Elevate Asset Performance on Yardi
Forecast IQ
Budget Faster. Budget Better.
Get detailed revenue and expense forecasting using your performance data to quickly build more accurate budgets. Eliminate spreadsheets and align teams with a simple tool that improves collaboration and shortens cycle times.
Part of Yardi Elevate for multifamily.

Optimize Budgeting
Create budgets quickly using your historical Voyager unit-level data. Apply assumptions and calculations to meet business goals and build a more accurate budget in less time with property budgeting and forecasting software.
Make time-consuming manual budget workshops a thing of the past. Address both the revenue and expense sides of property budgeting and combine complete revenue budgets with expense budgets for a total property-level budget.

Improve Accuracy
Eliminate error-prone spreadsheets and duplicate data entry. Align teams with a simple-to-use tool that delivers reliable revenue and expense projections.
Forecast IQ automatically applies your assumptions and formulas to the existing rent roll from Voyager and calculates the projected revenue for each month and unit.

Streamline Workflows
Improve oversight with workflow, versioning and communication tools. Facilitate collaboration between teams by viewing independent updates to each asset.
Versioning and check-in and check-out functionality let you control and view independent updates to the budget. Configurable workflows ensure the budget is routed through the proper approval process.

Connect Data
Reduce cycle times with connected budgeting tools for property management that prevent data rekeying and automatically integrate your multifamily portfolio information. Easily make revisions and reforecast to adapt quickly.
Gain transparency using a single source of data to create budgets and revenue forecasts. Forecast IQ gives you automatic access to your Voyager unit and lease-level data to deliver instant predictions for annual revenue and ancillary income. Predictions are based on data-driven market assumptions and a powerful calculation engine.

Predict Revenue
Harness your historical data for an accurate projection of an asset’s future revenue performance including new and renewal growth rates.
Forecast IQ predicts your actual renewals and move-outs by analyzing in-place leases for each unit and applying the appropriate renewal rate and new lease rent growth to project actual rental income on a unit-by-unit basis. Estimated vacancy loss, turn-times and concessions are also factored in.

See Clearly
Get a complete picture of each asset’s budget status for your entire portfolio on one clean and easy-to-use dashboard with KPIs and drilldown.
Drill down to any asset and view all budget versions with every associated detail needed to generate an accurate and informed forecast.

Model Income and Expenses
Use your actual data and configurable calculations to model ancillary income including rentable items and other common residential revenue sources. Leverage out-of-the-box configurable calculations for common property expenses, including unit turns and payroll.
Calculations include rent, application fees, late fees, concessions, loss to lease and more. Historic performance data of rentable items — such as parking spaces and other non-rental income — is automatically pulled into the income model, so you can budget based on your expected use for the upcoming year.