit

For information about Yardi Inspection Mobile on BlackBerry, visit

About Yardi

Yardi Systems has been committed to the design, development and support of real estate investment management and property management software for nearly 30 years. With its Yardi Multifamily Suite™, Yardi Commercial Suite™ and Yardi Investment Suite™, the Yardi Voyager™ system is the most comprehensive single real estate management platform on the market today. Yardi serves clients around the world from offices in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America. More information about Yardi products and services is available at www.yardi.com.

Trade Media Contact: Joel Nelson 805.699-2040, ext. 1255