Centralize request tracking on Yardi
Case Manager
Strengthen service delivery with an easy-to-use request tracking solution that maximizes communication and streamlines compliance with all applicable regulations
Increase client satisfaction with a ticketing system that can help your team address the needs of applicants, residents, participants, employees and vendors.

Gain Oversight
Use a standalone, innovative solution that centralizes how your team tracks client requests, assigns tasks and keep cases on track for proper closure.

Keep Staff On Task
Discretely share cases data so that everyone is aware of due dates, the next tasks to be completed and specific staff assignments.
Prevent delayed service delivery by assigning tasks to the queues to users from any case within the solution.

Keep Fair Housing Compliant
Don’t let reasonable requests for accommodation fall through the cracks. Use tasks assignments in cases to make sure follow-up tasks are completed and documented.

Leverage Connected Solutions
Yardi Case Manager can import and export certain data with solutions from the Yardi Voyager PHA and Yardi Affordable Housing Suites.
Resident requests such as maintenance and associated work orders can be set up in Case Manager and synced to a household’s record in Yardi Voyager.