Elevate Asset Performance on Yardi
Asset IQ
Gain Insight. Manage Performance. Get Results.
Optimize NOI and asset value with portfolio analytics to improve operations, lower costs and mitigate risk.
Part of Yardi Elevate for multifamily.

Take Action
Increase revenue and reduce expenses. Designed
for asset managers and operational executives,
Asset IQ helps you optimize asset value and NOI with comprehensive, real-time visibility into portfolio performance versus your goals and benchmarks.

Reduce Risk
For Seattle-based Pillar Properties, viewing important metrics for the company’s entire portfolio in one place has been key to making profitable decisions quickly and minimizing risk.
Read Pillar’s success story

Market Smarter
Reduce costs by spending the right amount on the right channels at the right time. Combine Asset IQ with RentCafe Marketing IQ to drive higher marketing ROI.
Access the data you need, displayed how you need to see it. Marketing IQ takes the guesswork out of marketing, allowing you to monitor campaigns, analyze results and enhance your strategy. Market your communities with confidence knowing you can see performance, spend, lead attribution and more in one place.

Drive Revenue
Connect revenue management, marketing, expense and revenue budgeting across your business — and benefit from data-driven decision-making to drive higher NOI.

Leverage Big Data & Market Intelligence
Get a holistic comparison of your asset performance versus the market. Expense and revenue metrics will help you pinpoint opportunities to grow revenue and reduce costs.
How do your rents compare to the market? Gain insight into your detailed, ledger-level expenses compared to similar properties in the same market, and identify opportunities where you can reduce costs or drive higher revenue. Asset IQ leverages big data from Yardi Matrix to ensure your decisions are informed by your market and competition, not just your own portfolio data.

Centralize Affordable Housing Metrics
View key performance metrics that consolidate data for your entire affordable housing property portfolio. Track compliance, turnover speed, resident recertification status and more to maximize revenue and minimize risk.
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